Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 678

This breath is so powerful that it's more powerful than Li Feng's!

At the same time, it seems that heaven and earth are shaking!

This momentum directly shocked all the people present, including Li Feng!

Li Feng's face changed slightly. He stopped his movements and looked in the direction of the voice. His face was a little suspicious.

Maddy, is this the old one with the little one? The inside story of the top ancient martial arts family is indeed unfathomable.

"The third ancestor of the Xiao family has left the pass?" Wang Sun Hong looks suspicious and whispers.

He raised his eyebrows to Tianya and asked in a low voice, "Master Wang, is this the inside story of your four top ancient martial arts families?"

He has long heard that the four top ancient martial arts families all have their ancestors in seclusion, but he doesn't know where these ancestors are. Now it seems that the details of the four families are at least semi God level ancestors!

After all, even the Xiao family has semi divine ancestors, and the higher ranking Wang Sun family can't have none. If Lei and Zheng don't have semi divine ancestors, how can Wang Sun family and Xiao family be willing to be as famous as them?

Originally, Xiang Tianya thought that after 20 years of development, longhun had the strength to compete with the four families. Now it seems that the dragon soul is still too young.

Wang Sun Hong's eyes flashed and said without hesitation: "to the dragon head, you'd better not inquire about the secrets of our four families."

At the beginning of the establishment of the dragon spirit, the four schools knew that the purpose of the dragon soul was to supervise and even control the ancient martial arts world. From this perspective, the two sides were naturally antagonistic.

However, longhun is an official department. If we do not have to, the four schools will never fight against it. Not only will they not fight against it, but they will also send their clansmen to join the dragon spirit, which not only means to make friends with the dragon soul, but also has the intention to gradually control the dragon soul.

With such caution in mind, Wang Sun Hong naturally will not reveal the four cards too much.

To Tianya eyebrow tip a pick, then sprinkle ran smile way: "Wang Sun family master don't misunderstand, I don't mean to inquire about the secrets of your four families, but I'm really curious."

"Haven't Xiang Longtou heard curiosity kill cats?" Wang Sun Hong smiles and then says in a deep voice: "this is not the time to talk about these things. Let's watch the good play on the side first."

After that, Wang Sun Hong murmured to himself, "did the third ancestor of the Xiao family even leave the pass? Did he feel the breath of Li Feng, or was he awakened by other members of the Xiao family?"

Just as Wang Sun Hong murmured to himself, an old man in gray appeared in the mid air of the front yard. Behind him, a towering virtual shadow stood between heaven and earth.

Compared with the shadow behind Li Feng, this shadow is more condensed and solid, and it is also full of golden light!

The old man in gray flashed at the moment he appeared, and the next moment he came to the training ground.

Li Feng could not see the other side's face until he was close. He looked like an old man of 60 or 70 years old. His hair and beard were all white, his facial features were fair, his tiger eyes were not angry, and he was wearing a long grey robe, standing upright. He looked like a man who had lived in a high position for a long time.

The old man came to the training ground and didn't take the first shot at Li Feng, but looked at him suspiciously.

My special How can the enemy look so young and practice the art of rejuvenation?

Xiao Zhen's place of seclusion is deep underground. Only when Xiao's family is in danger can he be awakened from the state of seclusion only when someone presses a specific organ.

So Xiao Zhen didn't get out of the pass until he sensed Li Feng's breath, but was awakened by the Xiaojia people.

As soon as he got out of the pass, he sensed Li Feng's semi divine breath. Later, he heard Xiao Yu's "ancestor save me". Therefore, Xiao Zhen unconsciously regarded Li Feng as a strong man of the old generation.

Never thought that Li Feng looked so young, but also so strange.

When did Huaxia produce a demigod level strongman he didn't know?

"Are you the ancestor of the Xiao family?" Li Feng looked directly into each other's eyes and asked in a deep voice.

"Grandfather, help me, grandfather!" Xiao Yu was overjoyed, as if he had caught a lifesaver.

Lei Yunfeng, Zheng Tao and others also roared with joy: "ancestor Xiao, I am Lei Yunfeng, please help me!"

"Mr. Xiao, I'm Zheng Tao of the Zheng family. Please see that you must save me in front of my ancestors!"

"Don't be impatient." Xiao Zhen took a look at them, then looked at Li Feng and said haughtily, "who are you? Why do you trouble my Xiao family?"

"You have to ask them about it." Li Feng shrugged and looked amused.

This old thing seems to be very powerful, but Li Feng is not afraid of each other, so his speech and behavior are very relaxed.

"Oh?" Xiao Zhenmei pointed a pick, looked at Xiao Yu and others: "who will tell me the story of the matter."

"Tell me, this is what happened..." Xiao Yu told the story in the shortest language.

While Xiao Yu was telling the story, other members of the Xiao family also came here, but they did not dare to get too close, but stood far behind Xiao Zhen.

The battle of the semi gods is not something they can participate in.In the crowd, Xiao Lingya saw Li Feng standing between the proud and upright positions, and her pretty face was full of surprise.

I still remember the first time they met, Li Feng was still in the early stage of transcendence. Now Li Feng is a semi divine strong man, and she is still in the master's realm, which makes Xiao Lingya feel unreal.

Xiao Ye, who has the same idea as Xiao Lingya, had a fight with Li Feng just over a month ago. At that time, Li Feng and he were in Bozhong, but now Li Feng has crossed two realms and entered the semi divine realm. Li Feng is going to hang up?!

After listening to Xiao Yu's story, Xiao Zhen's face changed several times, and finally he vomited out a turbid airway: "so it is! Li Feng, we are both responsible for this matter. "

"But as the old saying goes, if you don't fight, you don't know each other. Since you've killed Xiao Jin and Xiao an, you'll be even with our Xiao family."

"As long as you release Xiao Yu and them, we will expose this matter. How about it?"

Xiao Yu was in a great hurry, but then he thought that his life and death were still under the control of Li Feng, so he could only bite his teeth.

Lei Yunfeng, Zheng Tao and others were overjoyed. It would be better if it could end peacefully, and their lives would be the most important thing!

Wang Sun Hong, Xiang Tianya and others changed their faces slightly, and then took a thoughtful look at Xiao Zhen.

Li Feng's eyes flashed and he said with a smile, "what if I don't let them go?"

"No way?" Xiao Zhenmei pointed and then said in a cold voice, "then I will kill you! You should also see that my realm should be above you. You are definitely not my opponent in fighting! "

The voice fell to the ground, and the breath on Xiao Zhen's body turned to open, as if he wanted to kill Li Feng at any time.

"Oh, well." Li Feng nodded nonchalantly and then asked, "what did you say at the beginning?"

Xiao Zhen is a Leng at first, subconsciously way: "a little calm do not be impatient?"

Li Feng shook his head: "no, no, no, one more."

Xiao Zhen eyebrow tiny frown: "upright son dare you?"

"Dare!" Li Feng spits out a word, and then two hands a pinch!

"Bang" "bang" "bang" "bang"

A series of explosion sounds, Xiao Yu, Lei Yunfeng, Zheng Tao and others are all pinched by Li Feng!


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