Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 672

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You have completed a reciprocal divine skill cultivation and gained 50000 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. The current level is SSS."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You have completed a reciprocal divine skill cultivation and gained 30000 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You have completed a mutually beneficial cultivation and gained 30000 experience points..."

After 20 practices

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You have completed a reciprocal divine skill cultivation and gained 30000 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. The current level is SSS +"

Feeling the change of Li Feng's breath, Shen Zixuan's beautiful eyes brightened: "are you in the late supreme period?"

Li Feng vomited out a puff of turbid gas and said with a strange complexion: "well, how long can you reach the supreme peak in the later period of supreme power?"

"I don't know. About twenty more?" Shen Zixuan said strangely.

As soon as Shen Zifeng comes, she doesn't even want to be promoted with Li Zifeng because she doesn't want to be promoted with Li Zhifeng.

Li Feng's mouth a draw: "more than 20 times?"

Although the cultivation of reciprocal divine skill is not very tiring, it is also very exhausting to practice in this way all the time.

"Don't want to rest. We have to go out as soon as possible and continue to practice."

As soon as Shen Zixuan pulled Li Feng, they began a new round of cultivation.

It was another day and night. After 25 times of practice, Shen Zixuan's breath finally changed.

With Shen Zixuan's low breath, her breath suddenly rises. When the breath calms down, she has come to the supreme peak!

Almost at the moment of Shen Zixuan's breakthrough, a whirlpool gate appeared on the island!

"Ah, look, the space passage is open, we can go out!"

At this time, Murong snow that surprise voice from the distance.

Shen Zixuan was shocked and turned her head to see a whirlpool gate standing above the island.

After a long time, she turned to look at Li Feng and whispered, "thank you."

"What?" Li Feng eyebrows a sharp pick, do not understand why Shen Zixuan want to say thanks to him.

"Thank you for practicing with me. I will miss the time of practicing with you."

As she spoke, Shen Zixuan got up and cleaned up, then turned to the whirlpool door.

The special environment will produce a special mood. On this desert island, Shen Zixuan can act recklessly and be herself bravely, but after going out, she will be her former self.

Li Feng knows that Shen Zixuan is drawing a clear line with himself. If he goes out, they will return to their former relationship, which makes him feel a little disappointed.

When Li Feng was getting ready to keep up with Shen Zixuan, Shen Zixuan suddenly stopped and asked, "if I continue to practice with you, can my realm be improved?"

Li Feng is a Leng first, then suppress the heart ecstasy said: "can."

Shen Zixuan's mouth raised a good-looking smile: "good, then I'll come back to you later to practice."

Li Feng's face was happy, his fists clenched, and his mood suddenly soared. Then he entered the system to check his personal attributes.

Host: Li Feng

level: SSS +

experience value: 520000800000

system points: 11000000

conquest points: 599

skills: Shenyuan, Zhentian Shenquan, Qiankun Yiquan, Lingkong flash, fangcunjian, Qingshan guardian, Tiangang 36 moves, fury, cloud exploring hand

Tasks to be completed: none

"that is to say, after the mission of saving goddess Shen Zixuan (2) is completed, I can upgrade again?"

Li Feng was pleasantly surprised.

The classification of the system is not as detailed as the initial stage, the middle stage, the late stage and the peak stage. There are only three levels: the first level, the middle level and the last level. Can he step into the unknown field if he is promoted to another level?

Or is it the highest level?

Thinking of this, Li Feng asked: "system wizard, what level is above SSS level."

"Demigods." The genie replied.

"Demigods?" Li Feng was startled at the name: "what is that half god above, divine level?"

"Yes." The system wizard's answer is still simple and clear.

"Hiss!" Li Feng took a breath of cold air.

God level? God? Is there really a God in this world?

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't hurry here. The space passage won't last long."

At this moment, Shen Zixuan yelled under the vortex gate.

Li Feng quickly converged and flew to the bottom of the space passage.

Murong snow face complex looking at Li Feng, some helpless, some resentment and some joy.She had a hard time these two days. Knowing that Li Feng and Shen Zixuan were practicing in the distance, she had to pretend that she didn't care. It was also a bitter tear.

Li Feng knew that Murong Xue was not easy, so he took her hand in comfort.

They looked at each other silently, and everything was in silence

"Come on, don't be sentimental here. Go out first."

Shen Zixuan is not used to two people scattering dog food, cold voice said.

Li Feng pulled Murong Xue into the vortex gate. Shen Zixuan finally took a look at the desert island and stepped into the vortex gate.

Late at night, the original site of murongxue villa.

The pit has been buried and cordoned off, but no one is watching.

At this time, a whirlpool door suddenly appeared on the ruins, and then Li Feng three people walked out.

"Here it is?"

At the moment of seeing the ruins, Murong Xue was a little confused.

She could not be more familiar with the surrounding environment, but what was the situation of the ruins?

"It seems that the fighting that night was fierce." Li Feng pondered and said, feeling a little heavy.

If Xiao Yu and others find him missing, will they attack his family?

Although he promised Tianya that he would protect his family, he still understood the truth of tea cool.

Just when Li Feng was worried, the system's prompt tone suddenly sounded: "Ding, congratulations to the host, the task has been completed, and the task reward is being issued..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You have gained 300000 experience points, 10 million system points and 100 conquest points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. The level has been upgraded. The current level is demigod."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, system mall upgrade, mall items update."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, vantage mall upgrade, conquest skill update."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, system backpack upgrade."

A series of system prompts sound up.

Li Feng's heart is ecstatic!

Demigods! He became a demigod! The demigod level is more powerful than the supreme level!

Now the question is whether he, who has become a demigod, can crush more than a dozen or even 20 of the most powerful?

At the same time, Shen Zixuan felt the change in Li Feng.

If she could still feel Li Feng's breath before, now Li Feng is a black hole for her, cold and deep. She can't judge what Li Feng is.

What happened just now, why did Li Feng's breath suddenly change?

At this time, there is a system prompt sound: "Ding, host, you have a new task, do you want to check it immediately?"

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick: "check!"

"Mission: Super rescue"

"mission objective: to save Li Yuan, save the goddess Su Tong, song Wanjun, Wei Bingqing, Xu man, ask the host to beat back or kill Xiao Yu, Lei Yunfeng, Zheng Tao, etc., and rescue Li Yuan and the four goddesses. If the mission fails, 40 million system points of the host will be deducted for punishment."

"Mission reward: 1 million exp, 20 million system points, 500 conquest points."

See here, Li Feng's murderous spirit soars!

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