Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 671

Li Feng's eyebrows were sharp, and he was a little surprised.

Who is the release task related to at this time? If it is Wei Bingqing and others from outside, he will be blind because he can't get out.

In the past month, he has tried many methods, including the cooldown of group space teleportation, but it has no effect. Group space teleportation is not available here.

Since he can't get out, he can only stare at the tasks related to Wei Bingqing and others!

"Check it out!"

With a nervous mood, Li Feng entered the system to check the next new task.

"Mission: save the goddess Shen Zixuan (2)"

"mission objective: to help Shen Zixuan step into the supreme peak, arouse the resonance of different dimensional space through breath explosion, and reopen the space channel. If the task fails, 20 million system points of the host will be deducted as punishment. "

"Mission reward: 300000 experience points, 10 million system points, 100 conquest points."

Li Feng:

It's not The mission is actually related to Shen Zixuan, but also to help Shen Zixuan to the highest level?

How can he help Shen Zixuan improve his realm? There is no other way but to practice the upgraded version of reciprocal magic skill together!

Although he is willing to practice with Shen Zixuan, can Shen Zixuan be willing? If he dares to mention this to Shen Zixuan, it's strange that Shen Zixuan is so angry that she doesn't slap her to death!

My special System, are you trying to pit me?

However, the reward of this task is very rich. Even if he has the opportunity to practice with Murong Xue in the past month, he still has more than 10000 experience from the middle of the supreme. Once this task is completed, he can directly step into the middle of the supreme!

Wait a minute. Is this mission implying something to him, such as the supreme peak, the breath explosion, the spatial resonance of different dimensions, and the opening of space channels

"I see!"

Li Feng's eyes brightened and he breathed out loud.

Impatient Shen Zixuan immediately glared at him: "what do you know? It's a surprise!"

These days she is really miserable, although not worried about food and drink, but in this place where the birds do not fly, every more than a second is a kind of suffering for her.

In particular, Li Feng and murongxue sprinkle a handful of dog food for her from time to time, which makes her feel lonely.

Murong snow also surprised to see Li Feng, do not understand why he suddenly so excited.

"I know how to get out."

Li Feng took a deep breath and said with his eyes shining.

This word a, two female suddenly came spirit: "really?"

"Well." Li Feng nodded, then he said with a sad face: "but if you want to go out, you must meet a prerequisite."

"What conditions?" Shen Zixuan asked.

"It is There must be a supreme peak strong person to burst out his own breath, in order to cause the resonance of different dimensional space, only in this way can we re open the space channel Li Feng face is difficult to say.

"Supreme peak How do you know that? " Shen Zixuan's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. She has just stepped into the later stage of the supreme power. She has no idea when she wants to step into the supreme peak.

As for Li Feng It's just that in the early days of the supreme, it's even more difficult to wait until the age of monkey to raise the realm to the supreme peak.

But this is only one side of Li Feng's words. How can she believe Li Feng?

"Believe me, this is the only way to get out of here. If not, I can screw my head off and kick it for you." Li Feng said categorically.

Murong snow believed: "miserable, then we can not go out?"

During this month, she had been practicing reciprocal magic arts with Li Feng intermittently, and she had raised her strength to the early stage of her becoming a saint. She deeply realized how difficult it was to improve the level of martial arts.

Of course, this is also because they want to find a chance to avoid Shen Zixuan, so their daily practice time is very short. Even for a few days, Shen Zixuan has been with them, and neither of them has found the chance to practice.

If they had been practicing for a month, Murong Xue would have stepped into the supreme realm. Even Li Feng could have broken through to the middle of the supreme.

But if Murong Xue's idea is known by others, it will certainly vomit blood.

It's still difficult to upgrade from the master's realm to the initial stage of entering the Holy Land in a month. Can other people live? How many martial arts masters can't touch the threshold of entering the Holy Level in their whole life!

Shen Zixuan also believed what Li Feng said: "it's true that if I cultivate myself, I won't be promoted to the supreme peak within a month."

Speaking of this, she looked at Li Feng with complicated eyes.

Li Feng's complexion was stagnant, and then he blurted out: "what do you want? I'll say it first. I'm not that kind of casual man."

He knows Shen Zixuan's temper. If he takes the initiative to practice reciprocal magic skills, Shen Zixuan certainly won't accept it, but if he takes the initiative to move forward That's not necessarily the case.

Shen Zixuan likes to take the initiative. The more he runs away, the more he will chase him!Murong Xue:

It's not What does Li Feng mean? He doesn't think Shen Zixuan is going to practice reciprocal magic arts with him?

My God, how could Shen Zixuan have such an idea? Li Feng must have thought too much.

"Well, a man with 10 girlfriends said he was not a casual man? Don't you think it's funny? "

Shen Zixuan laughed out of anger.

"Er..." Li Feng's face was stagnant, and then he said with a smile, "we are all truly in love."

"I don't care." Shen Zixuan rolled her eyes and said, "I just don't want to be trapped here."

In the past month, she has seen how much Mu Rongxue has changed, which shows that Murong Xue's ability to improve his realm so quickly is really related to Li Feng's cultivation.

If she wants to go out, she can only practice with Li Feng.

Although she is not sure what Li Feng said is true, she can only gamble at this time, or she will starve to death after a month's supply depletion.

Instead of being starved to death here, it's better to cultivate and improve the realm with Li Feng. Anyway, she has practiced with Li Feng, and she has eaten enough dog food and wants to sprinkle it herself.

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick: "so?"

"So..." Shen Zixuan looked at Murong Xue: "it doesn't matter if you borrow your boyfriend for a few days."

Murong Xu: "ah..."

"Is that all right?" Shen Zixuan smiles, and then takes Li Feng to the distance.

Li Feng quickly resisted: "Purple Dragon envoy, don't do this, we can think of other ways."

"If you've got a bargain, you can still sell yourself. Don't think I don't know what you're up to!" Shen Zixuan rewarded Li Feng with a chestnut.

"What's my idea? I'm not one of those casual men." Li Feng's voice is very innocent.

"Auntie is not a casual woman. If you want to go out alive, you can practice with me. If you want to die I have to ask my aunt if I want to die The voice fell to the ground, Shen Zixuan covered Li Feng's mouth and took him farther and farther, until he disappeared in Murong Xue's sight.

In the distance, Murong Xue looks confused!

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