Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 673

At the moment, the Xiaos' courtyard is full of lights.

This courtyard is a large area, half the size of a standard football field. Usually, this is the training ground for Xiao's children.

This is Shangjing, although it is not the core area, but a courtyard is half the size of a football field, which shows how many ditches the Xiao family has.

Xiao Yu, Lei Yunfeng, Zheng Tao, Wang Sun Hong and Xiang Tianya are sitting on the taishitai beside the court. Behind them, the most powerful members of the four families, Ren cangsheng, Luo Taibai and Mo Wentian are separated by about five people.

It can be said that if a meteorite suddenly hits here and kills them all, then there will not be a few of the most powerful in China.

In front of them, there are five women tied up in chairs. They are Li Yuan, Su Tong, song Wanjun, Xu man and Wei Bingqing!

This is the first woman to establish a relationship with Li Feng. They have also met Li Yuan, and with Li Feng's help, they have been promoted to the early stage of becoming a saint.

Xiao Yu and others don't know about this situation. After all, the four girls have never had a fight with anyone, and they are not from the ancient Wu family.

Therefore, when Xiao Yu and others first sent to catch Wei Bingqing and others, they only sent a few super strong men.

Extraordinary level, this is to create a medium-sized ancient martial arts family, that is, Xiao, Zheng, Lei, such as the top of the ancient Wu family can randomly send a few super strong to carry out the task.

It's still that they must hit for one hit, otherwise they will send masters to go.

However, the strength of Wei Bingqing and others was beyond their expectation, and the four girls killed all the extraordinary strong men who went to catch them!

Even if the four women have no combat experience, they can be crushed by the realm alone.

After that, the three families were furious and directly sent out the most powerful. They caught Li Yuan, Su Tong, song Wanjun, Xu man and Wei Bingqing last night and took them to Shangjing.

"I think Li Feng is really dead. We've all arrested his mother and woman. He hasn't shown up yet. What can he be if he's dead?"

Lei Yunfeng looked at the five girls of Liyuan in the distance with a strange look in his eyes and said sarcastically.

They waited for a day and a night, but did not wait for Li Feng. Now he can confirm that Li Feng is dead.

"Perhaps he is timid?"

Xiao Yu said sarcastically.

"If I dare not save my mother and my own woman, I might as well run into my head and die. What's the point of living like this?"

Zheng Tao sneered.

Listening to the three people's conversation, Xiang Tianya couldn't help but frown: "three masters, it's not as bad as your family. Are you going too far?"

He came here only after receiving Xiao Yu's invitation. He didn't expect to see this scene.

Although he promised Tianya that Li Feng would protect his family, he only sent a few masters to protect Liyuan and others. We should know that the strong master in the dragon soul is already the strong one in the city.

For ordinary people, the master level strong is terrible, but in front of the extraordinary, holy and even the supreme level strong, the master level strong is not enough.

Even when the most powerful men of Xiao, Zheng and Lei took Li Yuan and others away, the dragon soul members who were responsible for protecting them did not notice.

"You can ask brother Wang that we can't go too far."

Xiao Yu didn't want to follow him to the end of the world and threw the pot to Wang Sun Hong.

Wang Sun Hong's face changed. After a while, he sighed: "my husband doesn't stick to the details. Brother Xiao, they just want to make sure whether Li Feng is still alive."

"Besides Isn't the purple dragon envoy missing

As soon as this word comes out, Xiang Tianya can't help but change her face.

Because of Shen Zixuan's disappearance, there have been a lot of rumors about her in the past month. There are even rumors that she eloped with Li Feng!

Xiang Tianya doesn't know where the rumor came from, but he guesses that 80% of the rumors came from Xiao, Zheng and Lei. There were so many people who had witnessed that night. It could not be Ren cangsheng, Mo Wen Tian and Luo Taibai?

Xiang Tianya guesses that the reason why the three families concocted such rumors is to make Ren cangsheng and Mo Wentian suspicious. As long as their two hearts waver, the three families can be more unscrupulous to deal with Li Feng's family, because Ren cangsheng and Mo Wentian must also want to force Li Feng to show up!

If Li Feng didn't show up, he would have died that night!

As for Shen Zixuan Where the hell did she go?

Seeing Xiang Tianya shut up, Xiao Yu couldn't help shaking her head and smiling. Then she looked at Li Yuan and others: "do you have any last words to say?"

The five of them were pale and silent.

Since Li Feng lost contact, they have a bad feeling in their hearts. Now they can guess what happened when they hear the dialogue between Xiao Yu and others.

Did these people kill Li Feng?

No, they are not sure whether Li Feng is dead or not. They want to use them to force Li Feng out. Therefore, they can't speak at this time. Once they say something, they fall into the trap of the other party.

"That's not to say?" Xiao Yu shrugged his shoulders and said sarcastically, "I really feel sorry for you. You have paid so much for Li Feng, but in the end you will die because of him.""Ha ha, it's more than pathetic. It's pitiful. Why don't you come to our Lei's house and let you die Lei Yunfeng eyes evil strange said.

When he saw Wei Bingqing's four daughters, Lei Yunfeng made up their mind. Now that Li Feng is dead, there is no need to really kill them. Isn't it beautiful to take them home for "waste utilization"?

After all, it is Lei Ming's grandfather and Lei Yunmeng's elder brother. In some ways, they are very similar.

As soon as she said this, her face changed dramatically.

To the end of the world is a frown: "Lei family master, can kill not humiliate, please think twice."

"Xiang Longtou, they have nothing to do with you? If there is a relationship, it should be brother Wang who has something to do with them. Even brother Wang didn't say anything. You should take a stand first and get more serious? " Lei Yunfeng said sarcastically.

Xiao Yu and Zheng Tao drank tea with a smile, looking at the excitement.

To the end of the world frown again, can not help but look to Wang Sun Hong.

Wang Sun Hong sighed and said with a slight helplessness: "Li Feng has always refused to admit that he is a member of the Wang Sun family. In this respect, he has no relationship with us."

The death of dutemo naturally has nothing to do with Wang sun's family. He can't turn over with Lei Yunfeng for the sake of a dead man? Isn't that stupid?

As soon as this word came out, Lei Yunfeng and others all laughed.

To the end of the world's face even more ugly!

If Li Feng had a spirit in heaven, he would have hated him madly, right?

It's just that he can't help it. The other side is powerful, so the dragon soul should not go into this muddy water.

Think of here, to the end of the world look gloomy closed mouth.

"Since the Lei family is interested in them, you can take them back. But before that, do we have to celebrate?" Xiao Yu said with a loud smile.

"Yes, we have to celebrate. Take out all the good wine and tea you have collected. We won't be drunk today." Lei Yunfeng clapped his hands and laughed.

"Yes, if you don't get drunk, you don't go back!" Zheng Tao agreed.

"Xianglongtou, you can stay." Wang Sun Hong said with a smile.

If you change your face to the end of the world, you have to say no.

At this time, a sneer came from a distance: "the protagonist has not yet appeared, you are going to have a celebration banquet, you have not paid much attention to me?"

As soon as the voice appeared, Xiao Yu and others couldn't help exclaiming, "Li Feng?"

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