Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 670

Li Feng's affirmative answer made Shen Zixuan a little confused.

Li Feng is in the early stage of the supreme power, and she is in the later stage of the supreme power. How can the two practice together help her to reach the supreme peak?

Fake, it must be fake, it can't be!

It's not that Shen Zixuan doesn't trust Li Feng, but that this kind of thing is far beyond her cognition, as if it is a matter of another dimension

Of course, no matter whether it is true or not, she will not practice with Li Feng, but this curiosity is like a cat's paw scratching her heart.

"Do you want them to prove it on the spot?" Shen Zixuan thought of the evil shoes.

If Li Feng knew Shen Zixuan's idea, how would he feel

Seeing Shen Zixuan no longer asked, Li Feng said, "Purple Dragon emissary, will this time be like the last time, after three days can automatically leave?"

If this is the case, the time flow rate here is different from that of the outside world. After they go out, are they not trapped in a circle surrounded by the most powerful?

The key is that he has already used group space teleport, and the cooldown time of this skill is calculated according to the external time, that is, when they go out, the group space teleportation is still in the cooling state.

It's going to be a kiss!

Shen Zixuan shook her head: "it's hard to say, every different dimensional space is different, but most of them are three days."

So far, she has been to the Seventh Continent and the place where Jasper fruit was found last time, plus this time.

However, there have been many cases of accidental entry into the heterogeneous space in the world, in which, after a certain period of time, they will automatically walk out of the heterogeneous space.

Among them, most of them are three days, a small part is 7 days, and a small part is 30 days. Shen Zixuan has never heard of cases that have been trapped in the space of different dimensions.

Of course, if you have been trapped in the space of different dimensions, this kind of thing can not be spread out. After all, even people have not come out, how can the news spread?

"Three days, not enough time..."

Li Feng had planned to take advantage of this period of time to practice with Murong Xue, and strive to improve his realm. But after three days, he was afraid that he would not be able to help Murong Xue to the supreme level, let alone to the supreme peak.

What's more, there's Shen Zixuan, a large light bulb. He's embarrassed to practice with murongxue. Even if he's kind, murongxue must be embarrassed

Except with Shen Zixuan

At the thought of this, Li Feng stares at Shen Zixuan. Do you want to try to lure Shen Zixuan to agree to practice with him?

"What?" Shen Zixuan's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. She didn't understand what Li Feng was saying. She didn't have enough time.

"Nothing." Li Feng shook his head, or gave up the plan to seduce Shen Zixuan.

Not to mention Murong Xue, whether he can talk to Shen Zixuan well or not is a problem.

"I don't know." Shen Zixuan rolled her eyes, then got up and walked deep into the island.

Since she can't go out for the time being, she will walk around and have a look. Maybe she can get the natural material and treasure like Jasper fruit again.

"Li Feng, who is she?"

As soon as Shen Zixuan left, Murong Xue seized the opportunity to ask Shen Zixuan's identity.

Li Feng didn't hide it. He introduced Shen Zixuan's identity to Murong Xue and followed Shen Zixuan to the deep of the desert island.

Outside, a month has passed since Li Feng disappeared.

In this month, people who have relations with Li Feng have been suppressed to varying degrees by Zheng, Lei and Xiao.

First of all, oswelli, under Li Feng's banner, after inspection by relevant departments, it was found that Tongyan, Runyan and Hongyan had certain problems, and both online and offline channels were sealed up.

After that, consumers who bought related products have asked for oswelli's refund, and some even asked for a three for one purchase.

For a while, osville changed from a star in the cosmetics industry to a street mouse. Oswelli was in a gloomy mood and his morale was extremely low.

Li Yuan and Su Tong, led by oswelli, let alone that Li Feng lost contact for a month was enough to make them worried. Oswelli's situation was so difficult that the two women were exhausted.

Not only oswelli has been suppressed, but Wei Bingqing's future group has also encountered various troubles, such as fire control and taxation Various departments took turns to inspect the future group. Some projects were shut down, and the loss of the future group exceeded 1 billion Chinese dollars in a month.

On the other hand, entertainment in the prosperous Tang Dynasty was also suppressed. Some TV dramas and films that were being shot were stopped shooting, and some activities of its artists were also implicated.

Xu man, for example, has been exposed to the tax crisis. Of course, this is just a rumor. The actual situation needs to be further investigated.

Song Wanjun was hit harder. Many of her businesses were in a gray area. Many of the venues were closed down, and some of her subordinates were arrested.Wind and rain building has also been a comprehensive siege, Xiao Ling Fei can only with Ren Xiaolei, Gao Jie hide in the dark, dare not dare to head.

Under the joint efforts of Xiao, Zheng and Lei, the impact was so terrible.

The rest of Jiang Yunzhu, Jiang Mengyao, Liu Shihan and Xue Qing were not affected. First, there were not many people who knew that they were related to Li Feng. The other was that their identities were very special. It was not so easy for Xiao, Zheng and Lei to deal with them.

But under such pressure, Li Feng didn't show up, which made Xiao Yu and others think that Li Feng was nine times dead.

But Even if there is a glimmer of possibility, they should put an end to it. Maybe such suppression is not enough for Li Feng to appear? Let's have something more cruel!

On the 31st day of Li Feng's disappearance, Xiao Yu and his three sent experts from the clan to capture Su Tong and others. They wanted to use Su Tong's and others' lives to verify whether Li Feng was still alive!

At the same time, on the desert island in the space of different dimensions.

"On the thirty first day, there was still no vortex gate." Shen Zixuan looked haggard and anxious.

Anyone who stays in a place that has lost contact with the outside world for a long time will be upset. If Li Feng and Murong Xue are not here, or if Li Feng's storage equipment is not filled with water and food, she will starve to death if she is not crazy.

Murong snow also haggard said: "we will not be trapped here for a lifetime?"

Li Feng said with a gloomy face: "it doesn't take a lifetime. I'll run out of food and water in another month."

As soon as this word came out, the two women's faces became ugly again.

In the past month, they have explored the desert island and the surrounding sea area. This is a dead zone. There is no living thing in the sea.

If they go further away, they will return to the origin and can't go out at all.

If the food runs out, they have to wait to die!

Just when the atmosphere is depressed, a system prompt tone suddenly rings: "Ding, host, you have a new task, do you want to check it immediately?"

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