Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 664

Li Feng is really ignorant.

Does Shen Zixuan want to protect him step by step?

Although I feel very much protected by such a beautiful woman, he can't do a lot of things like this. For example, he will go to murongxue later. What's the meaning of taking Shen Zixuan with him?

"Why don't you want me to follow?"

Shen Zixuan saw Li Feng's hesitation, and was immediately upset.

Younger sister, aunts and grandmothers have taken the initiative to follow me, and you have to refuse me, how shameless is that aunt?

"Of course not!" Li Feng quickly denied it, and then he changed his words: "I just think we are different. Would it be inconvenient for you to follow me?"

"Well, I think you're afraid I'll disturb your date with your girlfriend?" Shen Zixuan saw through Li Feng's idea and sneered.

"Cough." Li Feng coughed, but admitted: "this is only one aspect, the most important thing is still..."

"Well, you don't have to explain. I understand." Shen Zixuan directly interrupted: "you can date casually, hi, I don't see or hear."

Li Feng:

What do you mean when you don't see or hear? Is that really good?

At the thought that he and Murong Xue were practicing, Shen Zixuan was watching, which made Li Feng uncomfortable.

"That Is there anyone watching you when you practice? " Li Feng asked.

Shen Zixuan was stunned: "no, how can cultivation let others see?"

"That's it." Li Feng spread both hands: "so..."

"I can live next door to you." Shen Zixuan directly interrupts it: "you kill Xiao, Zheng, Lei three six things will not be long, the three will launch crazy revenge on you, even if there is dragon soul, Wang Sun family containment."

"Oh, by the way, you don't know. The wangsun family has decided to protect you. I think there will be people from the wangsun family who will contact you soon."

On hearing this, Li Feng laughed: "I have nothing to do with Wang sun's family."

He turned to look for the dragon soul, because he could not think of any other force to protect his family except the dragon soul.

What's more, dragon soul is a special department of the country, and any decision is based on national interests. He can't hate it.

And Wang sun's family

If the three families went to the Wangs and said they wanted to protect him, he would certainly be moved. But if he had given up and asked to protect him, he would not be grateful at all.

Because he knew that there must be some reasons he didn't know. Maybe it was that he had stepped into the supreme realm. Moreover, the news was probably disclosed to Tianya and others on purpose, because the dragon soul needs help!

There is a saying that you don't accompany the sunset, who are you.

Shen Zixuan showed her eyebrows: "are you sure?"

"Very sure." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and then said with a bitter smile: "I am very grateful to the purple dragon envoy for his maintenance of me. It's just that I let the purple dragon's adult keep up with me all the time..."

"All right, I sleep in the car and refuse again. I want you to look good."

With that, Shen Zixuan pushed Li Feng into the driver's seat.

Li Feng:

Well, it can be seen that Shen Zixuan is really determined to do this. In this case, let's take a look.

After driving back to murongxue's villa, Li Feng invited Shen Zixuan in.

Although Shen Zixuan said she wanted to sleep in the car, he couldn't take it seriously.

However, Shen Zixuan refused.

When Li Feng wanted to invite again and again, Murong Xue came out: "Li Feng, are you back?"

"I..." Li Feng opened his mouth and didn't know how to say it.

"Don't say I'm here. Just think I'm not. I can't see or hear. Go."

Shen Zixuan delivers the voice to Li Feng, and then sends Li Feng out of the car with a dark force. Then she turns her wrist and brings the door.

The moment the door was closed, Murong Xue came to the car. She didn't see a Shen Zixuan sitting in the car.

Murong snow changed a dress, is no longer the casual wear of the day, but wearing a set of blue long skirt, her good figure completely show.

The makeup on the face has also changed. It is no longer the light makeup before, but the gorgeous heavy makeup. Although it is heavy makeup, it has no greasy feeling and makes people look very comfortable.

You know, it's 11 o'clock in the evening. As usual, Murong Xue is going to have a rest at this point. However, she is dressed up all over the place, obviously to prepare for Li Feng.

Women are those who please themselves.

Li Feng eyes a bright: "snow, you are beautiful again."

With Shen Zixuan's warning, Li Feng didn't say anything about her in the car.

"Is it?" Murong snow heart a sweet, quickly pull Li Feng into the villa.

After entering the living room, murongxue brought a pair of slippers to Li Feng.

Li Feng was just about to bend down and put on his slippers, but Murong Xue took the lead in bending down and helping Li Feng untie his shoelaces.This scene directly let Li Feng Leng on the spot.

Although he and Murong Xue love each other, their relationship has not yet developed to the stage of being a boyfriend and girlfriend. Even if they are male and female friends, few girlfriends go to help their boyfriends untie their shoelaces and change their slippers.

"Snow, let me do this kind of thing."

After being stunned, Li Feng will help Murong Xue up.

Murong snow looked up with a smile: "it doesn't matter, I like to do this kind of thing for you."

Li Feng:

It's not What does Murong Xue mean? Is it a disguised confession?

"Don't be so surprised. You saved me. What happened when I put on your slippers?"

Murong snow charming white Li Feng one eye, there is a kind of unspeakable amorous feelings.

In murongxue's service, Li Feng put on his slippers and went to the sofa to sit down.

Then, Murong snow took a bottle of red wine: "drink some?"

"Yes." Li Feng said with a smile.

Soon, two people holding goblet clink a cup: "cheers."

"Li Feng, I think so."

After three rounds of drinking, Murong Xue had been slightly drunk and suddenly opened his mouth.

Li Feng was stunned by the abrupt words: "what?"

"I want to be your girlfriend." Murong Xue blushed and bowed his head.

"Er..." Li Feng is a little confused.

It's a confession. It must be a confession, right?

Although he had some expectations, he still couldn't believe his ears when it came to him.

"I don't mind if you have so many women because I don't want to lose you."

Murong Xue put down his glass and went to Li Feng and said, "so Would you like to be my boyfriend

After Li Feng left, Murong Xue considered for a long time her feelings for Li Feng, as well as Li Feng's feelings for her.

Then she had a decision.

Li Feng got up and took Murong Xue's hand and took a deep breath: "it's my great honor, my distinguished lady."

"Well, we'll be together from now on, and we'll never be separated."

With that, Murong Xue smiles, like a gentle wife, she helps Li Feng tidy her collar, and then leads him to the bedroom.

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