Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 663

Li Feng's mouth is a bit awkward. He still wants to win Shen Zixuan. Now it seems that it is difficult

But this is not the time to worry about this. At the moment, he looks at Xiang Tianya and others: "dragon head, three dragon envoys, will you not repent?"

To the horizon four people look at one eye, and then shake their heads together.

Now that they have said it, they will not go back on their words. There is little difference between Bao Yi and Bao Xi. It depends on whether Xiao, Zheng and Lei dare to tear their faces off from them.

"Hoo" Li Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "then I thank the dragon head and the three dragon envoys first! In return, I am willing to hand over the murderer of Lei Ming to some adults. "

As soon as this word came out, he stood up to the end of the world.

In order to avoid embarrassment, just now they didn't ask Li Feng whether he killed Lei Ming. After all, Lei's family is so determined that it should not be bad.

I never thought that Li Feng would hand over the murderer of Lei Ming. Is there someone else who killed Lei Ming?

If this is the case, they will have a talk with Lei family!

"Li Feng, are you serious?" Don't ask the sky, come back and ask.

"Of course, the person is in my nanny car. If it's true, you'll find out if it's true." Li Feng shrugged, then took out the nanny car key and put it on the table.

Mo Wentian looks to Tianya and nods to Tianya. Mo Wentian leaves the meeting room with the key.

A few minutes later, moxa returned with Edwin Gullit and pound Longfellow, one by one.

After waking them up, Mo Wentian interrogates them in front of the public. The dragon soul shoulders the responsibility of intelligence, so Mo Wentian's interrogation method is naturally quite a set.

Edwin Gullit and pound Longfellow have become ordinary people. How can they bear the interrogation of Mo Wen Tian? Li Feng cheated them to kill Lei Ming for a long time. They insisted on doing it for a short time.

"So it was pound Longfellow who found and killed raming and then destroyed him? What did you do with the body? "

Ask the horizon.

Even if the body is burned with a torch, there will always be some clues, unless the ashes are scattered into the sea after the burning

Only when they find a clue can they talk to the Lei family.

"I ate it..." Said pound Longfellow, with an ugly face.

Xiang Tianya et al

It's not What does it mean to be eaten by him? It's too tasty, isn't it?

"He's a werewolf."

On one side, Li Feng tried to endure nausea.

Even if you know that pound Longfellow is a werewolf, knowing that he ate Lei Ming's body still makes Li Feng a little queasy.

To the end of the world and others pupil shrink!

Werewolf, it's a werewolf!

Li Feng may not know much about werewolves and blood race, but he has been standing at the top of the world's powerful world for a long time. He knows more about these two races.

Because the two races are deadly enemies to each other, coupled with the human pursuit of these two races, these two races are on the verge of extinction. I never thought that the Gullit family employed a werewolf as a housekeeper.

The exposure of this incident will definitely bring a big blow to the reputation of the gulit family.

Thinking of this, Xiang Tianya has a plan to win over and suppress the Gullit family, but this will have to wait until they help Li Feng through the crisis.

After knowing the truth, Xiang Tianya asked Mo Wentian to take away Edwin Gullit and pound Longfellow and detain them temporarily.

Then to Tianya, I plan to ask Li Feng who the eleven people are.

But before he opened his mouth, Shen Zixuan asked, "come on, tell me who your ten girlfriends are."

"Er..." Li Feng opened his mouth, somewhat embarrassed.

"Why, dare not say?" Shen Zixuan sneered.

Li Feng bit his teeth: "what can't you say, Wei Bingqing, Su Tong..."

Now he said his woman again.

"Even Xu man and Murong Xue are your women? And Xiao Ling Fei? " Shen Zixuan was really shocked this time.

Shen Zixuan was not only shocked, but also shocked to Tianya.

Wei Bingqing, Su Tong, song Wanjun The relationship between these women and Li Feng is known through the Dragon Spirit intelligence network, but Xu man, murongxue and Xiao Lingfei are too much?

Xu man is an old-fashioned queen, numerous fans all over the world, and the dream lover of many men.

Murong Xue is a young singer in the new Jin Dynasty, who has charmed countless men.

Xiao Ling Fei is the illegitimate daughter of Xiao ran of the Xiao family, who controls such a big wind and rain building.

To get one of them is to save the galaxy in my last life, and Li Feng has collected them all. Is this too awesome?

There are also Jiang Yunzhu and Jiang Mengyao. They are little nieces and nieces. How can Li Feng go about it!

After the shock, Mo Wentian and Ren cangsheng are excited. They are far behind Li Feng in teasing younger girls.If Li Feng is a saint of love, they are Xiaobai. If Li Feng can teach them some moves, why can't they worry about Shen Zixuan?

"You're good." Shen Zixuan put up the look of astonishment and said in a complicated tone.

Ma De, his aunt and he are brothers, but he has practiced with ten women. It's very bad to think about it!

"Cough." Li Feng coughed and did not speak.

How can he say that he is lucky or is Wei Bingqing blind? I can't say anything. I'd better not.

At this time, he said to Tianya with some regret: "although it's not good to say so, I still want to say I'm a little envious of you. "

Ren cangsheng, Mo Wentian and Luo Tai nodded subconsciously, but then Ren cangsheng said, "I don't envy you. I can only like a woman in my life, that is..."

"Shut up Shen Zixuan didn't want to hear this, so she interrupted immediately.

Ren cangsheng closed his mouth.

One side of Mo Wentian's smile is to show her loyalty to Shen Zixuan.

But before he opened his mouth, Shen Zixuan said in a cold voice: "you can talk, don't take me, show me how to deal with you!"

In the past, she did not dare to say "clean up Mo Wen Tian". Now, her realm is higher than Mo Wentian. There is nothing wrong with saying this.

Don't ask the sky:

It's not I haven't spoken yet. How do you know I'm going to talk about you? Is this a soul in the heart?

On one side, let people gloat.

"Cough." To Tianya dry cough, do not want to see these two silly goods lose face, quickly changed the topic and said: "although the number of your family is different from our estimate, but our commitment will not change."

To the end of the world, even if it is completely agreed to Li Feng's request.

The next time, people discussed some details, and then Li Feng left the headquarters, ready to drive the nanny car back to Murong Xue's home.

Just as he got on the bus, a figure suddenly chased out of the headquarters.

"Take me. From now on, I will protect you every step of the way."

Shen Zixuan came to Li Feng and said in an unquestionable tone.

Li Feng:

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