Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 665

An hour later, Li Feng gained 100 conquest points and Mu Rongxue's progress bar increased to 100%.

On the other hand, Murong Xue also had a lot of gains - the martial arts realm directly came to level B.

Li Feng, after all, arrived at the beginning of the supreme power, and the mutual benefit magic skill had been upgraded again. It is reasonable that Li Feng could improve so fast.

If they practice for a whole night, Murong Xue may directly step into the master's realm.

In this regard, Murong Xue said that he was very magical and wanted to continue to practice. Li Feng naturally agreed.

However, during her practice, Li Feng has been laying a real Qi barrier around her, and Shen Zixuan is still outside. With her supreme late hearing, even if there are several layers of walls, if there is no shielding, Shen Zixuan can hear it.

Li Feng can't really be when Shen Zixuan doesn't exist

"Oh, childish man, I don't know what you are doing when you put down the real gas barrier?"

In the nanny's car, Shen Zixuan opened the skylight, put the seat flat, and murmured at the boundless starry sky.

Although she couldn't hear Li Feng's voice, she could feel the vibration!

The six senses in the later period of supreme power are not covered!

But Li Feng is really diligent. It seems that he is going to practice for one night

At the same time, Lei's family hall.

Lei Yunfeng is sitting in the main seat, holding a mobile phone and driving hands-free.

On both sides of the middle hall, most of the people of Lei's family are here. They all prick up their ears and listen to the voice coming from the phone.

Lei Yunmeng and his nephew Lei Haoyuan have been out of touch for most of the day. At more than three o'clock in the afternoon, Lei Yunfeng realized that it was wrong and immediately sent people to Dachang to investigate the situation.

In the evening, they received news that Su Tong's villa had been razed to the ground, and dragon soul members blocked the scene.

After that, Lei Yunfeng arranged for the family members of the Lei family in the dragon soul to investigate the matter. Finally, at this moment, Lei Yunfeng received a call from the clansman.

"Master, I suspect that the fourth uncle and brother Haoyuan were killed by Li Feng!"

The voice of panic came from the phone.

Lei Yunfeng stood up from his seat with a loud voice, and other members of the Lei family were shocked on the spot!

Lei Yunfeng and Lei Haoyuan were killed by Li Feng? Although this is only the other party's guess, but this guess is also enough to frighten.

"Tell me more about it!"

Lei Yunfeng deserves to be the leader of the Lei family. He soon calmed down, and he didn't have the first time to question whether the other party's information was accurate, because he knew each other well.

This man is a branch of the Lei family. He has always been steady in his work, and his message has never been wrong.

What's more, the other party can't talk about such a big thing, because the consequences of nonsense are very serious!

"Yes, master!"

"A good friend of mine is a good friend with the head of the Okura branch. He inquired about this for me."

"The people in Dachang Branch received the order from Xiang Longtou and went to Sutong villa to deal with the emergency. When they arrived at the scene, they saw Li Feng and Su Tong."

"According to the description of the person in charge of the Dachang branch, Li Feng and Su Tong don't have any injuries, and they don't look like they have experienced combat."

"There were six stalls of flesh and blood on the scene. As for whose flesh and blood are, the person in charge is not clear. Li Feng did not say that, nor did he disclose it to the dragon head."

"According to your description, there are six people who went to Dachang to hunt Li Feng. I suspect it was the fourth uncle. Six of them were killed by Li Feng."

The man told his guess in detail.

After listening to his story, Lei Yunfeng knew that there was a big deal. The fourth brother and Haoyuan could have been killed by Li Feng!

Other members of Lei's family were shocked by the news for a long time and could not speak.

"Keep searching."

After Lei Yunfeng gave the order to the clansman, he ended the call, and then he would call Xiao Jin and Zheng Tao.

But before he could dial it out, Xiao Yu called: "Hello, brother Lei, things are not good."

Hearing this, Lei Yunfeng's heart sank: "you also know?"

"Well?" Xiao Yu was stunned at first, then said with a wry smile: "it seems that brother Lei knows that Xiao Jin and six of them may have been poisoned by Li Feng."

Nearly half of the members of longhun are selected from the great ancient martial arts families, including Xiao, Zheng and Lei. Some of them send their immediate children to join, and some send their collateral ones to join. Therefore, they all have their own intelligence sources in longhun.

"But it's not scientific. Isn't Li Feng a late saint? How could he be Xiao Jin's opponent? Is the dragon soul carrying us

Lei Yunfeng eyes a cold, cold voice said.


Xiao Yu hesitated a little, and then said, "let's meet and talk. Call Zheng Tao."


Half an hour later, Xiao Yu and Zheng Tao came to Lei's house together.

In the middle hall, all the other members of the Lei family retired, only Yu Lei Yunfeng, Xiao Yu and Zheng Tao, the three masters of the family."It's possible that the dragon soul can take action..."

After meeting, Xiao Yubu came down with a barrier of true Qi, and then he said with changeable complexion.

"Damn it! Is it true that there is no one in the three of us? " Lei Yunfeng slapped the table and his anger broke out.

"Because we are a special department, we are wantonly oppressing our ancient martial arts families. They are really arrogant to the end of the world. We must give the dragon soul some color to see!" Zheng Tao also said with anger.

As Xiao Ye said to Li Feng before, although dragon soul is a special department, Wang Sun family is better than dragon soul in terms of foundation and strength, and Xiao, Zheng and Lei can all compete with dragon soul.

Under the joint efforts of the three, the dragon soul is definitely not an enemy, but

After all, dragon soul is a special department. Unless they don't want to stay in China, they will fight for death.

Of course, it is not necessary to start a war to give a warning. It can also show its determination in other ways. As long as the Dragon spirits feel their determination to break the jade, they can achieve the purpose of deterring the dragon spirit.

It depends on their means.

"Why don't we go and ask Tianya clearly?" Lei Yunfeng suggested.

Zheng Tao nodded and felt that they should ask Tianya to understand.

Xiao Yu's face changed several times. He nodded and said, "call on brother Wang sun."

Wang sun's family has always been the head of the four families. If Wang Sun Hong is called on, the dragon soul will be greatly shocked.

"I think so."

"Yes, call on brother Wang."

Lei Yunfeng two people nodded.

Three people had a decision and then called Wang Sun Hong, Wang Sun Hong a little pondered and then agreed to their request.

At 1 o'clock in the morning, Wang Sun Hong four people came to the dragon soul headquarters and were personally received by Xiang Tianya to conference room 1.

"Xiang Longtou, there is something we want to verify with you. Do you know that a villa in Dachang was razed to the ground yesterday morning?" Lei Yunfeng asked directly.

To Tianya eyebrow tip a pick, looked at Wang Sun Hong, Wang Sun Hong silent nod.

Immediately to Tianya understand Wang Sun Hong's meaning, said: "I know this matter, you sent to kill Li Feng people were killed by Li Feng."

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