Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 662

Xiang Tianya and others thought of many possibilities, but did not expect Li Feng to withdraw from dragon spirit.

In the face of the great threat of Xiao, Zheng and Lei, Li Feng should firmly grasp the big thick leg of dragon soul. How can he withdraw from dragon spirit now?

Did Li Feng contact Wang Sun family?

It should not be. Wang Sun Hong would like Li Feng to stay in longhun and take over the leading position. How can Li Feng withdraw from longhun?

So what is the purpose of Li Feng's idea?

"Li Feng, do you know what you are talking about?"

To the end of the world face how much some gloomy, don't ask the sky three people's face is not very good-looking.

They voluntarily give up Li Feng and Li Feng take the initiative to withdraw from the dragon spirit, which is totally different in nature. Especially when they decided to protect Li Feng, Li Feng proposed to withdraw from the dragon soul, which made them feel humiliated.

On the other side, Shen Zixuan's face was a little ironic.

Who said to give up Li Feng before? Now that Li Feng has stepped into the supreme realm, do you want to protect Li Feng? Oh, man Li Feng still disdains to be protected by you!

At this moment, Shen Zixuan suddenly felt that Li Feng had backbone. Her weak image in her heart had become tall and tall.

"Yes." Li Feng smiles and explains, "it's not good for me, but it's good for dragon spirit."

"Well?" "You don't want to add trouble to the dragon soul?" he said in surprise

"Almost, but I really want to trouble the organization with one thing." Li Feng didn't beat around the Bush and said, "as the old saying goes, misfortune is not as bad as my family. The enmity between Xiao, Zheng and Lei is my own business. I hope the organization can protect my family."

As soon as this word comes out, all five people in the end of the world are moved!

It turns out that Li Feng decided to quit Dragon Spirit for his family!

If the dragon soul violates the previous agreement and declares to protect Li Feng, it will arouse a sharp rebound from Xiao, Zheng and Lei. In their fury, the three families can do anything, including taking action against Li Feng's family.

However, Li Feng takes the initiative to clear the relationship with the dragon soul, and all the anger of the three families will focus on Li Feng alone. At that time, the dragon soul will come forward to protect Li Feng's family. In order not to establish the enemy of dragon soul, the three families will not attack Li Feng's family.

This is a matter of face. If the dragon soul gives face to the three families, they will give it to the three families. If the dragon soul does not give face to the three families, which three families still care whether the dragon soul can protect the Li Feng family?

Although they denied giving up Li Feng before, Li Feng was not a fool. He should have guessed the truth. Otherwise, Li Feng could say something about withdrawing from the Dragon Spirit at this time?

Therefore, at this moment, all five people in Tianya understood why Li Feng wanted to withdraw from the dragon spirit. At the same time, he was somewhat ashamed.

Take a look at Li Feng, who is willing to withdraw from longhun to protect his family and bear all the anger of the three families. Then look at them. In order not to involve the dragon soul, he is willing to give up an excellent member.

What a contrast!

"I will put my words here today. Anyone who dares to move your family will be my enemy! I will let the poor and blue fall into the world, and I will kill them! "

Ren cangsheng clapped the table and stood up and solemnly gave his promise.

"I don't ask the sky..." Mo asked the sky, then clapped the table, stood up, and then he stopped for a moment, and then said: "swear here, if anyone attacks your family, I will chase him to death!"

"What if the other party is in the late supreme period?" Ren cangsheng said sarcastically.

"Either he died or I died. This is my promise to Li Feng!" Don't ask Tian Leng to hum a way.

Ren cangsheng and Mo Wentian look at each other, and there is an invisible spark flickering at the intersection of their sight lines.

"Very good. I'm worthy of being my good brother. You didn't disgrace me this time." I'm still old and happy.

Don't ask the sky, almost spray his face, Ma De, what didn't you lose face this time? I've disgraced you before my feelings!

Ah? It's not right. What does Laozi do and how to do has something to do with Ren cangsheng?

When Mo Wentian was about to get angry, Luo Taibai got up and said, "I have the same attitude as the two of them."

Nodded to the end of the world: "me too."

Although they didn't speak as impassioned as Ren cangsheng and Mo Wentian, they could not be questioned by others for their firm tone.

After the four finished speaking, Qi Qi looked at Shen Zixuan. They all made a statement. It was Shen Zixuan's turn to make a statement.

"Oh, Li Feng's family has you to protect enough, I can protect Li Feng."

Shen Zixuan said domineering in a chair.

To the four people in Tianya:.... "

Li Feng:

It's not Do you want to be so domineering and protect me? Although I'm moved, I feel like I'm being looked down upon.

"Why do you look at me like this? There is only one family member of Li Feng. It's not enough to protect you three?"

"It's just to protect one person. It seems that you want to protect so many people. I'm ashamed."Shen Zixuan looked at the four people at the end of the world and said.

Xiang Tianya and others are embarrassed. They really know that Li Feng has only one family member, Li Yuan. They protect one person. I believe Xiao, Zheng and Lei will give them face.

It was because of this judgment that they said so happily that they didn't want to be singled out by Shen Zixuan in public

"That Purple Dragon envoy, my family is not only one, but Eleven. "

At this time, Li Feng said with a dry cough.

Shen Zixuan:

To the four people in Tianya:

It's not When did you have ten more family members? Didn't you cheat us?

"Well, I have a few girlfriends who are my family in my heart."

Li Feng face is not red, heart does not jump said.

Shen Zixuan showed her eyebrows and felt uncomfortable.

Don't ask the sky a corner of the mouth, blurted out: "you kid deliberately pit us?"

Of course, he knows how many girlfriends Li Feng has, but can they be regarded as family members? If Li Feng had only one girlfriend, it would have been hard to say that she was a family member. But the problem is that Li Feng has more than one girlfriend. These girlfriends are family members That sounds ridiculous!

"No, I really take them as family members. They also take me as family members. We have a good relationship and we will get married in the future."

Li Feng's tone was very positive. In order to prove that he was right, Li Feng also took Su Tong's case as an example: "if I didn't take them as family members, the killers sent by Xiao, Zheng and Lei would not threaten me with Su Tong."

Xiang Tianya and others are really speechless. They will definitely get married and marry ten women at the same time? Do you want that?

However, what Li Feng said is also reasonable. If Xiao, Zheng and Lei capture Li Feng's woman and threaten him as hostages, what should we do?

"Well, men really don't have a good thing. Now I'm a little sorry. I shouldn't have said anything to protect you."

At this time, Shen Zixuan said with an uncomfortable face.

As soon as he said this, Xiang Tianya's faces became strange. Why do they think Shen Zixuan's tone seems a little bit be jealous?

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