Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 661

Li Feng quickly connected it: "Hello, purple dragon envoy, I'm Li Feng."

"Is it really Li Feng's voice?" At the other end of the phone, Shen Zixuan was a little surprised, but then she asked, "tell me, how many Jasper fruits did we get in the different dimensional space last time?"

"Three." Li Feng blurted out, and then he reacted. Shen Zixuan was trying to verify whether he was Li Feng or not.

As Li Feng guessed, on the phone, Shen Zixuan was surprised and said, "it's really you boy. I thought it was mo Wentian. They pretended to be you."

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth and said curiously, "Purple Dragon envoy, what happened in the end? Why do you think so?"

"Hum!" Shen Zixuan is dissatisfied with a cold hum, do not know whether she is dissatisfied with Li Feng or Mo Wentian and others.

But no matter what, she did not answer Li Feng's question, but shifted the topic and said, "what do you mean you are safe?"

"I..." Li Feng thought about it and told Shen Zixuan that he had killed Xiao Jin and stepped into the supreme realm.

There was a short silence on the other end of the phone. At the same time, I could hear Shen Zixuan's breathing become a little bit urgent.

I don't know how long before I heard Shen Zixuan say, "damn me, the last time I saw you was still in the early stage of entering the holy land. It's only a month before you're in the prime stage. Are you going to hang up

Li Feng would like to say "yes, I'm open to hang up", but it's obviously not the time to talk to Shen Zixuan.

"Well, this It's hard to say Li Feng sighed and his voice changed: "the green dragon envoy said that he would hold a meeting with the dragon head to discuss my business. Would the purple dragon envoy join us to participate in the opinion?"

"OK, I'll go back to Beijing." Shen Zixuan is going to hang up the phone.

"Purple Dragon emissary, are you not in the Pearl now?" Li Feng asked in a hurry.

There was silence for a few seconds at the other end of the phone, and then there was a busy beep.

Listening to the busy tone from the mobile phone, Li Feng fell into a deep thought.

From Mo Wentian's words with Shen Zixuan, Li Feng probably confirmed his previous guess that it was when they decided to abandon him at the meeting, which caused Shen Zixuan's dissatisfaction.

Then Shen Zixuan ran to the pearl alone and wanted to protect him.

In order not to let Shen Zixuan participate in his struggle with the three, Xiang Tianya and others also ran to the Pearl, but Shen Zixuan hid well, so Xiang Tianya has not been able to find her.

Mo Wentian must have tried to contact Shen Zixuan after he learned that he was safe, but Shen Zixuan did not give them any response.

From this aspect, Shen Zixuan's hiding ability is really strong, at least she can keep the mobile phone on, but let Mo Wentian and others can not locate.

"This woman is very loyal."

Li Feng would not be narcissistic to think that Shen Zixuan had an idea for him. It must be because he saved Shen Zixuan, and Shen Zixuan did so in order to repay his kindness.

"If you can practice the mutual benefit skill after upgrading with her..."

Thinking of this, Li Feng shook his head and drove the idea out of his mind.

Shen Zixuan is not an ordinary woman. It is impossible for her to practice reciprocal magic arts with her, unless something happens to move her.

It's just that this kind of thing can happen easily. Even if it happens, it's very difficult for him to help Shen Zixuan

Three hours later, at 9 p.m., Li Feng received a call from Mo Wentian. They had arrived in Shangjing and were on their way to longhun headquarters.

After hanging up the phone, Li Feng put Edwin Gullit and pound Longfellow into murongxue's nanny car and drove to the Dragon Spirit headquarters.

Before leaving, he told Murong snow that she didn't have to wait for himself. Now it's 9 o'clock, and he doesn't know when he will come back.

Murong Xue said that no matter when Li Feng comes back, she will wait for him, which makes Li Feng a little moved, but also some rippling

It seems that the last layer of window paper between him and Murong Xue has finally arrived at the time of piercing

Half an hour later, dragon soul headquarters, conference room 1.

Li Feng came to the headquarters for the first time, and came in under the leadership of Mo Wentian. The specification is not low.

Of course, without Mo Wentian's leadership, it is impossible for Li Feng to enter normally. Here, it is impossible to use only the membership card of dragon spirit. It is necessary to have a corresponding pass.

After arriving at conference room 1, Li Feng meets Xiang Tianya, Ren cangsheng, Luo Taibai and Shen Zixuan.

"Come on, show your breath."

I don't say much to Tianya, but go straight to the theme.

Although the comrades of the Dachang branch have helped Li Feng prove it, they have not seen it with their own eyes, and Xiang Tianya still can't believe it.

Li Feng didn't talk much nonsense and showed his own breath directly.

The beginning of the supreme!

To the end of the world face slightly change, do not ask the sky four people mouth micro open.

Even though they had already known that Li Feng had entered the prime stage, they were still shocked when they really saw Li Feng showing his supreme breath.23-year-old supremacy, this is crazy!


spit out a mouthful of turbid gas to the end of the world, and said with a smile: "it's really a hero out of youth, sit down!"

At the same time, Shen Zixuan opened the chair beside her and motioned Li Feng to sit beside her.

This action makes Mo Wen Tian, Ren cangsheng can't help but change his face.

The oval table in conference room 1 is very long. Five people are sitting in a very scattered way. There are three or four chairs between them.

It's not just that they are sitting like this this this time, and every time they hold a meeting, it doesn't mean that the five of them are not united, it's just that they don't have to be so close together.

Now Shen Zixuan directly opens the chair beside her to let Li Feng sit down. This has never happened before. What does it mean?

Li Feng raised his eyebrows and took a look at Shen Zixuan.

Today's Shen Zixuan is still wearing a long purple skirt with a high slit. Her beautiful face is slightly pink and black. Her hair is dyed brown and her long hair is on her shoulders. Her skin is white and her body is good enough to foul.

Shen Zixuan also showed her eyebrows and looked at Li Feng without much expression on her face.

Between the four eyes, there is an invisible spark flashing.

After a while, Shen Zixuan gently opened her lips and said, "come here, grandma, protect you."

She wants to let Xiang Tianya and others know that Li Feng is determined to protect her. No matter what the talks will be like, she will not be able to change her decision.

Li Feng was deeply moved and went to her side and sat down.

"Zixuan, why do you need this? I asked Li Feng to come to the meeting to discuss how to deal with his affairs with the three of them." To the end of the world, where can not see Shen Zixuan's intention? Now I can't help speaking.

"I'd love to." Shen Zixuan rolled her eyes.

Before to Tianya and others to give up Li Feng, she still remembers vividly, and she is really worried not to let Li Feng sit beside her.

"You girl." He shook his head to Tianya and then looked at Li Feng: "Li Feng, what are you going to do next?"


Mo Wentian, Ren cangsheng, Luo Taibai, and even Shen Zixuan beside him all turned to look at Li Feng.

Under the public's gaze, Li Feng said in a deep voice: "it's very simple to quit the dragon spirit."

As soon as the words were said, the audience was silent!

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