Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 658


with Li Feng's voice landing, an invisible aperture diffuses around him with him as the center. The speed of the diaphragm diffusion is almost the speed of light!

Enveloped by the halo, pound Longfellow, Edwin Gullit, Li Na and Murong Xue, all began to change as if the film were inverted.

With the passage of time, the meat pie on the ground rose like an inflatable balloon. The blood on the ground broke away from the effect of gravity, floated from the ground and gradually filled into the meat pie.

The patty began to be full, and the limbs, trunk and facial features reappeared.

As if a man had been recreated, the dead pound Longfellow was resurrected!

After the resurrection of pound Longfellow, his position began to move, first returning to Li Na's position.

Then Lina, whose throat was crushed, rose like a zombie, and pound Longfellow clasped her neck again.

Then, Li Na's neck began to recover, reopened her eyes, the expression on her face was a little excited, as if she was screaming.

After that, pound Longfellow let go of Lina and flew back to Edwin Gullit, standing behind him.

Meanwhile, Edwin Gullit loosened murongxue's neck and grabbed her wrist instead.

After about a minute or so, Edwin Gullit let go of murongxue and stepped back.

When Li Na came back to Murong Xue and stood in front of her, the time reversal ended, and everything returned to the way Edwin Gullett had just arrived here.

Li Na, who died, has been resurrected, and pound Longfellow, who was killed by Li Feng, has also been revived. It is a miracle!

Why is Li Feng so calm? Even if Edwin Gullit could kill murongxue at any time, Li Feng was still calm and even dared to kill pound Longfellow first?

It's because Li Feng has learned the skill of conquering point "time backward"!

"Time reversal: one day, system developers can see the changes of the heaven and earth, the alternation of the sun and the moon, and understand the rules of time, thus creating several skills to control time. This book" time reversal "is one of them

"After learning this skill, the host can reverse time every time it is used."

"Note 1: purchase this skill costs 100 conquest points."

"Note 2: this skill is valid for all people, things and things except the host."

"Note 3: each time you use this skill, you need to spend 100 integral seconds. There is no time limit for using this skill, but you can only use it once in a natural day."

In other words, as long as Li Feng's system integral is enough, he can even return to 500 years ago!

However, the consumption of system points by this skill is extremely terrible. 100 points in a second, 6000 points in a minute and 360000 points in an hour.

Not to mention going back 500 years ago, returning to one day ago almost made Li Feng bankrupt.

In fact, Li Feng was also in the process of changing clothes. By the way, he checked the introduction of "time reversal", and found that this skill was so powerful that he took it easy.

"I advise you not to do this. It's dangerous and life-threatening..."

Edwin Gullit was looking at Li Na with a heavy face, but before he finished speaking, he found a man standing behind Murong Xue.

This person seems to be Li Feng?!

Edwin Gullett was in a daze!

It's not Just now, there were only four of them in the living room. There was no one behind Murong Xue, just in the blink of an eye It was not a blink of an eye, it was a moment, he did not know when, Li Feng appeared behind Murong snow.

There is no sign, just like this!

It's so scary!

Pound Longfellow had paid attention to Li Na, but now he also found Li Feng.

At the moment, pound Longfellow rubbed his eyes, made sure he was right, and immediately raised his finger to Li Feng. His mouth was wide open and he wanted to say something, but for a moment he didn't know how to speak.

At this time, Murong snow and Li Na also found something wrong, and hurriedly looked back.

This look, Murong snow on surprise covered his mouth!

Li Na screamed directly: "ah! Mr. Li? "

The two women did not understand why Li Feng suddenly appeared behind them. If he came in from the gate, it was just that he appeared behind them. It was amazing.

I'm sorry you didn't come late

Li Feng waved to the two girls with a smile and said hello.

"A little bit But it's very kind of you to come

Murong Xue was really a little bit frightened by Li Feng, but more surprise.

Edwin Gullit is not a good comer. If she and Li Na are the only ones, their fate may not be very good. However, Li Feng's coming is totally different. Suddenly, he feels very secure. Yumuyou!

While they were talking, pound Longfellow regained consciousness and rushed to murongxue.If you catch a thief, you should catch the king first. He is not sure that Li Feng will be killed in a short time. He has to control murongxue first and let Li Feng throw his mousetrap!

Edwin Gullett's eyes brightened and he praised pound Longfellow's behavior.

It is worthy of being the housekeeper of the family's attention. This kind of ability of not disorderly and quick reaction in the face of danger is really not covered!

It's just the next moment

"Li Feng raised his right hand, and a dragon claw made of genuine Qi rushed out, directly pinching pound Longfellow who rushed behind murongxue in Shua's hand.

"Ow ~"

pound Longfellow screamed.

Edwin Gullit's crazy again!

At this time, Li Feng played the flavor: "Mr. werewolf, you seem to look down on me, ah, unexpectedly did not use the form of werewolf."

Thunder from the ground!

Pound Longfellow's face turned white, which was even more frightening than he was easily caught by Li Feng!

Only the core members of the gulit family know that he is a werewolf. Other people who have seen him in werewolf form are dead. How does Li Feng know?

Even Edwin Gullit was scared. Only he knew that pound Longfellow was a werewolf. Li Feng pointed out that pound thought that he told Li Feng?

Once this happens, the relationship between him and pound will be estranged, which is extremely unfavorable for him to compete for the position of clan leader in the future!

Li Feng said with a smile: "guess? Yes, Mr. gullet told me that you were betrayed by him

"What?" Pound Longfellow looked at Edwin Gullit in horror.

"Not me! impossible! I didn't! " Edwin Gullett directly denied that Sanlian had never done it.

"It's not you. Why does Li summit know? In China, only you know that I am a werewolf! " Said pound Longfellow, grimacing.

He hated being betrayed. The feeling of being betrayed by someone close to him was really rotten!

"I don't know." Edwin Gullit is really innocent. He also wants to know why the Lee summit knows this.

"There's no need to hide it at this time?" Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and then played with the smell: "you even told me about killing Lei Ming, didn't you?"

As soon as this was said, Edwin Gullett was even more horrified.

On the other side, pound Longfellow screamed, "what, you even told Li Feng about this?"

Hearing this, Li Feng laughed.

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