Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 659

Why was pound Longfellow shocked? Because he killed raming!

This is not the same as letting people know that he is a werewolf. If other people know that he is a werewolf, it will only attract the attention of the blood clan. He only needs to be careful, and the problem is not big.

After all, today is different from the past, the actions of werewolves and blood clan will no longer be as unscrupulous as in the 18th and 19th centuries. Behind him, there is the towering tree of the gulit family.

However, it is different to let people know that Lei Ming was killed by him. Lei Ming is directly related to Lei family. As soon as the news gets out, he doesn't have to go back to country y. before the guarantor arrives at the airport, he is caught by the people of Lei's family.

This special is in China, not Europe and America!

Is Edwin Gullett a pig's brain, even this one? Yard, pit dad's pig teammate!

"Pound, you have to believe me. I didn't tell Li Feng that. How could I tell Li Feng about it? I'm not stupid."

Edwin Gullett explains.

It's just that pound Longfellow didn't listen to his explanation and looked at Edwin Gullit with a "you're stupid" look, which hurt him.

At this time, Li Feng sighed: "you did it."

Pound Longfellow:

Edwin Gullett:

It's not What does Li Feng mean? Is he cheating them? Maddy, you're in the game!

"It turns out that crooked nuts will also have Thirty-six Strategies, but I underestimate you."

Li Feng shook his head, some taunting, some frightened.

It's amazing that Edwin Gullett designed such a vicious plan just by meeting at the celebration party.

Had it not been for his strong fighting power, he would have died under the siege of Xiao Jin's six men, and Edwin Gullit accounted for at least 50% of the credit.

"Li Feng, it's all a misunderstanding. Listen to my explanation."

Edwin Gullett lowered his haughty head, looking a little frightened, but the next moment he pulled back, turned and ran.

In his opinion, Li Feng needs to distract his energy to control pound Longfellow. Naturally, there is no other energy to catch him. After all, Li Feng is only a strong man in the later period of entering the holy land, even if his martial arts skills seem strange.

However, the next moment, another huge dragon claw rushed out of Li Feng's left hand. In a blink of an eye, he rushed behind Edwin Gullit and held him firmly. Even if Edwin Gullit tried his best, he could not break free.

Then, the dragon claw pulled back to Li Feng. Under Li Feng's ironic eyes, Edwin Gullit's mind exploded completely: "what strength are you?"

He didn't understand why he was overturned by Li Feng after he had calculated everything. This huge gap from the beginning to the moment when everything was in control was turned into a loss. The blow to Edwin Gullit was really huge.

"Speaking of this, I would like to thank you. If Lei, Zheng and Xiao sent people to kill me, I would not be able to enter the supreme realm."

Li Feng shows his own breath when his voice falls to the ground.


Edwin Gullit and pound Longfellow were stunned!

How could Li Feng be the most powerful?

After the shock, he was relieved. No wonder Li Feng was so easy to control them. He turned out to be the most powerful.

After knowing Li Feng's real state, remorse will devour Edwin Gullit. If he had known that Li Feng was the most powerful, he would not have thought of Li Feng.

If you don't reach the supreme, you are mortal. You can't insult the supreme, and you will die!

Just as he said to Murong Xue before, the one who enters the saint vs. the superior is just like the sheep vs. the lion, which is not a level opponent at all.

This is not a gap that strategy can smooth out!

Behind Li Feng, Murong Xue looks surprised

Li Feng was too lazy to look at the expressions of Edwin Gullit and pound Longfellow. Under his control, a "tentacle" appeared on the two giant dragon claws respectively, and then the two "tentacles" hit their Dantian positions like lightning.

"Poof" "poof"

two bursts of sound, the light in their eyes faded and became dim.

Then, without waiting for the two people to scream, Li Feng pinched them faintly with his cloud detecting hand and threw them aside, just like two bags of garbage.

Whether the werewolf or the Western crazy soldier, they also have the elixir field, but they call it the energy core. Just now Li Feng abandoned the two people's energy core, making them waste.

Li Feng didn't want to kill them, but they were still valuable and could not be killed temporarily.

At this moment, the system prompts the sound.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the task is completed, and the task reward is being awarded..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You've got 50000 experience points, 1 million system points and 20 conquest points."

Host: Li Feng

grade: SSS levelExperience value: 18999950000

System score: 11800000

conquest point: 499

skills: Shenyuan, Zhentian Shenquan, Qiankun Yiquan, Lingkong flash, fangcunjian, Qingshan guardian, Tiangang 36 moves, fury, cloud exploring hand

Tasks to be completed: none

after looking at his personal attributes, Li Feng said that he was a little painful.

Ma De, a task that rewards 50000 experience points. After finishing, the experience bar doesn't move. It's too difficult to upgrade to a higher level in the supreme realm!

If it's normal, it's OK. Today he just killed Xiao Jin's six people. This matter can't be concealed, and it won't be long. Next, Xiao, Zheng and Lei will surely launch crazy revenge on him.

In the face of these three top-level ancient martial arts families, some of them were not enough to see in the early days

"We can only find a way to let the Dragon Spirit protect the mother and Wei Bingqing, and we can fight guerrilla warfare with these three people to see who has consumed whom!"

Li Feng thought to himself and then turned to look at Murong Xue.

Before he could speak, Murong snow threw himself into his arms.

On one side, Li Na quickly turned her head and whispered, "Mr. Li, Xiao Xue, you talk first, I I'll go to the police. "

She had long seen that there was something wrong with the relationship between Murong Xue and Li Feng. Now she's really hammering

"Don't call the police. I'll take them and give them to the police."

Li Feng patted Murong snow on the back and said with a smile.

"Well Then I'll... " Li Na is going to find another excuse to leave here.

"Well, you can go shopping first and relax. I'll say a few words to Xiaoxue, and then you can come back to accompany Xiaoxue in the evening." Li Feng saw Li Na's embarrassment and helped her out with a smile.

"Don't you stay at night?" Murong Xue blurted out.

Just then she knew that she had said something wrong. This is too ambiguous. It must have been misunderstood by Li Na?

Li Na pretended not to hear about it. She knew too much, but it was very dangerous. She didn't want to be sealed

"If you want me to stay I'll stay. " Li Feng looked at Murong Xue, playing with the smell: "do you want me to stay?"

Murong snow small mouth micro open, and then look at the side of Li Na, Li Na is still, she did not mean to say let Li Feng left words yo.

Li Na is so embarrassed at the moment. My God, why should I hear this? I'm so hard!

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