Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 657

Edwin Gullett is really stupid.

How can Li Feng capture pound so easily, just like adults catching children, relaxed and unreasonable.

Pound was at the top of the holy peak, and Li Feng was only in the later stage of entering the saint. This is so unscientific!

Pound Longfellow's heart was filled with waves.

Li Feng was in the later period of his entering the holy land? Wqnmlgba, can you catch him so easily in his later period? This is absolutely impossible!

"You What kind of realm are you

Asked pound Longfellow, with his tongue sticking out, where there was such a frightful look before, but like a clever erha.

"Tell me first, are you a werewolf?"

Li Feng asked.

In some movies in Europe and America, werewolves and blood clans often appear. In this regard, Li Feng thinks that this is like a Chinese Xiuzhen novel, which is all fabricated.

After meeting pound Longfellow today, Li Feng felt that this may not be fabricated, but it is true. The housekeeper is too much like a werewolf.

Pound Longfellow's face changed slightly and his mouth closed.

"No? Then die. "

Li Feng had a good laugh and added strength to his hands.

All of a sudden, pound Longfellow's body was creaking and creaking, which was the sound of bone friction.

If it is an ordinary person, it will not make such a big noise, because the bone will be broken before it makes such noise.

But pound Longfellow is a strong man to enter the holy peak. The strength of his bones and flesh is too much higher than that of ordinary people. Such strong friction will not break the bones.

But with the strength of the bone, the pain will not be eliminated. On the contrary, because the strength of the bone is enough, Li Feng can pinch him without fear, which makes pound Longfellow's face pale as snow and howl.

"Li Feng, you are too arrogant! Don't forget that murongxue is still in my hand. Release pound quickly, or I will kill murongxue! "

Edwin Gullett was red with anger.

Ma De, it's clear that everything is under control, but Li Feng turns his back on guests, which really makes him very unhappy.

"Is it?" Li Feng raised his eyelids and sneered: "if you dare to move a hair of snow, I will make you regret coming to this world."

Edwin Gullit was stunned at first, then he said angrily, "Li Feng, who do you think you are? Do you think I will be afraid of your threat? I... "

Without waiting for him to finish, Li Feng suddenly revealed his own breath.


a breath belonging to the supreme early stage burst out from Li Feng!

The moment the breath appeared, Edwin Gullit had an impulse to kneel down and worship Li Feng.

Pound Longfellow, who was pinched in his hand by the detective, forgot the pain on his body, and the whole person was stunned.

Wqtmlgbd, why is Li Feng the most powerful and why?

"It's impossible. It's absolutely not true. How can you be the supreme power?"

Edwin Gullett shook his head and looked incredulous.

Only now did he understand why Li Feng could control pound so easily. It turns out that Li Feng is the supreme power. Isn't this a bully?

Even under the control of Edwin Gullit, Murong Xue could not help but be surprised.

Li Feng is the most powerful. My God, Li Feng is really powerful!

When Edwin Gullit was confused, Li Feng continued, "now tell me if you are a werewolf."

"Hoo," said pound Longfellow slowly, nodding his head. "Yes, I'm a werewolf."

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, surprised way: "that doesn't say blood clan also exists?"

Pound Longfellow had a look of disgust on his face: "yes, there is blood."

Garou and blood clan are enemies. Even if the word "blood clan" is mentioned, pound Longfellow's face can't help but look disgusted.

"Oh." Li Feng's eyes flashed, and then asked, "Li Na was killed by you?"

After coming here, Li Feng saw Li Na's body. From the red fingerprint on Li Na's neck, Li Feng speculated that she should have died at the hands of pound Longfellow.

Pound Longfellow, with a dull complexion, nodded after a while, "yes."

"I don't think Chinese people's lives are valuable. Do you want to kill them?" Li Feng said with the intention of killing.

"No, it's not." Pound Longfellow shivered and quickly explained: "she wanted to call the police before. When I found out, I wanted to stop her. But I was so excited that I didn't control my strength, so I accidentally killed her."

I am a fish for a knife. Pound Longfellow can only ask Li Feng what he answers. He may die if he answers, but he will die if he doesn't answer!

It was because he knew this well that pound Longfellow answered so simply. Of course, he played a trick and said that the killing of Li Na was a mistake, in order to alleviate his sin.What he didn't know was that when Li Feng asked questions, he used mind reading.

Li Feng sneered: "kill by mistake? Ah, it's your young master's order, isn't it

"No, absolutely not. It's really manslaughter." Pound Longfellow was startled and hastened to explain.

"You think I'll listen to your explanation? Whether you killed Li Na by mistake or on purpose, it is a fact that you killed Li Na. Chinese people are also you foreigners who can move

The voice falls to the ground, Li Feng fiercely clenches.


the dragon's claws were clenched, and pound Longfellow could only utter a scream of "no!" It was made into a meat pie by this dragon claw.

"Damn it, you killed pound. How dare you kill pound?"

Edwin Gullett looked incredulous.

He is still holding on to murongxue. How dare Li Feng kill pound so simply? Li Feng is not afraid that he will kill murongxue in a rage?

Pound Longfellow is the housekeeper of the Gullit family. Pound's status in the Gullit family is still very high, even higher than some members of the gulit family.

But for his arduous task in China, the family would not have sent pound Longfellow to accompany him.

But before the mission is completed, pound will die. Even if he can escape back to country y, the family will blame pound for his death!

"Just a servant. Kill it." Li Feng clapped his hands and walked slowly to Edwin Gullit: "it's still that sentence. Let murongxue go. I'll spare you."

"Stop, don't come here. If you go one more step, I'll kill her!" Edwin Gullit is going crazy. When he holds murongxue in his hand, Li Feng is still so unscrupulous. Is it that Li Feng does not care about Murong Xue's life or death, or is Li Feng confident that he will save murongxue before he kills him?

Either way, Edwin Gullett knows he's in an absolute disadvantage.

Li Feng as if did not hear, continue to move forward: "don't force me to kill you, let Murong snow, I will let you back to Y country."

"Ah Edwin Gullett's eyes were red, and he said, "Li Feng, you forced me! Do you think I dare not kill Murong Xue? From now on, you will live in great regret

There is a crazy factor in Edwin Gullit's bones. Since things can't be done, he will fight for a net. Even if he can't kill Li Feng, Li Feng will regret all his life!

When the voice falls, Edwin Gullett is about to pinch Murong Xue's neck.

Murong Xue's face showed a sad color. She knew that her life was not long. She didn't want to leave the world. What's more, she didn't give up She hasn't had a good relationship with Li Feng

At the time of Murong Xue's desolation, Li Feng suddenly winked at her, and then murmured: "time Go back

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