Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 656


Murong snow issued a exclamation, to rush to check Li Na's situation.

Edwin Gullit frowned slightly, stretched out his hand to hold Murong snow and said, "Miss Murong, it's just a servant. If you die, why should you be sad?"

Murong Xue shakes her hand hard to break free, but she is just an ordinary person. Where can she get rid of the pull of Edwin Gullit?

"Miss Murong, I have no malice towards you. On the contrary, I only love you." Edwin Gullit firmly grasped Murong Xue's wrist and said with a smile, "this starry love is a way of expressing love. Miss Murong should be able to feel it, can't it?"

"Come on, I'll help Miss Murong put it on. From now on, you'll be my Edwin Gullit's woman. I'll take you back to country y, and you'll live an unimaginable life of splendor and wealth."

Edwin Gullit likes to do things directly, so he directly came to murongxue's home without notice, and directly took out the necklace to express his love for murongxue.

After discovering Li Na's attempt to report to the police, Edwin Gullit directly ordered pound to kill Li Na.

Direct, simply not sloppy, as for the consequences Oh, no consequence. Pound has the ability to clean up and leave no clues.

As long as he subdues murongxue and achieves his biggest purpose of coming to China, he will immediately return to state y. who can know that he killed people in China?

Even if you know, can you send someone to catch him in country y? The Gullit family is a giant in the western world. Chinese people who have a little brain will not make such a decision.

As for whether he can win over Murong Xue Is that a problem? He asked pound to kill Li Na not only because he was unhappy with the other party's behavior of calling the police, but also because he wanted to frighten Mu Rongxue.

One is death, the other is prosperity. Normal people know how to choose. He believes Murong Xue is no exception.

But then Murong Xue's words changed Edwin Gullit's face.

"But I hate you now! I'd rather die than let you touch it, and you'll die! "

Murong snow almost roared.

Although Li Na didn't stay with her for a long time, she was very kind and considerate. From the moment she took the initiative to stand in front of Murong Xue, I knew how good she was to Murong Xue.

Is such a person killed, or in front of Murong snow, this let Murong snow hate each other!

"Asshole!" Edwin Gullit yelled at him, but then he closed his anger and said with a smile, "murongxue, your favorite person is Li Feng, right?"

Murong Xue's face changed slightly, but she tightly pursed her mouth and did not speak.

At the celebration banquet, although she said that Li Feng was only her own boss, all discerning people could see the love between them. Edwin Gullett could guess that it was normal for her to like Li Feng.

"It's a pity that such a favored man has been surrounded and killed. It's really tragic."

Said Edwin Gullit, shaking his head and compassion.

Murong Xue's body was shocked, and his face turned pale in an instant: "you What do you mean

"It doesn't mean anything. I just want to tell you that Li Feng killed Lei Ming and angered the Lei family. In addition, he has a grudge with Xiao and Zheng. I'm afraid he has been surrounded and killed by the three families."

"But for the news, I would not have come to you."

Edwin Gullett shrugged and said with a sneer.

even in China, the Goullet family has its own intelligence sources, including the ambush in the vicinity of Wang Sun, Xiao, Zheng and Lei four.

It was because he knew that the three families were attacking Li Feng that Edwin Gullit dared to go to Shangjing to look for murongxue.

That night, Li Feng hit Lei Ming with a blow, which was really frightening to Edwin Gullit. If Li Feng was not dead, he would not easily attack Murong Xue.

"It's impossible. Li Feng can't have an accident. He's a strong martial arts man. He..."

Murong Xue kept shaking his head and murmured that it was impossible.

"Oh, you look too high at Li Feng and underestimate the heroes of the world." Edwin Gullit sneered, "Li Feng is just a strong man to be a saint, and there is a supreme one on top of him."

"Although the most powerful are rare, there are several powerful ones in your four top ancient Wu families in China, and Xiao, Lei and Zheng are three of the four."

"The supreme strong is like a lion to a sheep. Do you think Li Feng can still survive?"

"So you don't want to be unrealistic. Be my woman. My patience is limited. Don't force me to do it to you."

As he spoke, Edwin Gullit clenched murongxue's wrist.

Murong Xue looked at him for a while, then said with a sad smile: "don't dream. You make me feel sick. Compared with being your woman, I prefer to die."

Murong Xue will bite his tongue and commit suicide.

At this time, a light sigh came from behind her: "snow, can't you wait for me a little longer?"At the moment of the sound, Edwin Gullett was shivering and frightened.

Pound Longfellow, who had always been expressionless, looked in horror at the sound.

And Murong snow, the face is first a Leng, and then on the face of ecstatic color back: "Li Feng?"

Li Feng was standing at the door of the kitchen in a neat and tidy way. The expression on his face was kind of loving and killing: "I'm sorry, Xiaoxue, I'm late."

Murong snow repeatedly shook his head, eyes already red, choked, do not know what to say.

"What the hell are you doing here?" At this time, Edwin Gullit finally roared out of his heart.

Before that, he also said that Li Feng was surrounded and killed by the people of Zheng, Lei and Xiao, and then Li Feng appeared in front of them. Did he beat his face too fast?

Key Li Feng came in too quietly, he didn't hear anything at all!

"Let go of snow, I can spare you from death."

Li Feng put his hands in his pocket and walked slowly towards him.

Edwin Gullit was stunned at first, and then said with a grim smile, "Li Feng, are you looking too high at yourself? Pound, go and kill him

When the voice fell, pound Longfellow rushed to Li Feng.

Even if Li Feng showed his strength at the celebration banquet, he still couldn't frighten pound Longfellow, because he was the peak of entering the saint!

Not only that, but also


Pound Longfellow let out a roar and his body soared in an instant.

Originally, pound Longfellow was only 178 in height and looked a little thin, but now his height has directly reached two meters, and his body has grown bigger and bigger than the world's Mr. bodybuilder!

Not only that, silver gray hair from his body stand up, pierced his clothes, his fingernails on ten fingers also quickly curved, lengthened, in the sun's light, emitting a cold light.

At this moment, pound Longfellow still has a little bit of British housekeeper's appearance, which is a wild animal, wolf type beast!


This scene scared Murong Xue and made her exclaim.

Even Li Feng frowned slightly, somewhat surprised at the change of pound Longfellow.

Of course, it was just a surprise. At the moment that pound Longfellow rushed to his body and waved his claws, Li Feng gently raised his right hand!


a huge dragon claw made of genuine Qi burst out, and in a flash it firmly grasped pound Longfellow.

"Ow ~"

pound Longfellow let out a howl and couldn't move!

In the distance, Edwin Gullit's straight ahead!

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