Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 655

After hearing the system prompt, Li Feng was stunned. Who will be involved in the task at this time?

"Check it out!"

"Mission: save goddess murongxue (4)"

"mission objective: rescue goddess murongxue from Edwin Gullit to ensure the safety of goddess murongxue. If the mission fails, the host system bonus of 2 million will be deducted."

"Mission reward: 50000 exp, 1 million system points, 20 conquest points."

After reading the task introduction, Li Feng's face was suddenly hard to see.

Is it actually related to murongxue and the danger is caused by Edwin Gullit?

In a flash, Li Feng's mind came up with the scene when he saw Edwin Gullit that night.

In fact, that night, he saw that Edwin Gullit had an idea for murongxue, but later, Edwin Gullit left the court early, which let Li Feng relax his vigilance.

What's more, Li Feng's thunder flying in public also has the purpose of deterring Edwin Gullit. He never thought that Edwin Gullit was a thief!

"Wait a minute. Is there anything to do with Edwin Gullett?"

Because of the emergence of this task, Li Feng flashed a light in his mind.

Before Lei Ming left, Edwin Gullit once said something to stir up the relationship between him and Lei Ming, which would make others believe that as long as there is something wrong with Lei Ming, it is very likely that Li Feng did it.

Shortly after he left, Edwin Gullett left the hotel, and then he disappeared.

Could it be that Edwin Gullit killed raming and deliberately planted it on him?

"I'll know when I see him."

Li Feng slightly pondered, then took out the mobile phone to check the location of Murong snow.

A long time ago, in order to prevent the women from being in danger, Li Feng implanted a positioning program on the women's mobile phones, so that he could easily grasp the position of the women at any time.

Li Feng didn't do it secretly. Instead, he got permission from all the girls. This morning, he sent the message directly to the backyard of Sutong villa. He didn't listen to what the other party said on the phone, but determined Su Tong's location through positioning.

"Shangjing, villa No.6, Yuyuan Tianxi community?"

After confirming Murong Xue's position, Li Feng used group teleportation

a flash of light flashed by, and Li Feng disappeared in his place.

A few minutes ago, Shangjing, Yuyuan Tianxi District, villa 6.

Yuyuan Tianxi district is a high-grade villa area in the third ring road. There are tens of thousands of villas or hundreds of millions of villas. People living here are either rich or expensive.

Villa No. 6 is the real estate of murongxue. She bought the villa a year ago. When the initial cost was 89 million yuan, a year later, the villa has risen to 120 million yuan.

At the moment, No. 6 villa, Li Na block in front of Murong snow, a face of vigilance at the sudden intrusion of two crooked nuts: "who are you, why break into here?"

At the same time, Li Na is going to steal the cell phone in her pants pocket.

After the celebration banquet, Murong Xue stayed in Mingzhu for another day and returned to Shangjing. As Murong Xue's agent, Li Na usually accompanies Murong Xue, and today is no exception.

Just as they were about to go out, the two crooked nuts suddenly burst in.

He said that Chuang just came because the other party didn't invite him, but the way they came in didn't mean to break in at all. They came to the villa gate leisurely and swiped the card and pushed the door, just like entering their own home. Where was the appearance of a robber?

What's more, there are robbers in the daytime now?

Even so, Li Na and Murong Xue are still frightened by the arrival of the two people. Li Na also summoned up all her courage to question.

"I advise you not to do so. It's dangerous, life-threatening."

Edwin Gullett, looking at Li Na with a playful face, said.

There was no expression on the face of pound Longfellow standing behind him, but those who knew him knew that the more expressionless he was, the more dangerous he was.

Li Na body a stagnant, facial expression ugliness says: "here is China, you force to break into private house is against the law."

"Li Na, don't get excited. I know them."

At this time, Murong snow, who was protected by Li Na, patted Li Na on the shoulder and said in a soft voice.

Although she is calm on the surface, she is really flustered, but she can't show the panic in her heart. She must be calm. Only in this way can she have a chance to turn passive into active.

"Snow..." Li Na turns her head in surprise and looks at Murong Xue.

So mu Rongxue gave them access cards? Is this a misunderstanding from the beginning to the end?

Murong Xue didn't explain much. She pulled Li Na to her side and said, "Mr. Gullit, you suddenly come to visit. Why don't you tell me in advance? I'm ready to prepare."

"Only when you come suddenly can you surprise Miss Murong." Edwin Gullit took out a jewelry box from his arms and sent it to Murong Xue to open it before and after, revealing the diamond necklace among them.At the top of this diamond necklace is a 10 Carat Diamond Sapphire, which is dazzling in the sunlight. The platinum chain is inlaid with white diamonds. These white diamonds also have a carat or so, with dozens of them.

Not to mention the 10 carat sapphire, just say these dozens of white diamonds, the value is not cheap, plus this 10 carat sapphire, the value of this necklace is absolutely sky high.

"This starry love was bought at LD Sotheby's autumn auction last year for 20 million euros, and I wanted to give it to miss Murong."

"I believe Miss Murong will be as dazzling as a goddess with this necklace."

As he spoke, Edwin Gullit took out the necklace and pretended to help Murong Xue put it on.

Murong Xue stepped back and said with a smile, "Mr. Gullit, it's only the second time we met. I can't accept such a valuable gift."

"There's an old saying in China that one is born and the other is familiar. Now we are acquaintances, aren't we? Besides... " Edwin Gullett said with a smile, "it's only a necklace of 20 million euro. It's not much valuable to me."

It's not that he pretends to force it. 20 million euro is a drop in the bucket for the huge property owned by the gulit family.

Edwin Gullit just likes the feeling of smashing people with money. No matter how pure and decent a woman looks, she can't stand the temptation in front of huge amount of money.

Murong Xue:

It's not The necklace of 20 million euro is not very valuable. What family, there is a mine Ah, no, it's no longer a matter of whether there is a mine at home

When Murong snow is shocked, Edwin Gullit will continue to help Murong Snow put on the necklace.

Just then pound Longfellow, who had been standing in the same place, suddenly rushed to Lina, raised his hand and clasped her neck.


Murong snow exclaimed, and then angrily said, "what are you going to do? Let her go!"

Edwin Gullett also raised his eyebrows and said, "pound, what's the situation?"

"She put her hand into her trouser pocket and should have called the police." Said pound Longfellow coldly.

Edwin Gullit frowned slightly and said, "kill what you don't know how to praise."

"Yes, young master." Pound Longfellow grinned grimly and gently pinched his finger in the frightened eyes of murongxue and Li Na.


Li Na's throat bone was directly crushed and died!

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