Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 654

In Dachang City, next to the "ruins" of Sutong villa, Li Feng looks at the members of the Dachang branch of longhun who are not far away from the site. Listening to Mo's words on the phone, Li Feng has a funny smile on his mouth.

So in order to clear away the suspicion on the body, don't ask the sky is not even a face? Even said so simply, as if they really did not give up on him.

However, Li Feng can't expose Mo Wentian. It's not in his interest. What he needs is to protect his family by using the dragon spirit, instead of fighting against the dragon spirit.

"I said, the organization has always been very protective of the calf. How could such a thing be done? These bastards dare to stir up the relationship between me and the organization. I should kill them!"

Li Feng pretended to be angry.

Don't ask the sky dark to breathe a sigh of relief, then echoed: "yes, these people really should kill, kill well!"

"But Have you really stepped into the supreme realm? Don't get me wrong. I just can't believe it. "

Although he said to Tianya that he believed in intuition, it was not a sentence to believe in intuition. It was better to confirm it.

Where can Li Feng not understand the meaning of Mo ask the sky? At the moment, he said with a smile: "of course, it's true. I can't joke with Qinglong emissary about this kind of thing. Anyway, the comrades from the Dachang branch are here. I'll show my breath in front of them."

After his voice landed, Li Feng revealed his own breath.

In the distance, members of the Okura branch who were cleaning up the mess were shocked by the breath, and their faces turned white and their bodies trembled.

"Well, Ambassador Qinglong can now call the comrades of the Dachang branch." Li Feng stopped breathing and said with a smile.

Although he has not yet learned the martial arts and skills corresponding to the supreme realm, the breath he shows will not be the supreme realm because of this.

Soon, the comrades of the Dachang Branch received a call to Tianya, and then they told Xiang Tianya their feelings.

After confirming that Li Feng really stepped into the supreme realm, Mo's tone became more and more intimate: "you boy is so excellent that you don't give others a way to live."

"The green dragon has made a great mistake." Li Feng gave a ha ha, and then tried to say: "next, Xiao, Zheng and Lei will surely launch crazy revenge on me. I'm a little afraid, so I want to ask the green dragon envoy, what should I do next?"

It is true to say that fear is false, but to ask Mo and even to Tianya.

"This If you come to Beijing, I will report to xianglongtou. Let's discuss it together. " Mo Wentian didn't say much on the phone, so she could only reply.

Li Feng nodded and ended the call.

There are comrades from the Dachang branch to clean up the mess. He doesn't need to stay here. After saying hello to them, he takes Su Tong away from here.

For Li Feng to shake off the shopkeeper's behavior, the warehouse branch of the people have no opinion.

I'll go. This is the great God of the supreme realm. How can the great God do this kind of work?

After leaving here, Li Feng first sent Su Tong to osville, and then went to the hotel to open a room.

When you upgrade to the supreme realm, you should also select some new skills, martial arts skills, and conquering points to improve the combat effectiveness.

It is impossible for Li Feng to place all his hopes on Xiang Tianya and others.

In the suite, Li Feng, sitting on the sofa, enters the system: "the system wizard selects the skills and skills suitable for the current state."


Li Feng flashed in front of his eyes, and three martial arts skills appeared in the system backpack.

"Shenyuan": this skill is developed and created by the system developer in combination with all the skills suitable for the supreme realm. Compared with kunyuangong, the true Qi produced by kunyuangong is more concise and ten times more than that of kunyuangong

"Note: this skill costs 100000 system points."

"Shaking the heaven fist": this boxing technique was developed by the system developer in March of wudaoya's seclusion. After practicing this boxing technique to a great extent, even the heaven can be shaken, which is to shake the heaven. "

"Note 1: there are seven moves in this boxing technique. The first move will cause double damage, the second form will cause double damage, and so on. The seventh move will cause seven times of damage. After fully mastering it, you can play the seven moves in 0.1 seconds, and the damage will be stacked layer by layer, shaking the sky and earth!"

"Note 2: the price of this boxing is 100000 system points."

"Flash in the air": this body method is specially developed by the system developer for those who are in a superior situation. After learning this body method, the host can fly a hundred meters in mid air

"Note: this body method sells for 100000 system points."

Li Feng:

It's not System spirit, when I get to the supreme level, will I give three martial arts skills? Is it a little less?

"The host, martial arts in the fine but not in the many, no matter how much martial arts are not as practical as a high-quality martial arts book."

"And the previous martial arts are also applicable to the supreme realm. As long as the host reasonably uses these skills, he can dominate the supreme realm."

The system Wizard gives an explanation in time.

Li Feng said that he reluctantly accepted the explanation of the system wizardAfter spending 300000 system points to buy these three martial arts skills, Li Feng only felt that there was a heat flow in his body.

Clench your fists


The fury of the real gas at the tip of the finger!

Until then, Li Feng had the combat power of the supreme realm, which was dozens of times more than that of entering the holy land, and even more than 10 times more than that when his cards were fully opened.

Li Feng believes that if he fights Xiaojin's six men in his present state, he can smash Xiao Jin and others with one punch without using his cards or even martial arts skills.

The most powerful is so overbearing!

After selecting the martial arts skills, Li Feng looked at the system backpack again.

After upgrading, the number of grids in the backpack of the system is increased from 64 to 128, and the storage capacity of each grid is also increased from 50 cubic meters to 100 cubic meters.

It can be said that Li Feng is a mobile super large warehouse, such capacity is enough to install a large supermarket.

Next came to the most exciting link - Conquest point mall!

After checking, Li Feng found that after the update of the conquest mall, he added two new skills of Conquest point - "time reversal" and "reciprocal magic skill · upgraded version".

Just looking at the name of the skill made Li Feng's heart beat faster and excited.

Time backward. Literally speaking, after learning this skill, he can control the time and make the time flow backward?

It's a blockhouse. OK!

There is also "mutual magic power · upgraded version". Before upgrading, the function is already very powerful. How strong will it be after upgrading, or will the efficacy be changed?

The price of the two skill books is 100 conquest points. For Li Feng, who is rich in money, 200 skill points are nothing. He bought these two skill books without any hesitation.

After buying it, Li Feng was ready to look at the skill introduction, but at this moment, a system prompt tone suddenly sounded: "Ding, host, you have a new task, do you want to check it immediately?"

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