Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 649

"Use the secret skill

After the panic, Xiao Jin was the first to come back to her senses, roared and retreated. At the same time, she used her secret skills to improve her combat effectiveness.

However, the reaction speed of Zheng Yang and Zheng Yuan was a little slower than that of him. When they retreated, Li Feng had already turned to look at them.

Li Feng's eyes swept to the moment, Zheng Yang two brothers on the body then hair explosion! It was like a rabbit staring at by a lion, shivering in despair and fear.

But after all, they are the sons of the Zheng family. Even if they are afraid, they still keep calm. When they retreat, they have to use family skills.

However, although their speed is fast, Li Feng's speed is faster!

"Wizard walk!"

Li Feng's body flashed and rushed to Zheng Yang, who was retreating. Then he punched out.

Heaven and earth!


before Zheng Yang even had time to scream, the whole person exploded and the blood rained everywhere!


Zheng yuanmu is ready to crack!

He and Zheng Yang are brothers. They have a good relationship with each other. Watching Zheng Yang die in front of him, Zheng Yuan feels that his heart is beating and his eyes are dark!

However, Li Feng would not give him time for grief and anger. After solving Zheng Yang, Li Feng immediately turned to kill Zheng Yuan.

At this time, Zheng Yuan's breath has begun to rise.

Once Zheng Yuan's realm was raised to the level of half step supreme, Li Feng would not be able to blow him up with another blow, because heaven and earth could only blow up enemies lower than Li Feng's realm with one punch.

Fortunately, the effect of time hourglass still continues. When Zheng Yuan's breath is about to rise to half step supreme, Li Feng rushes in front of him, and then blows out his fist!


Zheng Yuangen was blasted by Li Feng before he could make an effective counterattack!

In the distance, Xiao Jin looked at her eyes and felt extremely scared!

Damned, damned, damned, why did things develop to this point, why in a few seconds, Li Feng smashed Lei Yunmeng's five people like cutting melons and vegetables?

Li Feng's breath is clearly half step supreme, not the real supreme. Even if it is stronger than them, it is limited. Let alone one blow will blow them up. Even if three fists and five fists can hurt them at most.

But Li Feng did it!

In front of Li Feng, their old family Tianjiao is as weak as a baby!

When Xiao Jin was afraid, Li Feng suddenly turned to him.

Just a glance, let Xiao Jin's hair stand upside down, then turn around and run.

He is definitely not Li Feng's opponent. If he stays, he can only follow Zheng Yang's example. All he can do is to escape. The farther he runs, the faster the better!

Before Xiao Jin ran out of the living room, a figure appeared in front of him like a ghost.

Xiao Jin was so shocked that she stopped her body and left.

"Didn't you just say that it's easy to kill me? What strategy should you despise me? How can you be so scared?"

Just as Xiao Jin retreated to the window, Li Feng's voice rang from his ear.

"What?" Xiao Jin turned her head and saw that Li Feng was not far away from him. The distance between them was only one meter away!

Xiao Jin was afraid of Li Feng's speed, but what made him even more frightened was how could Li Feng know what they had just said?

These words were said before Li Feng came!

"Don't you wonder why I came here so soon?"

Li Feng is not in a hurry to attack. He just follows Xiao Jin like a tarsal bone, and says with a smile.

Xiao Jin is the only one left, and Li Feng doesn't have to rush out.

Just now, he used a series of violent walks, fury and five times of heaven and earth one punch, which also consumed a lot of genuine Qi. Li Feng needs a little time to recover his true Qi.

In addition, Li Feng also wanted to know why Xiao, Zheng and Lei suddenly joined hands.

The Xiao family wants to kill him. Li Feng can understand what the Lei family said There is indeed a conflict between him and Lei Ming, but just because of this small conflict, the Lei family is going to kill him. Isn't it reasonable?

As for the Zheng family When did you provoke the Zheng family?

Xiao Jin didn't speak, but ran wildly. She wanted to get rid of Li Feng as soon as possible, and then returned to Xiao's house to move and rescue soldiers.

However, no matter what body method he used, Li Feng always appeared on the road he had to go through first, which made Xiao Jin very depressed. At the same time, his fear of Li Feng was a little deeper.

"Will you tell me?"

Since she can't get rid of Li Feng for the time being, Xiao Jin is ready to say a few words with Li Feng, which may distract Li Feng's attention and create an opportunity to get rid of Li Feng.

For a moment, they circled in the living room of the villa.

"Of course, but before that, you have to tell me why the three of you are working together to kill me."

Li Feng followed Xiao Jin and asked with a smile.Xiao Jin eyebrow tip a pick, surprised way: "you don't know?"

"Should I know?" Li Feng sneered: "you are a top-level ancient martial arts family. You are very happy with what you want. Maybe you just don't like me?"

Xiao Jin's face showed a wry smile: "how can it be? It's true that we are a top-level ancient Wu family, but we are all very principled. "

Li Feng sneered: "have principle? Do you want to be tall when you see a beautiful woman? "

"This..." Xiao Jin was tongue tied for a while, and then said with a bitter smile, "Lei Yunmeng is a different kind."

"Hum!" Li Feng snorted coldly, kept following Xiao Jin's speed, and asked, "then why do you want to kill me?"

"You have ruined our Xiao family's plan..." Xiao Jin is looking for a chance to get rid of Li Feng and says at the same time.

"I know. What about the Zheng family?" Li Feng asked.

"Both the sun family and the Qin family are affiliated families of the Zheng family. If you kill the sun Xiyi brothers and Qin Chengji brothers, you will hit the Zheng family in the face." Xiao Jin couldn't find a chance to get rid of Li Feng for a long time, so she became more and more impatient.

"Oh?" Li Feng eyebrow pointed a pick, said clearly: "no wonder Zheng family want to trouble me What about the Lei family? Just because I hurt Lei Ming, the Lei family will send someone to kill me? The Lei family's measurement is really small. "

"You didn't just hurt ray Ming, did you?" Xiao Jin said strangely.

"Well?" Li Feng's face changed slightly: "is Lei Ming dead?"

"Four days ago, Lei Ming disappeared and there is no news so the Lei family suspects that you killed Lei Ming." Xiao Jin said truthfully.

Li Feng has a moment of Leng Shen.

Lei Ming is missing. Did the Lei family hide Lei Ming in order to deal with him, or did someone kill him?

It should not be the Lei family deliberately hide, in that case, Lei Ming will still appear in the future, he will not leave such a handle on the world.

Is it true that Lei Ming was killed? Who would have killed him?

Xiao Jin noticed Li Feng's stupefied spirit. Knowing that the opportunity was coming, her speed suddenly soared. In the twinkling of an eye, she rushed out of the villa.

Just when Xiao Jin thought he was escaping from the heaven, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him like a ghost!

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