Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 648

Lei Yunmeng move, Xiao Jin and others from other directions around the past.

Li Feng reported to Su Tong that the situation was extremely dangerous!

When Lei Yunmeng and others are about to close in, Li Feng uses the time hourglass!

The velocity of the "ring" is almost invisible.

The speed of Lei Yunmeng and others covered by the diaphragm suddenly dropped ten times!

But Li Feng is not affected at all, reporting Su Tong to step out.


one hundred meters in one step!

Shua, Shua, Shua

Li Feng ran three kilometers in a row and came to a park.

After putting Su Tong on the bench in the park, Li Feng feeds Su Tong a pill of energy. Then, Su Tong's eyelids beat, and there's a sign to wake up.

But Li Feng has no time to wait for her to wake up completely. The effect of time hourglass can only last 10 seconds. He must solve the battle within these 10 seconds.

At the moment, it has been two seconds since he used the hourglass. It took one second to come here from Su Tong's house, and another second to buy Yuanqi pills for Su Tong.

"When I go back and kill them, I'll pick you up again!"

Voice landing, Li Feng turned to Su Tong villa and ran away.

Soon after Li Feng left here, some tourists came here and found Su Tong lying on the bench.

When they want to check the situation, Su Tong opens his eyes and wakes up.

"Why am I here?" Su Tong rubbed some swelling pain of the forehead, a face confused.

Then she remembered what had happened before the coma, and then she was even more confused.

The strong men who suddenly broke into her house and knocked her out in order to put her in the park? It can't be true!

At this time, Su Tong suddenly smelled a familiar smell on her body, which was the taste that made her infatuated and reassured!

"Li Feng saved me?"

Su Tong's eyes shine, and all doubts are easily solved.

It must be that Li Feng appeared in time to save her after she was knocked out! It's just Li Feng. Why didn't he stay by her side and wait for her to wake up? Is the crisis not solved?

Su Tong is worthy of being entrusted by Li Feng with an important task. She has deduced the course of the matter from some clues and has made some judgments on the current situation.

"I can only drag Li Feng back now. I'd better stay here and wait for him patiently."

A little meditation, Su Tong will know what he should do.

The tourists who had to come to check the situation before saw Su Tong wake up, and then stopped the idea of checking.


At the same time, Su Tong's villa.

Li Feng's sudden departure makes Lei Yunmeng and others very injured.

It's not Li Feng is about to be surrounded there. How could he run away?

No, how could they let Li Feng run away? The scene just now was like a group of chickens catching eagles. Their speed was so slow that the eagle fluttered its wings and disappeared from their eyes.

This frustration makes Lei Yunmeng and others really hurt.

"Uncle ray, what shall we do now?"

Xiao Jin's face is accordant to ask a way.

"This..." Lei Yunmeng some wax, how to do? If only he knew what to do, he didn't even know where Li Feng had gone!

How do you sing the lyrics? Oh, yes, you are electricity, you are light. In his eyes, Li Feng is the only myth.

So just now Li Feng appeared here without any sign because of his speed?

Just as they didn't know what to do, a burst of air burst from the outside.

Lei Yunmeng and others turned their heads and saw Li Feng rush into the living room.

Suddenly, Lei Yunmeng and other people's faces showed the color of ecstasy!

"Heaven has..."

"Li Feng, you..."

"I still have to..."

Lei Yunmeng and others laughed wildly and rushed to Li Feng at the same time.


"Run away!"

"Invincible Aura!"

Suddenly, Li Feng's breath soared two times in a row, and came to banbu Zhizun directly from the later stage of entering the saint! Can be compared to Lei Yunmeng and other people's realm is a little higher!

Lei Yunmeng and other people have not finished speaking, they found the change of Li Feng's breath, and all of them suddenly showed a startled look.

However, they are only a little surprised. If a person fights Li Feng, they may use their family secret skills to improve their fighting power.

But they are six to one, and Li Feng's realm at this time is only a little higher than them. In the case of six to one, they think they are stable, so they don't care to use family skills.

Of course, the main reason is that the use of secret skills has certain side effects, and they don't want to make a fuss if they win the game.It's just that Lei Yunmeng and others think that their actions are very fast. They can quickly surround Li Feng and then kill him. But in Li Feng's eyes, their actions are like slow actions in the movie, which makes people want to laugh.

"Heaven and earth strike!"

Li Feng ignored the attack of Xiao Jin and others, and rushed to Lei Yun's fierce body with a fist!


Lei Yunmeng only felt a flower in front of him. Before he could react, Li Feng's fist hit his chest.


Lei Yunmeng's body swelled like a blown balloon, and then exploded!

Until then, the sentence "heaven has a way, you don't go" he just said the first three words!

Lei Yunmeng in situ explosion moment, Xiao Jin and others are like lightning!

One punch, just one punch, will blow up Lei Yunmeng? How can Li Feng be so strong?

But Xiao Jin and others have no time to grieve or fear, because of Lei Yunmeng's containment, Li Feng's empty door is wide open, and their attack can easily fall on Li Feng!



Xiao Jin and others roared. In a blink of an eye, they rushed to Li Feng, and their fists and feet hit the ground like meteors.

"Bang", "bang", "bang", "bang", "bang"

the continuous loud noise rings from Li Feng!

Hit it! Li Feng is dead this time!

Xiao Jin and others are ecstatic!

But before the joy color appeared on Xiao Jin's and others' faces, they found Li Feng's body was full of golden light. Then, Li Feng hit Lei Haoyuan directly opposite.

"Heaven and earth strike!"


Lei Haoyuan explodes in situ!


"Damn it..."


Xiao Jin and others are confused. They all hit Li Feng. Why is Li Feng unharmed and capable of hitting Lei Haoyuan with one blow?

Why is this?

Because of this sudden change, Xiao Jin and others have a moment of Leng Shen.

At this time, Li Feng hit Xiao an on the left.


Xiao an was shocked and turned pale, and then withdrew.

But under the influence of the hourglass, Xiao an's speed was extremely slow. As soon as he had some movement, Li Feng's fist hit his chest.


Xiao an's whole body was broken, and the blood was scattered everywhere!

In this moment, fear will devour Xiao Jin and others like tide!

When they left the house, they were manly and high spirited, and did not take Li Feng's killing seriously at all.

Just now, the six of them were still talking about how easy and easy it was to kill Li Feng. In a few seconds, they were six dead!

Li Feng's horror completely exceeded their imagination. At this moment, Li Feng was invincible in Xiao Jin's eyes!

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