Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 650

Although the time of hourglass and invincible aura has passed, the time limit of rampage and fury has not passed, and Li Feng is still in the realm of half step supreme.

In addition, the super body method of the system "immortal trace step", Li Feng can still crush Xiao Jin in speed.

If it is not for Xiao Jin, let Li Feng appear a moment of Leng Shen, Xiao Jin also can't get rid of Li Feng's following, even if get rid of, Li Feng can catch up with Xiao Jin in the shortest time, just like now!

"Li Feng, do you have to force me to die with you?"

Xiao Jin knew that she could not get rid of Li Feng, and her fear and despair turned into anger.

Anger can make people forget fear, anger can give people strength, anger can make people lose their sense.

Now Xiao Jin is in a state of forgetting her fear, increasing her strength and decreasing her sense. So she said that she wanted to die with Li Feng, and she really had such a plan.

"You are not my match." Li Feng smiles and wants to die with him? Does Xiao Jin look up to herself?

"Shit, don't think I don't see it. The reason why you follow me all the time but don't do it is that the consumption just now is very high, and you are at the end of the tether! I'm in the same realm as you. I don't know who will win in a fight! "

"Li Feng, don't force me. I'm the Xiao family's son. As long as you let me go back, I promise the Xiao family will not trouble you any more."

Speaking of later, Xiao Jin's words turned and lured Li Feng.

Although Xiao Jin's reason was reduced, his judgment ability was still there. He could see that Li Feng consumed too much, which was the first to intimidate and then to lure him to seek a chance of life for himself.

Li Feng sneered: "when I am an idiot? There are your family members among the people who died just now. I have a death feud with the Xiao family. Either I die or you Xiao family dies! "

"That is to say, whether you die or not will not affect the overall situation. In this case, why should I let you go back?"

Xiao Jin's face first rose red, then gritted her teeth and said, "OK, Li Feng, this is what you forced me to do! It's burning

Xiao Jin's right hand is empty, and he holds a long red knife in his hand. The flame covers the long knife, and the temperature in the living room rises suddenly!

Then, Xiao Jin cut with a knife!


the flowing fire on the blade was like a dragon. In a flash, it entangled Li Feng, and then these flames soared, covering Li Feng's body in an instant.



a big bang, the fire is towering!

One of the Xiao family's ancestral killing moves is to cut it out with one knife, and the fire will soar. The enemy will be surrounded and then exploded. The damage power can be described as explosive!

There is a lesson before, Xiao Jin did not stop after a knife cut, but Shua Shua Shua Shua and cut three knives again!

"Boom", "boom", "boom"

the explosion sounds one after another, and the blast wave flattens Su Tong's villa to the ground!

Li Feng is standing on the place is a huge pit, like a large amount of explosives exploded there in general!

On top of it, the smoke is rolling and the dust is all over the sky!

Xiao Jin waited for a while. Seeing that there was no movement in the smoke, she could not help laughing wildly: "ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Li Feng, Li Feng, you are so crazy with Laozi and arrogant. "

"I give you a chance, you don't want to. What's the result? Are you blown to pieces by me? Ha ha ha GAH

Just as Xiao Jin was laughing wildly, the strong wind rose and scattered the thick smoke, revealing the internal scene.

Then Xiao Jin saw Li Feng standing on the edge of the pit with a sneer and smile, looking at himself.

Around Li Feng's body, there is a circle of green mountain shadow slowly rotating!

"How can it be?"

Xiao Jin screamed like a ghost.

Four consecutive moves of explosive flame chopping ah, almost emptied his body's true Qi, but in exchange for Li Feng's unhurt? Even the clothes are not damaged!

Then think of the five of them fighting Li Feng together. After Li Feng was also unhurt, Xiao Jin collapsed directly.

How can you fight an enemy who can't hurt him?!

"You just laughed as if you were happy. Keep laughing."

Li Feng sneers at a smile, a flash body rushed to Xiao Jin body.

Although the effective time of invincible aura has passed, Li Feng still has the unique defense skill "green mountain guard" which has not been used.

After using "green mountain guard", you can completely resist ten times of all-out attack from the enemy in the same realm. Xiao Jin and Li Feng are in the same realm, and the explosive burning chop is also Xiao Jin's all-out strike.

After withstanding Xiao Jin's four explosive cuts, Li Feng can still resist six more times. However, Xiao Jin seems to be at the end of her tether. I'm afraid these six times are hard to use.

At the same time when Li Feng rushed to the scene, Xiao Jin retreated violently. Just now, he used four moves to kill him, which almost emptied his Qi. This retreat made him feel weak, and his speed was not as fast as before.

"Want to go? Leave your life

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Li Feng came to Xiao Jin and cut it out with a sword. At the same time, the long sword made of genuine Qi appeared in Li Feng's hand: "Tianzhuo sword!"One sword can cause triple damage and add 0.1 second stun effect.


Xiao Jin couldn't dodge. She was cut by Li Feng's sword on her fierce mouth. The pain hit her. A ferocious wound appeared on Xiao Jin's fierce mouth, and the blood flowed like a waterfall!

At the same time, the Vertigo effect took effect, Xiao Jin only felt a buzz in her head, which actually lost control of her body.

"Heaven and earth strike!"

Li Feng takes up his sword and blows at Xiao Jin.


Xiao Jin's right side was smashed by Li Feng!

However, Xiao Jin, after all, was a strong man at the top of the holy land, with extremely strong vitality. Even though she was seriously injured, she still did not die for a time.

"Heaven back!"

Li Feng has no pity at all. He blows a fist at Xiao Jin again.


triple damage erupted on Xiao Jin's left side, and the blood rain scattered everywhere!

After three attacks, Xiao Jin was finally killed to the dregs!

"Huchi", "Huchi", "Huchi"

after killing Xiao Jin, Li Feng gasped heavily.

He killed six strong men at the top of the holy mountain and used many cards to drain Li Feng's true Qi. This consumption made Li Feng unable to bear.

After a while, the system prompt tone suddenly rings: "Ding, congratulations to the host, the task is completed, and the task reward is being issued..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, 200000 experience points and 2 million system points reward."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. The current level is SSS - level."

"Ding, congratulations on the host, system mall upgrade."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, system backpack upgrade."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, vanquishing point mall upgrade."

"Upgraded?" Li Feng heart a joy, hurriedly opened the personal attribute interface to view.

Host: Li Feng

level: SSS level

experience value: 13999950000

system points: 11300000

conquest points: 679

skills: kunyuangong, Qiankun fist, fangcunjian, Qingshan guardian, Tiangang 36 moves, fury, cloud Finder

Tasks to be completed: none

after reading his personal attributes, Li Feng couldn't help but say: "I'll go. It takes 500000 experience to upgrade to a higher level! How many tasks does it take to upgrade? "

Shaking his head, Li Feng quit the system, did not immediately check the upgraded system mall, but turned to leave the villa.

Su Tong should wake up, or find her first to talk about it, lest she think more.

Besides, the war with Xiao Jin and others just now is a little big. I'm afraid it has already attracted other people's attention. Maybe the police will arrive here soon. He has to figure out a way to deal with it.

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