Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 647

Xiao Jin and others are really muddled. They don't understand why Li Feng suddenly appears here?

Intelligence shows that Li Feng has been accompanying Wei Bingqing today. At least when Lei Yunmeng called Li Feng, Li Feng was still in the future group building.

Their people saw that Li Feng accompanied Wei Bingqing into the future group building and never left, which they can be sure of.

As a result, Li Feng appeared in front of them within two minutes after the phone call, which was too unscientific, right?

What makes Xiao Jin and others feel puzzled is that the way Li Feng appears is too strange, just like he has been standing there, but they can't find out.

"You seem surprised?"

Li Feng reported Su Tong and said with a sarcastic smile.

Xiao Jin nodded subconsciously, and then found that she fell into the rhythm of Li Feng. Suddenly, she was ashamed and angry: "we knew you were coming. What's so surprising about you?"

Xiao an also sneered: "hum, no matter how you do it, but there is only one ending you come here, that is, death! So what does it matter whether we are surprised or not? "

"Ma De, dare to rob women with me, are you tired of living?" Lei Yunmeng is more ashamed and angry.

He is in the state, and the object of the state is taken away, which makes him depressed!

"So don't you really wonder why I came so fast?" Li Feng, with a mocking smile in his mouth, said.

Xiao Jin and others looked at each other and saw the color of curiosity from each other's eyes.

"Well, you want to delay time and find help? Don't dream, there's no one to help you! " Lei Hao thought he had seen through Li Feng's plan and couldn't help laughing.

"We Zheng, Lei, Xiao three unite, no one will risk offending our three to save you!" Zheng Yuan said fearlessly.

Li Feng's eyebrow pointed a pick and said without hesitation: "is it?"

"Ha, what else?" Zheng Yang sneered and sneered: "do you think you bear the blood of Wang Sun family, and Wang Sun family will send someone to save you? Don't dream

"You've been abandoned by the Wangs, understand?" Xiao Jin pointed to Li Feng, and the irony on her face became more and more intense.

Li Feng raised his eyelids and said, "yes."

Li Feng's indifferent attitude upset Xiao Jin and others: "don't you believe it? What a childish and ridiculous thing

"In order to let the wangsun family give up on you, the heads of Xiao, Lei and Zheng went to Wang sun's house together to put pressure on Wang sun's family."

"The king sun family master saw our determination to kill you and decided to give you up!"

"If you don't believe it, you can call the Wang family and ask if it's true."

Xiao an embraces her shoulders and says sarcastically.

In their opinion, the reason why Li Feng is so calm is that he places his hope on his own blood of Wang and Sun family.

As long as Li Feng knows that Wang sun's family has given him up, Li Feng will surely feel great despair and fear!

Fear of the heart of the people, the combat power is bound to decline a little!

This is what they said before: they despise the enemy strategically and attach importance to the enemy tactically!

"I don't have to call. Anyway, I've never regarded myself as a member of the wangsun family."

Li Feng shrugged, still a face of light.

If he cared about this, he promised to come back to Wang Sun Zhong when he invited him back. Why wait until now?

However, Li Feng was disappointed to hear that he was given up. At the same time, he wanted to laugh.

You think he's dead, right? Then he doesn't mind giving the Wangs a surprise!

Xiao Jin and others raised their eyebrows and looked surprised.

Li Feng has never regarded himself as a member of the wangsun family. He must be pretending to be forced?

This is the wangsun family, the first of the four top ancient martial arts families!

How many people dream of having a relationship with the wangsun family, but Li Feng, who bears the blood of the wangsun family, is dismissive of it?


"Well, that sounds good. Who knows what you really think?"

Zheng Yuan couldn't help sneering.

"Perhaps you are envious of us from the bottom of your heart, maybe?"

Zheng Yang shrugged his shoulders and said with complacency.

They are born with golden spoon in their hearts, enjoying a life that other people may not enjoy in their whole lives.

Wherever they go, they will be sought after and praised by others, and they enjoy the feeling.

Naturally, they will feel envied by others, including Li Feng.

Li Feng laughed: "do you want to feel so good about yourself? In my eyes, you are no different from the rest of the world. "

Zheng Yang and others face color when a lag!

Then, Xiao Jin sneered: "Li Feng, do you think the dragon soul will save you?"

They thought that Li Feng didn't really have the idea of Wang sun's family. It was because of the dragon spirit that Li Feng was so calm.Li Feng shrugged: "far hydrolyze not near thirst, this truth I still understand."

Xiao Jin sneered: "it's not that the far can't hydrolyze the near thirst, but the dragon soul has also given you up. Give up! Give up! Do you understand? "

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, the expression on his face is no longer as indifferent as before.

Did even the dragon soul give him up? Oh, it's really heartless. No matter how, he has also made contributions to the dragon spirit.

If he hadn't saved Shen Zixuan last time, under the joint siege of Japanese shadow and American Super Power Bureau, the five giants of Dragon Spirit would have gone to see the king of hell.

So much contribution, the dragon soul said to give up on him, really let him a little cold.

Of course, it's hard to say no when Xiao, Lei and Zheng work together to put pressure on them. But Shen Zixuan should always say yes and say hello to him in advance.

However, he did not receive any warning from the dragon spirit.

In this case, from now on, there is no relationship between him and the dragon soul!

"Now you know the seriousness of the matter? People who have been abandoned by the whole world, what's the meaning of your life? It's better to commit suicide, and it will save us hands. "

Xiao an said sarcastically.

If we can let Li Feng die only by words, it will be a great sense of achievement.

"Abandoned by the world?" Li Feng raised a sarcastic smile: "sorry, Wang Sun family and dragon soul can not represent the world, I care about the talent is my world."

"And I never wanted to let Wang sun's family or dragon soul help me out. I only trust my fist

"It doesn't matter if they give up on me. I'll let them know how stupid their decision is this time!"

Li Feng's words let Xiao Jin and others have a short-term Leng Shen, then they looked up and laughed: "ha ha, Li Feng, you are really arrogant!"

"Li Feng, do you want us to laugh to death? You have a good fist? Oh, those who can't see the situation clearly

"Li Feng, we are all strong people who enter the holy peak. Unless you are in the supreme realm, you will surely die!"

"Well, let's stop talking nonsense with him and kill him quickly. I'm waiting to enjoy it."

Lei Yun fierce smile, one step to kill Li Feng!

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