Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 646

In the living room, Su Tong, who was knocked unconscious, lies on the sofa.

She was dressed in professional clothes with exquisite makeup and a Kun bag on the ground.

It seems that Su Tong was knocked unconscious when she was ready to go to work and was put on the sofa again.

Around the sofa, six men of all ages and in different clothes stood chatting. The youngest of them looked in his forties and the oldest one looked sixty.

And the one who spoke was the oldest person. His name was Lei Yunmeng. He was the fourth younger brother of Lei Yunfeng. His martial arts talent ranked the bottom of the four families. At 65, he was only at the top of the holy peak. I'm afraid he will stop at the highest level in his life.

In fact, Lei Yunmeng's martial arts talent is fairly good, but he prefers female astringency, and most of his time is spent on pleasure seeking. It is reasonable that the martial arts realm enters slowly.

Lei Yunmeng's voice fell to the ground, and the expressions on the faces of the other five people became a little strange.

We all know that Lei Yun Meng is very astringent, but I didn't expect that he would be so astringent. They are here to do business, not to Gao women!

"Fourth uncle, I'd better not do this at this time..."

On one side, Lei Haoyuan said helplessly.

Lei Haoyuan is the second son of Lei Yunfeng. He is an uncle and nephew of Lei Yunmeng.

If only their uncles and nephews are here, then Lei Yunmeng can say anything. The problem is that the Zheng family and the Xiao family are there. Lei Yunmeng says this, it seems that their Lei family are very astringent

It's embarrassing.

"Is it time to do this?"

Lei Yunmeng did not care, and even a little excited.

If it's not Su Tong but other women, Lei Yun would not be so anxious. But this is Su Tong. Her figure and appearance are unique. In addition, she developed the temperament during her tenure as president of oswelli. It can be said that she kills most women in seconds.

Even if Lei Yunmeng's vision is not low, he is deeply attracted by Su Tong at the moment.

"Well, it doesn't take time to do this. Anyway, we've already informed Li Feng. Why don't we let Uncle Lei go upstairs and relax first?"

At this time, Zheng Yang of the Zheng family said with a smile.

"Yes, a little relaxation before the war will help us develop our strength."

Zheng Yang's second younger brother, Zheng Yuan, also pondered with a smile.

Zheng Yang and Zheng Yuan are the natural sons of Zheng Tao, the head of the Zheng family. Zheng Yang ranks first and Zheng Yuan ranks second.

"Well, in fact, I don't think Uncle Lei needs to stay here. Five of us can kill Li Feng. Uncle Lei can stay on the second floor

Xiao Jin of Xiao family said with a smile.

"Yes, uncle ray, you can go. There are five of us that are OK."

Xiao Jin's younger brother Xiao an also pats the fierce breast to say.

Xiao Jin and Xiao an are the sons of Xiao Yu, the head of the Xiao family. One of them is the second, the other is the third. They are brothers with Xiao ran and Xiao Ye.

From this aspect, we can also see that the relationship between the four is really close, they are very familiar with each other, and some jokes can be played.

This is still because Lei Yunmeng is the elder of Xiao Jin and others, so Xiao Jin and others have reservations when they are joking. If they are all peers here, they can be more open-minded.

Although Xiao Jin and others said something in jest, Lei Yunmeng did feel a little moved: "can you really do it?"

The reason why Lei Yunfeng sent him here is to let him down. Although Lei Yunmeng has ordinary talent, he has rich experience and is more confident to lead the team.

"Uncle ray, you look down on us."

Zheng Yang is half dissatisfied, half is joking.

"Just one Li Feng, I can handle it by myself."

Zheng Yuan sneers, tone is very contemptuous.

"I think the three masters have a little too high regard for Li Feng. They even sent six of us here. Li Feng is only in the late stage of entering the holy land. We are all in the peak of the holy peak. Any one of us can easily kill him."

Xiao Jin shook her head and said that she was contemptuous.

"Second brother, be careful. The decision of the three owners is not something we can easily evaluate. We despise Li Feng strategically and pay attention to it tactically. "

On one side, Xiao an reminded.

Lei Haoyuan nodded his head and said with a smile, "Xiao an's brother said it's a great taboo to belittle the enemy. Even if we know that we must kill Li Feng this time, we can't despise Li Feng."

This word a, Xiao Jin and others all agreed to nod.

The six of them had issued military orders before they came. If the boat capsized in the gutter, they would be disgraced and lost. Although this possibility is very small, they will not make the mistake of belittling the enemy.

What Xiao Jin and others don't know is that when they are discussing, Li Feng has come to the living room under the state of reclusion.

Listening to their conversation, Li Feng's face showed a sarcastic smile: "are they all in the peak of Saint It's just a local chicken and a dog! "

Then Li Feng collected a smile and wanted to rescue Su Tong to a safe place. Suddenly, a system prompt sounded: "Ding, host, you have a new task. Do you want to check it now?"Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick: "check!"

"Mission: save the goddess Su Tong (5)"

"mission objective: to kill or repel Lei Yunmeng, Lei Haoyuan, Xiao Jin, Xiao an, Zheng Yang and Zheng Yuan, so as to ensure the safety of Goddess Su Tong."

"Task reward: 200000 experience points, 2 million system points."

After reading the task introduction, Li Feng immediately raised his eyebrows and said in surprise, "I'm going, so much experience?"

Last time, the mission with so much experience was to save the goddess Shen Zixuan. Shen Zixuan was the supreme power, and the enemy was also the supreme realm. It was very difficult to save her across the realm, so much experience was expected by Li Feng.

Su Tong is just extraordinary later stage, the people who hijacked her are also the top of the saint, so much experience, interesting!

Under the pressure of surprise, Li Feng walked slowly to the sofa, and he would take Su Tong away.

At this time, Lei Yun couldn't resist the impulse. He also came to the sofa and reached out to hold Su Tong. At the same time, he said, "since you are all so sure, I won't waste time here."

Xiao Jin and others all showed a look of "I understand", smiling at Lei Yunmeng, Xiao an and Zheng Yuan even showed the color of eager to try.

In fact, they are not usually such people, even if they want to be tall, they also use conventional means.

But a person's environment is very important, as a paragraph said, a few men and women living on a desert island, usually civilized people, stay for a period of time will become barbarians.

In the absence of legal constraints, people will really show the most primitive side of their hearts.

When Lei Yunmeng is about to meet Su Tong, a figure suddenly appears, and a fist blows to Lei Yunmeng.

This figure appears too suddenly, even if the experience is rich, such as Lei Yunmeng, also has a moment of Leng Shen.

When Lei Yun suddenly reached out to block him, the man suddenly took back his fist, bent over to report Su Tong, and then burst back out.

Until then, Xiao Jin and other people saw who was coming, and immediately they exclaimed, "Li Feng?"

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