Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 641

Lei Ming's mouth is slightly open and his face is confused.

Nima, Edwin Gullit, too. Just throw in the towel and quit the competition. Is he still not a man?

The key is that Edwin Gullit is accompanied by a housekeeper. Even if Edwin Gullit can't beat Li Feng, can his housekeeper always beat Li Feng?

To retreat without fighting is to make people laugh to death.

Zhang Tao and others did not expect that Edwin Gullit would admit defeat so readily. For a time, he was a little bit muddled.

Seeing the crowd of guests confused, Edwin Gullett sneered in his heart: "mad, I'm not stupid enough to be a shield. Lei Ming, how dare you plan on me, I remember it!"

Although he didn't fall into ray Ming's calculation, it really made Edwin Gullit very uncomfortable to admit in public, but it didn't matter. He could bear it.

If you can't bear it, you'll make a big plan.

Li Feng took a deep look at Edwin Gullit. After a long time, he said with a smile, "master Gullit knows a lot about Chinese culture?"

"If you can't understand it, I'm very interested in it, so I'll study Chinese culture when I have time. It's quite rewarding." Edwin Gullit came to Li Feng with his glass in his hand, and said as if he had been an old friend for many years.

"I'm also very interested in the culture of country y. if we have time, we can communicate more." Li Feng called the waiter, took a glass of red wine from the tray and motioned to Edwin Gullit, "cheers."

“cheers。” Edwin Gullett raised his glass and took a sip.

All the people said:

It's not Why did they talk to each other? This particular style of painting is not right!

Lei Ming is even more confused.

Ma De, just now I wanted to compete with Lao Tzu fairly. When I met Li Feng, I didn't agree with him. He took the initiative to talk to him. Why is Laozi so inferior to Li Feng?

What should I do now? Stay I was beaten by Li Feng just now. I can't hold my face.

Don't stay What is he doing here? Is it ironic?

The key is no one to come down the steps for me!

"Since no one gives the steps, I'll find them myself!"

Lei Ming pondered for a moment and had a plan: "since even Mr. Gullit thinks that he is not as good as Li Shao, I don't need to stay here. Have a good time. Goodbye!"

The voice fell to the ground, and Lei mingchong arched his hands, then covered his fierce mouth and went out.

This is Lei Ming's brilliant point. He points out Gullit to divert people's attention. At least he has fought with Li Feng, but Gullit directly admits that he is even more disgraceful.

Looking at Lei Ming's back, Edwin Gullett's eyes flashed by. Then he took back his eyes and said with a smile, "Li Shao, although you scared Lei Shao away, I don't think he will give up."

Lei Ming, who was going out, felt sluggish and slowed down at his feet.

Ma De, this Y country guy is trying to sow dissension. He's so refined. He grew up looking at thirty-six stratagems since childhood?

Li Feng's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: "master Gullit is joking. Lei Shao has extraordinary bearing. This little thing will not be taken into consideration."

How could he not see that Edwin Gullit had a bad stomach, that is, Gullit had confessed to him, or he would have taught him to be a man.

"Is it? That may be because I've worried too much, but Lei Shao, after all, stands the giant Lei family. Even if Lei Shao doesn't care, will the elders of Lei family not care? If you hit Lei Shao in public, it's equivalent to hitting Lei's face. "

Said Edwin Gullett, shaking his glass of wine with a smile.

All of them said, "well

Gulette is trying to stir up trouble to the end. Does he have to let Li Feng and Lei Ming separate life and death before giving up?

The ox criticizes the cowhide, this Y country guy heart can really special? Enough black!

Lei Ming wanted to pretend that he didn't hear it, but now he can't help but turn back and roar: "gulee, enough, I'm not a loser. Do you want to provoke me to believe that I won't let you go back to country y?"

He's really angry. Gulette's grandson wants Li Feng to kill people. Why is his grandson so black?

"Don't be angry with Lei Shao. Li Shao and I are as old as before at first sight. I have a lot of words for a while. Please calm down." Edwin Gullett explained with a smile.

"Hum, if you dare to talk more, I will fight with you even if I die!" Lei Ming snorted coldly and turned to leave.

Perhaps it was Lei Ming's warning that played a role. Since then, Edwin Gullit has never mentioned Lei Ming to Li Feng.

Not long after Lei Ming left, Edwin Gullit said with a smile, "since Miss Murong has Li Shao with her, I won't stay for a long time. Goodbye, everyone."

Then he put down his glass and was about to leave.

Zhang Tao and others naturally tried their best to keep them, but Edwin Gullit refused them on the ground of physical fatigue.

Seeing that he couldn't hold on, Zhang Tao and others proposed to go to a place to drink and chat together. However, he was rejected by Edwin Gullit.Seeing Edwin Gullett's resolute attitude, Zhang Tao and others had to send him out of the restaurant.

As soon as Lei Ming and Edwin Gullit left, there was only one protagonist left in the audience - Li Feng, Zhang Tao and other people praised Li Feng, while Murong Xue, the protagonist of the celebration banquet, became a foil.

However, Murong Xue doesn't mind. Li Feng is her sweetheart, and her sweetheart is sought after, which makes her feel more happy than her own.

Pearl Hotel, a presidential suite.

Edwin Gullett, sitting on a luxurious sofa, said to pound Longfellow, "can you still find raming?"

Pound Longfellow was stunned and said, "as long as he's within ten kilometers, I can find him by the smell he left behind. Young master, do you want to join hands with Lei Ming to deal with Li Feng

"Together?" Edwin Gullett shook his head and mocked, "this kind of trash is not worth my cooperation. I hope you find him and kill him."

As soon as he said this, pound Longfellow was shocked: "young master, are you serious? This is Huaxia, and Lei Ming is a member of Lei family. If we kill him, we will cause great trouble."

"Pound, calm down." Edwin Gullett laughed. "Do you think I'm going to get myself into this kind of trouble? I'm just bringing disaster to the East. "

Pound Longfellow raised his eyebrows, somewhat puzzled.

"Who do you think is the most suspect of Lei Ming's sudden disappearance?" Asked Edwin Gullett.

Pound Longfellow was stunned, then exclaimed, "Li Feng!"

What Edwin Gullit said just now is not meaningless. It has planted a seed in the hearts of Lei Ming, Li Feng and Zhang Tao.

Lei Ming is OK, this seed will wither and die. Once something happens to Lei Ming, the seed will grow into a towering tree in an instant!

At that time, Li Feng is the most suspect of killing Lei Ming!

"Well, I see. I'll do it now!" Pound Longfellow, excited and bloodthirsty, was about to do something.

"Don't be found. Clean up the bodies." Edwin Gullett finished, waved to pound Longfellow and watched him out of the suite.

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