Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 640

Zhang Tao and others are directly forced!

Sleeping trough, this is too fast. They just feel that there is a flower in front of them and there is a loud noise. Then Lei Ming is trapped in the wall. Look at the state of Lei Ming, it is not far away from hanging on the wall.

Just now, Lei Ming said that he was going to beat Li Feng, but he was so confident that he was as fierce as a tiger.

Satire! slap in the face!

Edwin Gullett is even more like a ghost!

My special Just finished saying that Lei Ming is more likely to win. Li Feng blows Lei Ming into the wall with a fist. Are you aiming at me?

If he did not know that Longfellow had laid a sound barrier around him, Edwin would have suspected that he had been overheard by Li Feng!

Now it's not important to aim at what is not targeted. What is important is how Li Feng can be a strong person in the later period of entering the saint. This is so unscientific!

Even in the world, even if he is very young, he is very strong.

At least among today's young and powerful people, pound Longfellow has never seen a monster like Li Feng, unless Li Feng conceals his age.

Not far behind Li Feng, Murong Xue doesn't know what to say.

It seems that Li Feng is stronger than when he went home with her. What's more, it's not a little bit stronger. My God, is his realm rising faster and faster? Just like a rocket, it has been accelerating all the time, without bottleneck?

It's terrible!

Hang on Oh no, the brain of Lei Ming embedded in the wall was blank at first, and then it began to be messy.

How did things turn out like this? It's not right. Shouldn't he beat Li Feng down and report back to the beautiful woman?

How did it become that he was punched into the wall by Li Feng?

If Li Feng is really so strong, he should not be able to avoid the slap just now?

Why is this?

After the chaos, Lei Ming knows that he has been fooled by Li Feng. Li Feng must have left a hand just now, which leads him to underestimate Li Feng's strength.

And the consequence of this is that he said in public that he would defeat Li Feng, and took the initiative to fight Li Feng, which gave Li Feng a reason to be cruel!

Li Feng's city is too deep!

After straightening out his mind, Lei Ming struggled from the wall with an ugly face. He clasped his fist at Li Feng and said, "Li Shao, Lei admits defeat!"

Li Feng's eyebrow pointed out: "do you admit defeat? It's not like your style

Before Lei Ming's performance is arrogant, how can easily admit defeat?

In order to find out what Lei Ming is going to do, Li Feng uses mind reading skills on Lei Ming.

Lei Ming couldn't help but smile: "no way, Li Shao, you are too strong. I'm two small stages behind you. If you don't admit defeat, what can you do to keep fighting? I'm afraid you'll kill me

He is not afraid, but will be killed by Li Feng.

He picked it up. Knowing that he was not Li Feng's opponent, he continued to fight. If Li Feng killed him, he would kill him. After that, as long as Li Feng informed Wang Sun family at the first time, Wang Sun family would send someone to protect him.

At that time, the Lei family would not risk fighting with Wang Sun family for a dead man to pursue Li Feng.

Dead people are of no value to the Lei family.

On the contrary, he voluntarily admits defeat in front of the public, and Li Feng has no reason to kill him. Unless Li Feng kills all the people present and refuses to admit his debt, the reason is on the Lei's side.

Even if Wang sun's family wanted to protect Li Feng, there would be no reason to protect him.

Li Feng's eyes flashed, and he finally understood why Lei Ming would easily admit defeat.

In fact, Lei Ming's worries are a little superfluous. Even if he doesn't admit defeat, Li Feng will beat him to death at most, and he won't really kill him or abolish him.

Just as Xiao Ye was released at the beginning, Lei Ming, after all, is the direct blood of Lei family. When he is not strong enough to ignore the threat of Lei family, Li Feng does not want to have a death feud with Lei family.

Of course, this also has something to do with Li Feng's not wanting to have an affair with the wangsun family. If he was willing to return to the wangsun family as Lei Ming thought, he would have killed Lei Ming long ago.

"Lei Shao is joking. You are a big boy of Lei family. How can I really kill you? I haven't found a close match for a long time. Why don't we practice for a while? I promise not to kill you. "

Li Feng said with a smile.

Lei Ming's mouth a draw, heart has tens of thousands of head of mud horse gallop by.

Shentemo's evenly matched opponent? Promise not to kill me!

You're trying to set a trap on me. You want to kill me. Don't think I'm stupid!

Lei Ming took a deep breath and said with a big smile: "Li Shao is joking. Li Shao is one of the most powerful peers I have ever seen. Oh, yes, I know a young Junyan with similar combat power as Li Shao. If Li Shao is itchy, he might as well have a competition with him."

As soon as this was said, Edwin Gullett's eyebrows were raised, and he had a bad feeling.

Size of, this son of a bitch is not to bring disaster to the East, right?Li Feng eyebrow pointed a pick, also guessed the intention of Lei Ming, and then said with a smile: "Lei Shao, who is that young Junyan you are talking about?"

"Mr. Edwin Gullit." Ray Ming turned his head to Edwin Gullit, and said solemnly, "Mr. Gullit is from the Gullit family in Y country."

"The Gullit family is one of the oldest families in the world. In the world, the name of the Gullit family is even louder than our ray family."

"What's more, Mr. Edwin Gullit is also a strong man of martial arts, and his realm must be higher than mine. Since Li Shao has itchy hands, he might as well have a discussion with Mr. Edwin Gullit."

Edwin Gullett's eyebrows raised and he would say no.

Code of, want to bring disaster East, Lei Ming is really hateful!

However, he is not a fool. Since Li Feng has already revealed his overseas business, does he still fart with Li Feng to seek abuse?

At this time, Lei Ming said: "by the way, Li Shao, Mr. Edwin Gullit is also very interested in Miss murongxue. Just now he said that he wanted to compete with me fairly. Mr. Zhang and Shao Wei can testify for me."

With that, Lei Ming looks at Zhang Tao and others.

Zhang Tao and others see sweat and NIMA on their foreheads. This clearly offends Mr. Gullit, but Lei Ming has said so. If they don't say anything, they will not offend Lei Ming?

The Lei family went to Beijing in China and offended them. They were afraid that their business activities in China would be suppressed. Most of the gulit family's influence was abroad

After a moment's thinking, Zhang Tao and others knew how to choose. They nodded and said, "yes, Mr. Gullit did say so."

"My fair lady is a gentleman, and miss Murong is so excellent that it is reasonable to attract Mr. gullet's attention."

Lei Ming nodded with satisfaction, looked at Li Feng and said, "Li Shao, have you heard all this?"

Li Feng takes a deep look at Lei Ming, then turns to look at Edwin Gullit.

Before Li Feng could speak, Edwin Gullit said with a smile: "I do say so, but there is an old saying in China that beauty matches hero. I think I'm not Li Shao's opponent, so I take the initiative to withdraw from the competition."

As soon as the words came out, the faces of the people became strange.

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