Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 642

In the evening of the next day, I went to Beijing Lei's house in the middle hall.

Lei Yunfeng, the head of the family, sits on the throne and his children sit on both sides.

"Tomorrow has been out of touch for a whole day, which is not a good sign."

"I sent someone to Mingzhu to investigate. He had a conflict with Li Feng at the celebration banquet of Murong Xue. The little guy of the gulit family instigated a few words from it."

"Now tomorrow's whereabouts are unknown. I suspect that he has been killed and the murderer is Li Feng."

Lei Yunfeng's face was gloomy, and his voice said coldly.


Lei Ming's parents stood up from their seats, their faces full of shock.

They were still wondering why their father had called the whole family together. They didn't expect to hear about the accident of Lei Ming.

It's like a thunderbolt, right in their ears!

Lei Ming's uncles and aunts, cousins and cousins were equally surprised when they heard the news. If the speaker was not Lei Yunfeng, they would certainly scold each other for "nonsense".

Then, they asked, "Dad, can you make a mistake, Li Feng is not so bold to move tomorrow?"

"Grandfather, Li Feng seems to be just an extraordinary medium-term strong man, how can he be my brother Ming's opponent?"

"Yes, Dad, tomorrow is a strong man in the early days of entering the holy land, and it is also a descendant of our Lei family. Who dares to attack ming'er in the whole China?"

"Ah." Lei Yunfeng sighed, raised his hand and pressed down. His face was gloomy and said: "at first, I didn't think it was possible, but after I learned about it, I felt that It's very likely. "

With that, he told about what happened in the top restaurant of Pearl Hotel last night.

After listening to Lei Yunfeng's story, the Lei family knew the seriousness of the matter.

"Doesn't that mean that he has Already Ah, my tomorrow, how can your life be so hard? I will not live

Meng Li, Lei Ming's mother, sat on the ground and began to cry.

"What are you crying for? It's not settled yet. Get up for me!"

Lei Zhiyuan, the father of Lei Ming, came forward to set up Meng Li and scolded loudly.

The rest of the Lei family also came forward to persuade: "yes, sister-in-law, this is just a guess, we have to think about the good."

"Auntie, maybe Mingge is playing. He didn't come and contacted with his family. Don't be sad."

Meng Li was not willing to listen: "didn't you listen to the old man's words? Tomorrow was hurt by a punch surnamed Li, and that little beast gulette provoked from the side again. Tomorrow must be very dangerous and auspicious!"

Speaking of this, Meng Li suddenly stood up and rushed to Lei Yunfeng. She knelt down and cried bitterly: "Dad, you must avenge my family tomorrow. Kill Li Feng and kill Gullit. My tomorrow son can't die so miserably!"

"Enough!" Lei Yunfeng clapped the handle of the chair, stood up and said, "I'll go to Wang sun's house now and ask them to give an account."

After his speech, Lei Yunfeng walked out of the living room, got out of the Leis' mansion, got on a Bentley mousse, and drove to Wang sun's house.

For some reason, Wang sun, Xiao, Lei and Zheng, the four top ancient martial arts families in China, all settled in Shangjing. Although they were in different urban areas, it was very convenient for them to visit each other.

Half an hour later, when Lei Yunfeng came to the door of Wang sun's house, the bodyguard at the door said, "master Lei, why are you here?"

Lei Yunfeng has been to the wangsun family many times and is familiar with the bodyguards of the wangsun family.

Lei Yunfeng suddenly heard something strange and frowned: "who else is here today?"

The bodyguard did not dare to hide, and said truthfully, "the master of the Xiao family and the master of the Zheng family."

Lei Yunfeng's face was startled: "are they here? When did you arrive? Do you know why they came here? "

The bodyguard showed a wry smile: "er Not long after I arrived, master Lei, don't say I don't know, even if I know I don't dare to talk nonsense without the permission of our owner. "

The rules of aristocratic families are very strict, not to mention Wang sun's family, which is a top class ancient martial arts family? Bodyguards don't have to keep a straight face all the time, and they can even chat a few words when they see the guests.

But they really dare to disclose the internal affairs of Wang sun's family. Ha ha I don't know how to die.

Lei Yunfeng also knew this. He waved his hand and said, "I asked more. You go to inform me and say Lei Yunfeng is visiting."

The bodyguard did not dare to neglect, and quickly reported Lei Yunfeng's visit with his walkie talkie.

A minute later, the bodyguard got a reply and reached out and said, "please come in, my Lord."

Lei Yunfeng nodded and walked into the gate of Wang sun's house.

A minute ago, Wang Sun Hong, the head of Wang Sun family, was sitting on the throne in the hall of Wang sun's house. Xiao Yu, the head of Xiao family, and Zheng Tao, the head of Zheng family, were sitting on both sides. They were arguing about something.

"Brother Wang sun, Li Feng severely damaged the sun family and the Xiao family, two large ancient Wu families attached to our Zheng family. Sun Xiyi, sun Xixiang, Qin Chengji and Qin Chengye were all killed by Li Feng.""Li Feng did such a cruel thing when he knew that sun and Qin were protected by our Zheng family. It's really arrogant to regard our Zheng family as nothing."

Zheng Tao played with a string of Bodhi strings and said in a cold voice.

On the theme, Wang Sun Hong's mouth was a bit surprised.

"Brother Wang sun, my in laws and his two brothers were killed by Li Feng, and Ye Er almost died in Li Feng's hands. Li Feng is no longer arrogant, but extremely ferocious!" Xiao Yu put down the cup and said in a deep voice.

Wang Sun Hong's face trembled, and the startled look on his face could no longer be restrained.

I'll go. Li Feng is too cruel. Qin family, Sun family and ye family have all been killed by him. Even Xiao Ye, the fourth elder of Xiao family, almost died in Li Feng's hands? It can't be true!

Although Wang Sun Hong is more concerned about Li Feng, it is impossible to pay close attention to him all the time. The latest news about Li Feng from Wang sun's family is still when he was in Jinjing.

If Wang Sun Hong remembers correctly, Li Feng at that time was still an extraordinary medium-term strong man. How could Li Feng threaten the fourth brother of the Xiao family two months later? Is Xiao Yu wrong?

When Wang Sun Hong was in a muddle, someone reported that Lei Yunfeng was visiting.

Wang Sun Hong didn't think much about it, so he was asked to come in.

Then, I heard a roar outside: "brother Wang sun, Li Feng killed my grandson Lei Ming, you must give me an explanation!"

Wang Sun Hong stood up from his seat with a sound.

On both sides, Xiao Yu and Zheng Tao were shocked!

Originally quiet Wang sun's house, also because of Lei Yunfeng's roar become restless!

A few seconds later, Lei Yunfeng rushed to the entrance of the middle hall.

After entering the room, Xiao Yu got up and asked, "brother Lei, what you said just now is serious?"

Zheng Tao also looks at Lei Yunfeng with doubts on his face, and the meaning of searching in his eyes is obvious.

"Can Lei Yunfeng make such a joke?" Lei Yunfeng snorted coldly, and then said, "brother Xiao and brother Zheng, don't try to persuade me. Today I won't get justice for tomorrow, and I will not be a man!"

Xiao Yu and Zheng Tao looked at each other, and at the same time said, "today we are both here to attack Li Feng."

Lei Yunfeng:

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