Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 639

In people's eyes, Li Feng appeared and disappeared. He came to Lei Ming's body, raised his hand and slapped him. Then Lei Ming flew backward and fell to the ground after rotating 360 ° in mid air.

Although Lei Ming landing posture is very handsome, without the slightest shake, Zhang Tao and others are still forced by this scene!

Lying trough, Li Feng slapped Lei Ming away. Are they blind?

Then Zhang Tao and others became strange. Just now, Lei Ming was still talking and talking, and he was also teaching Peiquan how to drop it. As a result, Li Feng was whipped away before he finished his words

It's such a shame to lose your hair!

Wei Yang and Huang Bin only feel extremely cool. The scene of Ma De and Lei Ming ignoring them is still vivid. Now they have lost their face in front of the public. Retribution!

As a result, Wei Yang's resentment toward Li Feng has been reduced a lot. If it wasn't for the deep hatred between him and Li Feng, he would like to bow to Li Feng.

In fact, Zhang Tao and others got it wrong. Li Feng did slap Lei Ming in the face, but he was only reacted by Lei Ming as soon as PU contacted him. Subconsciously, he jumped into the air to avoid the slap.

Therefore, it is Lei Ming's own action to spin a circle in mid air, not by Li Feng.

However, Zhang Tao and others are ordinary people with poor eyesight and can't see the difference at all. In their opinion, Lei Ming was taken away by Li Feng.

Murong Xue covered his mouth with his hand, and his face was startled.

My God, Li Feng is really irritable! Others are able to make noise, try not to do it, he is active, try not to make noise.

However, Murong Xue turned to think about it. Since he knew Li Feng, he was just like this. Thunder all pointed at Li Feng's nose and scolded him. If Li Feng didn't make a strong counterattack, Li Feng would not be Li Feng.

But Lei Ming's identity is too terrible, Li Feng can't stop?

For a moment, Murong Xue pinched a cold sweat for Li Feng.

Edwin Gullett's eyebrows were pointed and his face was startled.

Li Feng's speed is so fast that he can't even see how Li Feng came to Lei Ming!

What does it mean that Li Feng's realm is above him?

Just then, pound Longfellow came up to him, put down a noise barrier, and whispered, "maybe he's just a good figure? China has many magical martial arts and body methods. "

Edwin Guli nodded his head and said with a smile, "it's OK. Lei Ming will start with Li Feng later, and Li Feng's realm can't be hidden."

Speaking of this, Li Feng suddenly turned his head and took a look at this side.

Edwin Gullit stopped talking to pound Longfellow and nodded to Li Feng with a smile. He looked very friendly.

Li Feng nodded back and looked at Lei Ming in the distance: "what did you say just now? I didn't hear you clearly. You can say it again

While speaking, Li Feng dug his ears with his fingers.

He has long wanted to slap Lei Ming in the face, but he has been waiting for the system to release the task. As a result, the system has not released the task to him, which has been tolerated until now.

However, he didn't really miss ray Ming just now. He deliberately left a hand in order to let him lower his evaluation.

Now the question is, will raming get caught?

Lei Ming looked ashamed and angry: "Li Feng, are you going to fight with me?"

He still can't understand why Li Feng can suddenly appear in front of him, this speed is too fast, simply can't be achieved by the super strong.

So at this moment, Lei Ming is afraid of Li Feng.

Of course, it's just fear. After all, he despised Li Feng just now. He was thrust in front of him when he was completely relaxed, and Li Feng didn't really hit him.

On the whole, he did not suffer from Li Feng's loss, but his face was a little too bad.

Li Feng smile: "I hit you, you also asked me to fight with you, your brain is filled with water?"

Lei Ming's pupils shrank and his face was a bit ferocious: "do you think you have something to do with Wang sun's family, so you can fight against me? Don't dream. I'm going to kill you. The Wang Sun family will never break up with our Lei family for you. "

Li Feng's martial arts talent is good, but he can't be top in Wang sun's family, that is to say, Li Feng is not an indispensable talent of Wang Sun family.

A man has value only when he is alive. If he dies or dies, his value will be lost.

Maybe Lei Ming's abolition of the Li summit here made Wang Sun family unhappy, but Li Feng also lost its value at that time. Wang Sun family certainly won't treat Lei Ming for the sake of a disabled person. The Lei family only needs to pay a little price to calm the Wang Sun family's anger!

Li Feng laughed again: "say as if you beat me."

On martial arts talent, Li Feng is not aimed at whom, but all the people present are spicy chicken!

Of course, talent is not enough age to gather together, the only people present can let Li Feng have the meaning of fear is that old crooked fruit.

I can't help it. The old man is too old and his realm may be very high.Li Feng's words completely infuriated Lei Ming. Lei Ming always felt that he was a martial arts genius. Even in Lei's family, which was full of talents, he could rank in the top three.

As a result, a person younger than him ridiculed him for not being able to fight!

"OK, Li Feng, you forced me. Today, I'll scrap you in front of Miss Murong. Who dares to rob Murong snow with me?"

As he spoke, raming took a provocative look at Edwin Gullit in the distance.

Edwin Gullett shrugged his shoulders and gave ray Ming a cheering gesture.

Lei Ming snorted coldly, turned his head and looked at Li Feng. The breath of the early days of entering the saint was completely emitted from him!

After finishing these, he looked at Li Feng provocatively, trying to see the color of tension and even fear from Li Feng's face.

However, to his disappointment, Li Feng's face was calm and even a bit of banter.

"Looking for death!" Lei Ming could no longer control his anger and rushed to Li Feng.

Maybe he wants to show his strength in front of Murong Xue. Lei Ming doesn't control his strength. Every step on the ground will make a huge sound of "Dong", "Dong" and "Dong". The ground appears one pit after another under his tread, and the precious tiles are broken!

At this time, Zhang Tao and others had already retreated to one side, one by one.

Is this the ability of a strong martial arts man? It's like a war machine!

"It's time to play."

In the distance, Edwin gullet's eyes were shining and whispering to himself.

"Who do you think will win?"

Asked pound Longfellow playfully.

"It's hard to say that ray Ming is more likely to win, but I hope both of them can lose both..."

Before Edwin Gullit finished speaking, Li Feng moved.


a breath belonging to the later period of entering the holy land was emitted from Li Feng!

A flash of lightning!


Lei Ming flies upside down and smashes on the far wall, then sinks into the wall, his chest collapses and his mouth spits blood!


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