Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 638

Zhang Tao and others think that Li Feng is arrogant enough, and directly scolds Wei Yang for "what are you?" but Lei Ming is more arrogant than Li Feng!

A word will scare Li Feng off!

Is Lei's family really hanging like this?

If murongche and others in this will be very clear to tell them, Lei family is so hanging.

In the ancient Chinese martial arts world, the four top ancient martial arts families are extremely detached. The children of these four families have a natural sense of superiority in the face of other martial artists.

There is no other reason, just because these four top ancient Wu families are strong enough!

Just as Xiao ran said to Li Feng, the wangsun family is stronger than the dragon soul, which is a special department of the state, which gathers the outstanding talents of the whole China, but the wangsun family is only a family.

The strength of a family against a special department of a country is no longer necessary to say.

Although the other three families are weaker than the wangsun family, they may be called the top four ancient martial arts families together with the Wang Sun family, which is enough to show the strength of these three families.

Although Li Feng has the blood of Wang Sun family, he is not a member of Wang Sun family after all, so he can not use the energy of Wang Sun family.

Lei Ming, as a direct descendant of Lei family, stands the whole Lei family behind him!

What's more, Lei Ming had investigated Li Feng before he came. Although Li Feng was a martial arts genius, he was young after all, and his realm was just extraordinary.

Why can't Lei Ming be so arrogant when his background and personal force are stronger than Li Feng?

This is not to blame for Lei Ming's lack of information, but that there are too few people who know Li Feng's real state. From his breakthrough to the holy land, most of the people who have dealt with him have died.

The only two who are still alive are Fujita and Xiaoye.

Fujita is in Japan. Even if he told others that Li Feng was a strong man in the holy land, the news could not be sent back to China so soon.

And Xiao Ye He didn't have the motive to publicize Li Feng's realm. After all, being forced back by a younger generation was his stain. How could he publicize such a thing if it was too late to hide it?

As for other people, Li Feng's women don't have to say that the dragon head and the four Dragon envoys can't go around and preach about it.

As for the Murong family

Sun Xixiang and others died in the Murong family, and they would not tell it out for self-protection!

In the public gaze, Li Feng laughed: "if I don't go, what do you want?"

Lei Mingmei pointed his eyebrows and looked at Li Feng for a long time. At last, he said with a smile: "you're a bit backbone, but you don't know what's going on. Since you are not afraid of me, take a good look at how I snatched Murong Xue from you. "

In his opinion, it's only a matter of minutes to clean up Li Feng. However, it's not good to fight and kill Li Feng in front of beauties. It's better to wait until murongxue gets hold of it.

"Mr. Lei, please pay attention to your words."

SHENTE Mo snatched her from Li Feng's side. Lei's honey is confident!

"Maybe I said a little overbearing, but this is the fact that will happen soon. Please prepare Miss Murong."

Lei Ming likes to work straight and straight. He likes Murong Xue, so he comes over as soon as he leaves the pass.

Since he likes it, he wants to get it. There are many ways to get it. He only likes the most direct one.

Just like now, he directly told Murong snow that he wanted to get her, and then he used the most domineering and direct way to capture Murong Xue's heart!

Murong Xue's face is very ugly, but she knows what Shangjing Lei's house means. In order not to make trouble for the family, she can't scold Lei Ming in person.

Of course, she did not dare to look at Li Feng. She was afraid to bring trouble to Li Feng, and even she was a little lucky: "fortunately, I said Li Feng was my boss before. Otherwise, the hatred attracted to Li Feng would be great."

If Li Feng knew Murong Xue's idea, he would scold her for being stupid while being moved.

Murong Xue pondered a little and said, "Mr. Lei, first of all, Mr. Li Feng is just my boss. In addition What do you mean by snatching? I don't quite understand. "

What if Lei Ming wants to get involved in the entertainment industry and his purpose is to take her to be an artist?

In order to avoid being sentimental, Murong Xue still needs to ask more, although this possibility is very small

"To make you my woman." Lei Ming didn't hide it, he said directly.

Murong Xuexiu eyebrow a pick: "sorry, Mr. Lei, I have no plans to fall in love for the time being. In addition, love is something you love and I want. Does Mr. Lei say it's not appropriate to rob?"

Lei Ming shook his head: "Miss Murong, don't be nervous. I don't mean to rob by force."

"I know that Miss Murong likes singing. I will invest 1 billion yuan to set up a company to sign you as an artist and try my best to make you a world-class superstar."

"Don't underestimate the ability of our Lei family, as long as we Lei family is willing, I said is a trivial matter."

Zhang Tao and others all looked at each other.

It's not For a woman, it costs a billion dollars directly. This is not an ordinary big sum. There are also women maintenance stars among these rich people, but not as big as Lei Ming.Zhang Tao and others believe that any female star who pursues fame and fortune will be moved after hearing this condition, and Murong Xue should be no exception!

At this time, Murong snow shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I think it's very good now. I don't need to change jobs."

Zhang Tao and others are stunned, and then respect Murong Xue.

Can resist this temptation, but the heart is very human can compare!

"I'm worthy of being the woman I like!" Lei Ming was not surprised, and then said, "in addition, I will marry you and make you my wife. Of course, I can't be the only woman. A strong man should have more power to teach. I hope you can understand that."

"However, as my main house, your Murong family has also benefited greatly. I can let your grandfather step into the Holy Land in a short time. In this way, your Murong family will become a large-scale ancient Wu family."

Murong Xue's face was even worse.

Love makes him marry himself, but he takes advantage of himself? How angry!

Zhang Tao and other people's faces are also very wonderful, many of them are outside the color flag fluttering, but as Lei Ming said so naturally, none of them!

At this moment, they admire Lei Ming very much! Men should be like that!

"Still hesitating?" Seeing this, Lei Ming thought Murong Xue wanted to think about it. He took out his mobile phone and said, "why don't I call your grandfather in person and listen to what he says?"

Lei Ming believes that as long as Murong hele hears his conditions, he will definitely raise both hands and feet to agree!

"No!" Murongxue hastily opens her mouth to stop her. She knows her grandfather and will definitely be moved by the temptation of marriage with Lei's family.

Lei Ming put down his mobile phone: "is that what you agreed to?"

Murong Xue is silent and confused.

Lei Ming thinks Murong Xue is the default. He looks at Li Feng and says, "I know you are interested in Xiaoxue, but now you don't have a chance. It's hard, right? Hate me, don't you? "

"It's useless. Compared with me, you are the difference between the earth and the sky. You have to live in my shadow all your life, you..."


Li Feng flashed to Lei Ming, slapped Lei Ming out, and then said, "noisy!"


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