Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 637

The expressions on the faces of the guests were wonderful.

They know that Li Feng is strong, but Wei Yang is not bad. His father is the second hand of the Pearl.

Beating a dog depends on the owner. It really makes Wei's family anxious. Can Li Feng put it right easily?

Lei Ming also raised his eyebrows and got a deeper understanding of Li Feng's dandy.

Although he didn't pay attention to Wei Yang, he didn't want to break his face with Wei Yang. After all, Wei Yang's father is a big Yuan and has deep connections. Even if the Lei family can offend him, he has to pay a lot of money.

But what about Li Feng? Scold if you are not happy!

Now Lei Ming wants to see how Li Feng ends up!

Wei Yang's face changed several times, and finally said in a Yin voice, "Li Shao, you really don't pay attention to me."

He did not expect that Li Feng not only did not go to gang Lei Ming, but turned the gun head to reprimand him. Li Feng's reprimand was also very ugly.

What is he? He is the Pearl of the top class big young, father is a side big yuan!

When he was in the Wei family, Li Feng used his own force and the membership of the dragon soul to frighten him, but that was because he was in the wrong!

If he continued to quarrel with Li Feng at that time and suffered great losses, his family would not fight Li Feng for him!

But this time it was different. He was a kind reminder. Li Feng not only did not know how to be grateful, but also reprimanded him. The whole Wei family would support him!

"Yes, I don't think much of you."

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders, his face light and cloudless.

Is Wei Yang's father good? It's very powerful. He really wants to investigate to the end, and the dragon soul has to give him an explanation.

But Li Feng is not afraid! Because he can get the black material of Wei Yang's father!

People will make mistakes, especially in the position of Wei Yang's father. Even if he doesn't want to make mistakes, people and environment around him will make him have to make mistakes.

Mistakes will leave black material, and Li Feng through the system can get all the black material in the world!

With this as a handle, is Wei Yang's father still a threat?

"Good, Li Feng, you are arrogant enough!" Wei Yang's face was black and blue, and he was going to call his father to complain.

At this time, Li Feng suddenly said with a smile: "remember how I made those ten consumers who slandered oswelli pay the price?"

Wei Yang was stunned, and the other guests were also stunned.

It's not We're fighting. Why are we talking about these irrelevant threats?

Can Wei Yang compare with those ordinary consumers? They are the Pearl of the top!

But then someone responded that Li Feng's words were not simple. If you think about Li Feng's means to deal with those ten consumers, people will have a clear understanding.

"You What do you mean Wei Yang was not stupid. He was frightened for a moment.

"Very simple, I have a very strong intelligence system, want to get someone's black material is still very simple, if you don't believe it, you can try."

Li Feng looked at Wei Yang and said with deep meaning.

"I..." Wei Yang wanted to say "I don't believe it", but he swallowed it to his mouth.

He also had several fights with Li Feng. He knew that Li Feng never pretended to be uncertain B. he didn't dare to gamble on the key issue. Once he lost the bet, the Wei family would be ruined.

Of course, there are secrets between father and son, but he knows something about his father. If Li Feng can get his father's black material, then everything will be over.

"The next time you want to kill someone with a knife, see if you can hold it, so as not to hurt yourself first."

Li Feng sneered and turned his head, no longer looking at Wei Yang.

At this moment, Wei Yang's back was soaked in cold sweat.

Similarly, Huang Bin is also very scared. Although Wei Yang provoked him just now, everyone knows that he and Wei Yang are wearing a pair of trousers. If Li Feng turns his anger on him, they will have to finish the Huang family.

Merchants also have black material, and it's the kind of black material that can kill them!

Huang Bin doesn't want to destroy the Huang family because of his little careful thinking!

Opposite, Lei Ming frowns slightly.

He didn't expect that Li summit was so simple as to put Wei and Yang at an even lower level. With just a few words, he didn't even come up with substantive evidence!

Wei Yang is so afraid of Li Feng? What a coward!

Then, raming turned to look at Edwin Gullett, who was shaking his glass of red wine with a calm look on his face.

Lei Ming couldn't help but frown again: "is he trying to take advantage of the money?"

He said that he would compete with him on a fair footing. Now murongxue is here, but Edwin Gullett is standing on the side drinking like nobody else, and he doesn't go up to say hello. He must have a bad stomach in his heart.

"Ma De, a foreigner dares to play tricks with me

Lei Ming is a little depressed. He hates being used by others. But this time, he stood up by himself. He can't go back. He's a big and small family. Isn't that the face of thunder family?However, it doesn't matter. His purpose is to get murongxue and let Edwin Gullit watch the fun. Let's finish Li Feng first.

Thinking of this, Lei Ming looks at Li Feng provocatively.

The four eyes were opposite, and there was an invisible spark flashing in the air.

"Did you mean to tell me to get out of the way?"

Li Feng's face was expressionless and his voice was extremely cold.

Li Feng's words were just like the cold wind blowing from the nine hell, which made all the present people shiver.

Even Murong Feng can't help holding on to his arm.

Lei Ming looked at Li Feng and spit out a few words: "ah, pretend to force."

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick: "you are very confident?"

"Otherwise?" Lei Ming shrugged and mocked, "I know more about you than anyone else in the room."

Li Feng frowned slightly: "for example?"

"For example, you are a martial arts genius, such as your dragon soul membership, and then..."

At this point, ray Ming made a deliberate pause.

All the guests raised their ears, which they all knew when they were in the Wei family. Obviously, Li Feng had other identities. What is it?

At this time, Lei Ming said, "you still have something to do with the wangsun family."

All the people said:

It's not Wang Sun family? What kind of family is that? Is it amazing?

After all, it's not a gathering of ancient martial arts. These people don't know that Wang sun's family is normal.

In the distance, Edwin gullet's eyes flashed, somewhat surprised.

No wonder Li Feng is so arrogant. He has something to do with Wang sun's family. In this case, Lei Ming and Li Feng are fighting for each other? Interesting.

"You know a lot." Li Feng shook his head with a smile, then restrained his smile and said, "next, do you want to say that you are more powerful than me? You're the one I can't afford? "

Since he knows all his identities, Lei Ming is still so fearless, which shows that his identity is also very good.

Lei, the Lei family of the four top ancient Wu families? It is arrogant capital, but want to rob a woman with him, Lei Ming is still tender.

"You are not stupid." Lei Ming, with a proud smile, said, "I am from the Lei family in Beijing. I can forgive you for your disrespect to me this time, for the sake of the friendship between the Lei family and the Wang Sun family

The voice fell to the ground, and Lei Ming waved to Li Feng, just like waving a fly away.

In an instant, the faces of the guests turned strange.

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