Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 615

On the rostrum, Li Yuan and Su Tong look at Li Feng in surprise.

When did Li Feng stare at Liu Shan and even get the video of Liu Shan being bribed? This is just incredible.

Su Tong is a little better. After all, she has seen many miracles of Li Feng. Before Su Jiannan instructed some people to impersonate consumers of oswelli products and deliberately discredit oswelli's products, Li Feng directly reversed public opinion with video evidence.

At that time, Li Feng also took out the evidence a few days after the event fermented, and he had time to investigate.

This time, Li Feng is the scene to grab bags, which does not mean that he has long been staring at Liu Shan? Cattle!

Li Yuan did not know these things, she was really shocked by her son once.

Li Feng was very satisfied with the public's response: "so Liu Shan is deliberately looking for trouble, with rhythm. Please don't let him lead you astray. "

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you really want to leave. Don't Scribble anything when you go out of this gate. It will bring you big trouble."

Although a group of reporters have just been shocked by Li Feng, they still feel that he is talking big at the moment.

They are not like Liu Shan. They take advantage of others and make trouble for Li Feng. They are good at doing things right and are not afraid of Li Feng at all.

"Think I'm talking big? It doesn't matter. I'll prove it to you. "

The voice fell to the ground, Li Feng turned off the microphone, set up a real gas barrier, and then called Mo Wentian.

After the phone was connected, Li Feng said with a smile, "boss, there is something I want to trouble you with."

At the other end of the phone, Mo asked the sky with a smile and scolded, "what's wrong with you, boy?"

After being reminded by the leader, Mo Wentian has decided to cultivate Li Feng as his confidant, so he seems to be very close to Li Feng when he speaks.

"Cough..." Li Feng is shocked by Mo Wentian's attitude. He is ready to be deliberately difficult by Mo Wentian, and then carries out Shen Zixuan's plan to suppress Mo Wentian.

Never thought Mo Wentian didn't have the airs of being a leader to him. Did Mo Wentian take the wrong medicine?

"It seems that he really thinks that Shen Zixuan and I are innocent. If he knows that Shen Zixuan and I have I can't imagine. "

Li Feng shook his head and drove the idea out of his mind.

He knew that he and Mo Wentian would fight for Shen Zixuan one day, but it was not now. Now, his state is too low and he will be beaten by Mo Wentian.

When he surpasses Mo Wentian and Shen Zixuan, he can Hey, hey, hey

"Li Feng, you didn't call me on purpose, did you?"

Seeing Li Feng's silence for a long time, don't ask the sky.

Although he regards Li Feng as his confidant, he can say that Li Feng is still his subordinates. Even the subordinates of his confidants should have the appearance of being subordinates in front of the boss.

If Li Feng didn't behave like a subordinate, he would be angry.

"No, no, no, how could it be." Li Feng quickly denied, and then said, "well, I have encountered some problems here. I need support from the organization."

At the moment, he said that he wanted to block the news.

Sometimes, when dealing with emergencies, longhun also needs to block the news, so it has contact with the domestic media. It is very simple for longhun to block the news, which is the next order. Li Feng knows all these things, so he dared to put down his cruel words before.

Of course, he also made a good plan not to ask for help, and the system is his last dependence.

Don't ask the sky why the event happened. After listening to Li Feng's story, he laughed: "just such a little thing? OK, you boy, remember to owe me a favor

Then he did not say much, but turned his head and ordered him to go down.

Dragon soul has a special department dealing with similar matters. As soon as Mo Wentian's order is issued, this department sends an administrative order to all media.

A few minutes later, reporters on the scene received a call from their immediate supervisor.

"Well, did you do something at osville's press conference? I warn you, if you don't want to get lost in the media, don't talk so much! "

"Hello, Li Feng is from a special department. Don't Scribble about him. If you dare to scribble, I'll fire you!"

"Hello, I warn you..."

The reporters who received the phone call from their superiors were confused.

It's not Do you want to exaggerate? They haven't had time to do anything. They just show a little bit of signs. Li Feng talks to their immediate boss to call a warning call?

The key is not one or two, but all of them!

My special How did Li Feng do it?! Does he want to be so grumpy?!

A group of reporters were completely shocked by Li Feng.

How did they know that Li Feng finally revived his mother, and wanted to use this press conference to let his mother appear in front of the public in a fair and aboveboard manner. No moth was allowed to appear at all.

Now these reporters one by one to explore the privacy of his mother, Li Feng is not irritable just strange!On the rostrum, Li Yuan's mouth was slightly open and her face was shocked.

Although she didn't know what kind of calls the reporters received, it was enough to say that they all received calls at the same time.

Who the hell did the son call just now?

"Gentlemen." Li Feng removed the gas barrier, reopened the microphone, knocked on the table and said, "you must have received a call from the company, knowing what to do and what not to do next."

"I know you're curious about how I did it, and now I'll explain it to you."

Speaking, Li Feng took out the certificate of national an from his arms: "I am a member of national an, and the matter you have been asking involves some secrets, so don't ask any more questions. Now we begin to ask some normal questions, OK?"

The reporters on the scene were surprised and then suddenly realized.

No wonder Li Feng has the ability to do this. He is a member of national an.

Oh, my God. Li Feng, the boss of osville, is actually a member of national an. If this news goes out, it will definitely cause a great shock!

It's a pity that this news can't be exploded, and it can't be sent out

They can only find a place where there is no one, dig a hole, and shout out these secrets in front of the pit. They are so crazy

Li Yuan's eyes flashed and whispered to herself: "Xiaofeng is a member of national an, which really surprised me I'm glad

After Li Feng's work, the press conference was finally on the right track, and a group of reporters began to ask questions.

For example, who was the stand in at the beginning, which country did Li Yuan hide in these three years, and what kind of planning for osville's future development.

In this regard, Li Yuan had already responded and answered these questions appropriately.

Both the guests and the host enjoyed themselves.

As soon as the press conference is over, these reporters will send the live reports back to the headquarters. After the editors review, the news can be released online.

At that time, Li Yuan will return to the public's view completely.

At the same time, at the gate of Xiao Lingfei's villa in Tianfu City, ye Chenghai and ye Chengyuan float to the gate. After a look at each other, they lightly leap over the wall

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