Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 616

Villa, first floor living room.

Xiao Ling Fei is eating potato chips and watching the modern idol drama. She just sees the plot of the breakup of the male and female masters.

"Shit, she said to break up after breaking up. Hold her up and stop her mouth. It's really impossible to..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Ling Fei stuffed chips in her mouth.

On one side, waiting for Xiao Ling Fei to say that she is a little disappointed with Gao Jie below. If she can't, she will be very anxious.

When the man and the woman broke up and the man was drunk alone, Xiao Ling Fei began to comment again: "this man is really useless. It's so easy to accept the fact of breaking up. It's not as good as that one."

Gao Jie:

It's not So who? Who is that! You say it!

The woman's intuition tells Gao Jie that there must be something between Xiao Ling Fei and that one, and even Gao Jie can guess boldly that the one in Xiao Lingfei's mouth is Li Feng.

Last time Gao Feng three people came here with Ye Chengfeng and knocked her unconscious. Before that, Miss Ye was injured by Ye Chengfeng. Li Feng appeared at the critical moment, and then she fainted.

However, when she woke up, ye Chengfeng and her brother Gaofeng were abandoned and the Dantian became a waste man.

Although Miss didn't explain to her about all this, she guessed that Li Feng saved her and miss.

This is not her guess based only on Li Feng's final appearance, but Miss Li's name is always spoken out these days.

Sometimes miss is sleeping on the sofa in the living room. When she comes to cover her blanket, she can call out Li Feng's name when she talks in her sleep.

This if two people have nothing to do, Gao Jie dare to screw off the head when the ball kicks!

"Forget it, it's not interesting. This kind of TV series is lively. It has no depth at all. The male host is also a small white face. It doesn't conform to my aesthetic sense at all."

Xiao Ling Fei yawned and turned off the TV.

Gao Jie:

It's not Miss, what we're talking about is whether we should be so free and easy. Who stayed up all night watching the TV series last night? Who stayed on the sofa all night except going to the toilet?

Now that this TV series is boring, what about faces?

of course, Xiao Ling Fei is miss, Gao Jie also dare to make complaints about it in the heart. On the surface, she should also echo the last sentence: "yes, the male master of the play also attracts the little girl, and it is not attractive for a lady like this."

"Only A man like that can attract a lady

"What kind of man do you want to say?"

"It is Handsome, rich and able to beat men, for example... " The noble and noble desire to speak but stop.

"Don't mention Li Feng in front of me. I hate him." Concubine Xiao Ling snorted coldly and turned her head.

Gao Jie:

It's not When did I say Li Feng? I didn't say anything, OK?!

Obviously, it is your own brain to make up for it. Is it really good to wrongly treat me like this?

At the moment when Gao Jie feels innocent, a loud noise comes from the door. The beautiful wooden living room door is blown open from the outside, and the sawdust is scattered!

Xiao Ling stood up from the sofa with a sound.

Gao Jie is the first time to block in front of Xiao Ling Fei's body, a look of vigilance at the visitor.

"Xiao Ling Fei?"

Ye Chenghai, with his hands on his back, walked slowly into the living room. His eyes kept looking back and forth on Xiao Lingfei. His expression was astonishing, greedy and a bit resentful.

Behind him, ye Chengyuan is also looking at Xiao Lingfei. His eyes are more unscrupulous, just like looking at an article that can be easily returned to one's own.

"Ye family old thief?"

Xiao Ling Fei pushes Gao Jie aside and says in a cold voice.

Ma De, when anyone can break into her Xiao Ling Fei's house, she is not taken seriously?

After anger is helpless, in the final analysis, or her strength is not enough, if she is the supreme level strong, these people dare to break in like this? Look, she won't beat these people's flying!

"Do you know me?" Ye Chenghai is a little stunned. He didn't seem to have seen Xiao Ling Fei before this?

"Hum, you and the old dog Ye Chengfeng are almost carved out of the same mold. If you hadn't been for Ye's old thief's aunt, you would have written your surname upside down!"

Xiao Ling Fei said coldly.

She judged that the other party was the Ye family, which was not only as simple as ye Chengfeng's, but also that she didn't think anyone would break into this place except ye family.

Those who have the ability know who she is, because of her identity, they will not come to her trouble, let alone those who have no ability, they will be slapped to death by her.

In addition to the Ye family, who has a grudge against her?

"How dare you

Ye Chengyuan is furious and wants to subdue Xiao Lingfei.

As for what to do after subduing Xiao Lingfei, you can see one or two from the evil expression on his face.

"Second brother, wait a moment." Ye Chenghai reached out and stopped him: "I'll ask her something first."Ye Chengyuan frowned slightly, then nodded, temporarily suppressed the intention to take Xiao Ling Fei down immediately.

"I ask you, did my third brother ever come here? Don't lie to me. You'll suffer Ye Chenghai grinned and said.

"Who is your third brother?" Xiao Ling Fei rolled her eyes.

"Hum!" Ye Chenghai flashed a cold light in his eyes and said with a sneer: "you know who I'm talking about. Don't make a fool of me! Even if you deny that he has been here, I will not let you leave here alive today. "

"Only by telling me honestly what happened that day, can you suffer less! To tell you the truth, my second brother and I are in good health. "

Speaking of this, ye Chenghai is full of evil light.

Behind him, ye Chengyuan also laughed wildly. The laughter was extremely evil.

Xiao Ling Fei's eyes were cold: "if you say ye Chengfeng, he is dead."

As soon as this word comes out, ye Chenghai's two brothers' faces change dramatically!

Although they had expected the misfortune of the third brother, they were still shocked when they heard the exact news. After the shock, they were angry!



the breath of Ye Chenghai's two brothers broke out completely, one in the later period and the other in the middle stage!

In addition, ye Chengfeng at the early stage of entering the holy land, the strength of the three brothers of Ye family can be seen!

Then, ye Chenghai flashed and came to Xiao Ling Fei's body, and reached out to grab Xiao Ling Fei's neck.

Xiao Lingfei's realm is only in the late stage of transcendence, but also in the early recovery of serious injury. Where is Ye Chenghai's opponent? At the moment, she stood in the same place as if she were scared to be silly, and didn't even mean to dodge!

Just as ye Chenghai was about to clasp Xiao Ling Fei's neck, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Ling Fei's body and patted Ye Chenghai with one hand!

Ye Chenghai's face changed dramatically, and he took a slap at the other side!


The huge roar sounds, the air waves roll, the impact of the living room should all be smashed!

Then, ye Chenghai "pedal pedal pedal" three steps back, his foot was stepped out of three deep holes!

Behind him, ye Chengyuan's face changed dramatically!

What strength is this woman?

"My favorite mug and pillow!"

At this time, Xiao Ling Fei frowned and looked at the pieces of the ground, and said with some displeasure.

"I just saved you."

That head also does not return to say.

"You are Ren Xiaolei? "

At this time, ye Chenghai exclaimed!

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