Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 614

The moment Li Feng stepped on the rostrum, the noisy auditorium became quiet.

Li Feng is the master who has killed people. The momentum of his body naturally radiates out under his anger. The meaning of killing begins to diffuse, and the temperature in the auditorium drops suddenly!

"Hiss, why do I feel so cold all of a sudden? Is the air conditioner too big?"

A reporter shivered and said blankly.

Huacheng is located in the south of China, with the highest temperature above 30 ℃ for most of the year.

At the moment, the northern part of China is still chilly in spring. Huacheng is already warm as summer, and the central air conditioning in the hotel has been turned on.

"It's a little cold."

"This hotel is really puzzling. Do you think our atmosphere is too warm to cool us down?"

A reporter thought he was humorous.

Around, several reporters silently smile, and then look at Li Feng, who walks up to the front desk with a look of curiosity.

Li Feng didn't come to the stage before. Did this node want to say something for his mother?

It must be. I don't know what he will say. I can't let them go like Wang Xiao?

Oh, he's a businessman. He won't be so irrational.

Well The onlookers were clear. He should have seen the firmness of their positions and knew that it would not be good for osville to continue the standoff, so he wanted to persuade Li Yuan!

At the thought of this, the reporters on the scene were secretly excited.

Seeing Li Feng coming, Su Tong quickly stood up and looked worried.

Li yuanxiu eyebrows a pick, some do not know Li Feng's intention.

In the silence, Li Feng stepped onto the rostrum, stood by Su Tong and picked up the microphone.

"This reporter friend, you just said that you think your question has something to do with this press conference?"

Li Feng looked directly at the reporter who asked the question and asked in a deep voice.

The reporter was stunned at first, then said definitely, "of course, Mr. Li, not only do I think so, but we all think so."

Other reporters have nodded their heads. Do you need to ask again? They have made it very clear just now.

Why does Li Feng ask again, is it to test whether their position is firm?

"But I don't need you to think, I want me to feel. You have to listen to me. This is not related to this conference. I has the final say. Do you understand? "

Li Feng knocked on the table and said in a deep voice.

Su Tong:

Li Yuan:

A large number of reporters said:

It's not As the convener of the press conference, is it really good to be so overbearing with the reporters?

"Mr. Li, are you serious? Do you know what will happen if you say that? "

The reporter who asked the question asked in disbelief.

"Otherwise, am I farting?"

Li Feng smiles. These people can't understand what people are saying. I said it so clearly and asked if he was serious. Did you write three words of joking on my face?

As for the consequences

"If you want to write about osville or even me and my mother, you can try it. Your news can be sent out. My name is yours!"

"Remember, I asked you to come here. They were all paid for transportation and transportation. I don't want you to praise oswelli. I just hope you can report my mother's appointment as chairman of oswelli with a relatively neutral attitude."

"If you don't want to report, it doesn't matter. If you don't want to report, don't make trouble for us. If anyone makes trouble for me, don't blame me for being rude."

Li Feng's words are loud and enlightening!

He hates being forced. If these reporters think that they have the power of public opinion in their hands, they can dig other people's privacy unscrupulously, then he will let these people know what is kicking the iron plate!

A group of reporters were shocked on the spot!

In terms of momentum, Li Feng is much stronger than Wang Xiao. Even Wang Xiao can frighten these reporters, let alone Li Feng?

But Wang Xiaoben is not a public figure. It is very difficult for them to make Wang Xiao.

Li Feng is different. Oswelli's boss, a celebrity on the Internet, although few people have seen his picture

If they report today's events, Li Feng's reputation will be greatly damaged, which will affect the sales of oswelli. Therefore, they don't understand how Li Feng dares to threaten them?

The reporter who asked the question looked very ugly: "Mr. Li, since you say so, we don't need to attend this news conference again."

"When I go back, I will report what Mr. Li has done truthfully, so that the majority of netizens can see how arrogant and despotic Mr. Li is in the legend!"

Speaking of this, he turned his head to scan the audience, and said with a fan in his voice, "I'm going to leave. If you can bear the arrogance of general manager Li, then you can continue to stay here. Anyway, I can't stand it."The reporter is about to turn around and leave.

The other reporters looked at each other, and then nearly a third of them stood up and threatened to leave.

Li Feng laughed: "Hong letao, leave that reporter friend behind."

At the door, Hong letao, who is in charge of security work, rushes to the leading reporter and reaches out to stop him. Until then, Hong letao sees the interview card hanging in front of the reporter, Liu Shan of Apple media.

Liu Shan was stunned at first, then turned his head and said with a smile: "Mr. Li, aren't you afraid that we're leaving? Why do you want people to leave me? Are you admitting that you've done something wrong?"

Liu Shan's expression is very ironic, and his tone is also somewhat contemptuous. At this moment, he feels that he has reached the peak of his life.

See, Li Feng, a 100 billion rich man, is going to admit to him. What an amazing achievement it is!

"Wrong? It doesn't exist. Now I seriously doubt that you are sent by your competitors to do things. Oh, no, it's not doubt. It's sure. "

Voice landing, Li Feng took out a USB flash disk from his arms and inserted it into the laptop in front of him.

After a click, a video begins to play on the screen behind the rostrum.

"Liu Shan, this is 100000 yuan. What you have to do is to excavate the black material of Li Yuan's mother and son as much as possible at the oswelli press conference tomorrow. If you find valuable black material, you can add more money."

In a reception hall, a middle-aged man with golden glasses pushed a bundle of 100000 yuan banknotes to Liu Chuan opposite and said slowly.

Liu Chuan's eyes glistened. He put his hand around the bundle of banknotes and swore, "don't worry, Mr. Chen, I will definitely try my best to dig their black material tomorrow."

The video stops here.

There was silence in the auditorium, and then there was an uproar!

At this time, some people recognized the middle-aged man wearing golden glasses, who was the president of a domestic cosmetics company, and oswelli was the most direct competitor!

Wo Cao, Liu Shan was ordered by others to do something here on purpose? No wonder he's been pacing from start to finish!

Scornful smile on Liu Shan's face solidified, replaced by endless fear and disbelief!



Liu Shan shuddered and took it directly!

The whole audience was in uproar again!

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