Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 613


Wang Xiao called out, and quickly helped her to avoid fainting on the ground.

"Mr. Wang, please say something."

"Mr. Wang, what happened 24 years ago, can you tell us something?"

"Mr. Wang..."

"Get out of here Wang Xiao roared directly.

Special, you let me say a fart, didn't you see Li Feng trying to hide it?

Believe me or not, tell me what happened in those days, and Li Feng smashed me with one blow?

On that day, the scene that the King City was hit by Li Feng was always replayed in Wang Xiao's mind. Whenever this time, Wang Xiao would feel cold in his bones.

Li Feng is a murderer without blinking an eye. Although he hates Li Feng to the extreme, he does not dare to do things that make Li Feng unhappy.

A crowd of reporters looked at each other.

Did they hear that right? Someone told them to go?

They are journalists, ah, holding a pen pole in their hands, which can affect the direction of public opinion to a certain extent. Those big stars dare not let them go.

Even dignitaries and dignitaries should consider their language when they talk to them in public. But this young man dares to let them go? How arrogant!

"Why, I feel arrogant? Laozi tells you that Laozi is the king's family. If you dare to write Laozi, I will let you see the king of hell! "

"What are you looking at? I'm threatening you. I don't think anyone can cure you, right? You don't want to know who Laozi is!"

Wang Xiao is a counsellor in front of Li Feng, but in front of these reporters, he took out the posture when he was the top junior in Jiangnan.

He was a dandy in the south of the Yangtze River. He didn't break the law by swearing. Was he afraid that these reporters would scribble?

What's more, it's not impossible to seal the media with Wang's ability. In this case, he vented all his anger on these reporters.

A group of reporters were awed by Wang Xiao's momentum and did not dare to speak for a moment.

At this time, Hong letao, on one side, said, "is it enough to scold? Scold enough, get out of here, code, dare to make trouble when general manager Li holds a news conference. I'm really tired of living. "

Wang Xiao's face changed slightly. After seeing Hong letao, he helped Cheng Yashu leave here without saying a word.

As soon as he left, a crowd of reporters cheered and cheered.

Listening to the cheers behind him, Wang Xiao's heart was filled with hatred and bitterness.

Li Feng, after all, is the existence he needs to look up to. Even if he hates again in his heart, he can't retaliate. Even if Li Feng's subordinates scold him, he can only swallow his anger.

At this time Cheng Yashu also woke up, her expression is more bitter than Wang Xiao.

She thought that this visit to Huacheng could persuade Li Yuan's mother and son to return to the Wang family, but she did not think about it. However, it turned out that Li Yuan's mother and son had no relationship with the Wang family.

A person who could have made the Wangs even better has nothing to do with them.

If only she had let Li Yuan stay in the Wang family 24 years ago.

For a moment, Cheng Yashu was engulfed with remorse

Ten minutes later, all the reporters outside entered the auditorium of Huacheng hotel.

General enterprises hold press conferences, that is, renting a conference room that can seat dozens of people, and sometimes they are dissatisfied with it.

Li Feng directly rented a large auditorium that could accommodate 2000 people. He was not afraid that people would not be satisfied with sitting in the auditorium, and he looked empty. His spirit was really incomparable to ordinary people.

In fact, there are more than 100 media present today, and each media has sent a team of three to four people, with a total of nearly 400 people.

Naturally, the 400 people could not fill the auditorium, but with the nearly 500 service teams prepared by osville, the auditorium did not seem empty.

When everything is ready, Li Yuan, accompanied by Su Tong, steps onto the rostrum, while Li Feng sits in the first row under the stage, looking at them with a smile.

First, Su Tong delivered a speech, announcing the news that Li Yuan became chairman of oswelli. After the speech, it was time for free questions.

After Li Yuan selected a reporter who raised her hand, the reporter got up and asked, "Ms. Li Yuan, what happened 24 years ago that made you leave the Wang family pregnant?"

As soon as she said this, Li Yuan's face changed slightly.

Li Feng, who was sitting under the stage, frowned slightly and was not happy.

"This reporter friend, please don't ask questions that have nothing to do with the theme of this press conference, will you?"

After all, Li Yuan is a strong woman who has experienced big waves and waves. She quickly regains her composure and reminds her with a smile.

"Ms. Li Yuan, I think this issue has something to do with this press conference. You are the person who will become chairman of oswelli. If there is any black history in the past, it will certainly have a negative impact on oswelli's reputation."

This reporter is indomitable, quite a sense of breaking the casserole to ask the end.

Li yuanxiu frowned slightly: "24 years ago, it was my personal privacy, and I can assure you that this is not my black history. Now please ask the next question.""Ms. Li Yuan, you are a public figure, and we are media reporters. We have the right to know."

As if she didn't see the displeasure in Li Yuan's words, the reporter insisted on the questions before asking questions.

"Yes, we have the right to know."

"Ms. Li Yuan, we all want to know the answer to this question. Please answer it."

"Surely osville will go public in the future? If it goes public, it will be subject to the supervision of investors, and investors do not want to see a person with a black history leading the enterprise

Other journalists also echoed.

They are all engaged in news. It's strange that they don't ask questions when they know that they can be ranked first in hot search.

What's more, before they got angry at Wang Xiao, they subconsciously wanted to find a place from Li Yuan. Li Yuan is a businessman and can't let them go like that dandy Wang Xiao?

If Li Yuan really dares to say so, oswelli's reputation will be totally rotten!

They were sure that Li Yuan didn't dare to show her face with them, so they almost forced her to answer this question.

"Ms. Li Yuan, you have heard me. Even if you don't answer my question, other colleagues will still ask this question."

"Of course, you have the right not to answer questions, but in that case, today's press conference will not be held."

The reporter, who asked the question, said in a playful way, as if she were determined by Li Yuan.

Li yuanxiu frowned and pursed her mouth without saying a word.

These reporters are right. She is really not easy to show her face to them. But if you don't answer this question, today's press conference may not go on. Isn't the son's preparation for her coming back to the mountain in vain?

Under the stage, in the first row, Li Feng's face was as gloomy as water, but then he shook his head and began to laugh.

These reporters think that their mother and son are businessmen, so they dare to force them to answer questions they don't want to answer?

Oh, the pattern is Tucson.

I'm not just a businessman. I'm scared to death by my other identity! I don't like it. I dare to lift the table!

Thinking of this, Li fengzao stood up and strode to the rostrum.

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