Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 612

After Li Yuan's death, Li Feng's eyebrows were pointed and her smile naturally showed.

He also worried that because of her face, his mother didn't want to say it publicly. Now he found that he thought too much. His mother was a strong business woman who founded osville. How can Cheng Yashu guide these media reporters?

Around, a crowd of media reporters were excited.

I'll go. Is Li Yuan finally going to say what happened 24 years ago? They're going to explode with curiosity!

Even Hong letao, Li Feng's younger brother, couldn't help but prick up his ears.

Concerning the private past of the big boss, this kind of temptation is just a show for Hong letao!

"Xiaoyuan, what happened 24 years ago was just a misunderstanding. There's no need for outsiders to know, is it?"

Cheng Ya Shu took a deep breath, her face was a little ugly.

She felt that Li Yuan must be bluffing herself. It was nothing to a big family like Wang family, but it was a troublesome thing for Li Yuan. If it was not done well, it would become a black spot that she could not wash away in her whole life.

After all, Wang Chuan and Li Yuan didn't get a marriage certificate at that time. She gave birth to Li Feng, who was unmarried and pregnant.

Knowing that Wang Chuan would not marry him, she still insisted on giving birth to Li Feng, saying that she was greedy for the money of the Wang family. At that time, Li Yuan was not the queen of ten billion cosmetics!

"Was it just a misunderstanding?" Li Yuan shook her head and sneered: "24 years later, you are still as high as ever. Even if you need Xiaofeng to go back to revive the Wang family, you are not willing to really lower your figure. Instead, it seems to be giving alms to the two of us."

They are all foxes for thousands of years. How can she not guess Cheng Yashu's purpose?

But at the beginning, she didn't want to break with Cheng Yashu. If Wang Bonan or Wang Xian and Wang Xiu came here, she would have scolded her.

Since Cheng Yashu plays her mind in front of her, she doesn't need to be easygoing.

Talk? Who is afraid of who!

Cheng Yashu was shocked and then said with a bitter smile: "Xiaoyuan, you misunderstood me. I really hope we can untie each other's knot and make up for the mistakes we made 24 years ago."

"No way." Li Yuan shook her head and directly interrupted: "when you acquiesced in Lu Qiaolan's plan to find Su Jiannan to murder me in a car accident, I would never be able to return to Wang's house, even if Wang Chuan was still alive."

Although Li Feng didn't tell her that Su Jiannan's family died in the fire, it was big news in Huacheng. After Li Yuan's resurrection, she inquired about Su Jiannan's news and saw the reports about it.

When she mentioned this to Li Feng unintentionally, Li Feng told her that Lu Qiaolan had instructed Su Jiannan to find someone to arrange the accident.

In addition, Li Feng also said that he personally killed Lu Qiaolan's mother and son. He couldn't help it. He couldn't hide it all the time. Didn't his mother know about Su Jiannan? It's better to tell the truth.

Mom is also a person who has experienced life and death. He should not be blamed.

Of course, in Li Fengkou, the death of Su Jiannan's family in the fire is still an accident.

According to Li Yuan's understanding of Lu Qiaolan, Lu Qiaolan can not only send people to kill her but not Li Feng. Since Li Feng is still alive, it means that someone does not allow Lu Qiaolan to kill Li Feng.

Who can stop Lu Qiaolan except Wang Bonan?

Since Wang Bonan knows that Lu Qiaolan wants to kill Li Feng, can he know that Lu Qiaolan is looking for someone to kill her? And she did die in a car accident, which shows that Wang Bonan acquiesced in Lu Qiaolan's murder of her.

Husband and wife have the same heart, this matter is a small matter in Wang Bonan's eyes, there is no need to hide from Cheng Yashu.

Since Cheng Yashu doesn't care about her life and death, how can she be deceived by her eloquence?

Li Yuan's words like a deep-water bomb, once again in the hearts of a number of reporters set off a tremendous wave!

Car accident? murder? Su Jiannan? Acquiescence of the Wangs? Wang Chuan died?

I, NIMA, have a lot of information!

As long as the news here is transmitted back, it can definitely detonate the entire Chinese network!

Li Feng frowned slightly. Although he was not happy to let Cheng Yashu guide the situation, he did not want their friendship and hatred with the Wang family exposed in front of the public, and became the talk material of the world after dinner.

"Dear media friends, the press conference site has been arranged, please enter."

After hearing this, all the media reporters present are not happy. They will soon arrive at the superb part. How can they leave?

"Ms. Li, do you have any evidence to prove that the accident was a murder?"

"Ms. Cheng, do you agree with what Ms. Li said?"

"Ms. Li..."

A group of reporters worked hard to squeeze forward, vowing to cover the information they wanted.

As soon as Li Feng's face sank, he winked at Hong letao. Under his will, Hong letao took people to block the sight of many media reporters.

Then, regardless of the reporters' questioning, Li Feng looked at Cheng Yashu and said, "you don't want to let the events of that year be made public, do you?"Cheng Ya Shu frowned slightly and then said with a wry smile, "Xiaofeng, what happened in those days was really wrong with our Wang family, but chuan'er also made up for your mother and son. If chuan'er did not support her secretly, your mother would not have created osville, would she?"

"Besides, Qiao LAN and cheng'er are no longer here, and both your uncles have been punished as they should be. No matter how much you hate, it's time to dissipate your hatred?"

Li Feng laughed: "so you think as long as you admit your mistakes, my mother and I will forgive you and go back to the Wang family?"

Cheng Ya Shu frowns again, and tightly purses her mouth without saying a word.

Silence sometimes represents acquiescence, which is the attitude of Cheng Yashu at the moment.

She is the eldest daughter of Cheng family and the wife of Wang Bonan, one of the three big families in the south of the Yangtze River. She has been in a high position for a long time. Now, she has lowered herself to say good words in front of the two younger generations. Isn't sincerity enough?

Li Feng laughed again, with tears in his eyes.

Then he turned his head and looked at Liyuan, who nodded at him.

"Hoo" Li Feng vomited out a puff of turbid air, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said, "don't dream, my mother and I will never go back to the Wang family in our life. We can use money to solve the problem that Wang Chuan once supported my mother

"At that time, how much money he subsidized my mother, I will give it back to your Wang family ten times. After paying back the money, we have nothing to do with your Wang family!"

Cheng Yashu body a shock, looking at Li Yuan said: "Xiaoyuan, you also mean this?"

Li Yuan nodded: "in fact, Wang Chuan told me at the beginning that the money he subsidized our mother and son was borrowed according to the bank loan interest. I have signed words with him."

"But Wang Chuan is no longer there, and the words are meaningless. Just pay back 10 times what Xiaofeng said."

"After paying back the money, our mother and son will be completely cleared with your Wang family!"

With that, Li Yuan took Li Feng, and in Cheng Yashu's unbelievable eyes, in the eyes of reporters curious to the explosion, she walked into the hotel door.

When they disappeared at the door of the hotel, Cheng Yashu's mind suddenly whirled around and then fell back.

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