Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 611

Li Feng's worry is not unreasonable. From Li Yuan's desire to revive Wang Chuan, we can see that she still has deep feelings for Wang Chuan.

Can Li Yuan feel close to Cheng Yashu? Now Cheng Yashu has invited Li Yuan back to Jiangnan. Is it possible for Li Yuan to agree? Li Feng thinks it is very possible.

But after worry, Li Feng's heart is furious!

What is willing to treat Li Yuan as a married daughter-in-law and give money from the top? Did Cheng Ya Shu forget how he knocked the Wangs down the abyss that day?

Sister, if his memory is not normal, he would have thought that the loser that day was his own.

Li Feng is right to guess, Cheng Yashu does have the meaning of charity, in other words, in the face of Li Yuan, she has regained the feeling of being superior in the past.

24 years ago, when the Wang family forced Li Yuan to leave Wang Chuan, Li Yuan begged them not to drive her away.

Yes, please.

Li Yuan is a woman who is willing to pay any price to be with her beloved man!

However, her man failed her, and the Wangs regarded her bitter entreaties as a kind of entertainment. They coldly watched Li Yuan drain her last tear and leave in despair.

Because of her experience 24 years ago, Cheng Yashu felt that as long as she was willing to treat Liyuan as her daughter-in-law, she would happily agree and even be grateful to her.

Around, a crowd of media reporters are excited.

God, what's going to happen next? 24 years ago, the gratitude and resentment were written off, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were reunited, and Li Feng's family was reunited?

If so, then the news will rush to the top of the hot search, and they are all witnesses!

How many Chinese people don't like happy ending?

They must send this message back to the headquarters as soon as possible. The bonus at the end of the year should be doubled at least. The promotion and salary increase are waving to them!

Just as a group of reporters were about to get the results, Li Yuan laughed: "Auntie Cheng, did you make a mistake?"

After death, Li Feng mouth a hook, a heart was put back in his stomach.

With his understanding of his mother, he can be sure that his mother will never agree.

A number of media reporters also noticed something wrong and stopped brain tonic.

Cheng Yashu Leng for a moment: "what?"

"You just said you would. Have you ever thought about whether I would?" Li Yuan sighed, her face a little complicated.

Cheng Ya Shu's face changed slightly, and then she said with a strong smile: "Xiaoyuan, I remember you were very eager to stay in our Wang family."

Although she didn't finish her words, the implication of her words was also very obvious. Once Li Yuan begged to stay in the Wang family, but now she sent the opportunity to Li Yuan, didn't she feel excited?

After all, this is what Li Yuan dreams of!

"Auntie Cheng, we'd better not continue with this topic."

Li Yuan sighed, let alone Wang Chuan is not in, even if Wang Chuan is still alive, she will not go back to Wang's home.

That place has only sad memories for her, besides Now the winners are their mother and son. How can a winner accept the acceptance of the loser?

But after all, she doesn't hate Cheng Yashu, so she doesn't mean to tear her face completely. Besides, with so many reporters around, it's better not to be disclosed to the public.

Cheng Ya Shu's mouth opened slightly. After a long time, she said with a bitter smile: "Xiaoyuan, you still hate me and your uncle, right?"

She knows who Li Yuan is, and what happened in the past is too dirty. Even if she looks at Wang Chuan, she will not expose it to the public's eyes.

She will not explain anything. As long as she lowers her posture and speaks well, these reporters will sympathize with her and exert pressure on Li Yuan.

As soon as this was said, long guns and short guns were all aimed at Li Yuan.

Although it is expected that the end of the reunion has not yet come, a number of journalists believe that this is only a small episode on the road to the reunion.

Look, isn't the critical moment here?

I just don't know how Li Yuan will answer. Should she answer hate? Then Cheng Ya Shu again admit a mistake, persuade a few words, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law lift the estrangement, embrace each other and cry bitterly.


"Auntie Cheng, let's not talk about that." Li Yuan shook her head and did not answer Cheng Yashu's question.

It's been so many years. What's the point of hating? And she's really not interested in putting her private affairs in the spotlight.

But Cheng Yashu didn't think so: "Xiaoyuan, I know you still hate us, but it doesn't matter. At the beginning, it was us who made a mistake and we owe you."

"But Xiao Yuan, Li Feng has helped you out. No matter how much you hate, it should be over? "

"Besides, you have never been married. It must be because you still have our family chuan'er in your heart, and Li Feng's blood is flowing from him. He is a descendant of our Wang family. No one can deny it.""In this case, why don't you take Li Feng back to the Wangs' house? From now on, our family will not be happy? Chuan'er will be happy for us if he knows it under the spring. "

Li Yuan raised her eyebrows and opened her mouth to speak.

Behind him, Li Feng almost laughed angrily.

Cheng Yashu is also too able to say it. It will be their fault if they don't agree to go back to the Wang family?

At this time, Cheng Ya Shu clenched Li Yuan's hand and continued: "go back. Your uncle and I are old. It's time for us to spend our lives. When you go back with Xiaofeng, the Wangs can give Xiaofeng the helm."

"After a hundred years with your uncle and I, Li Feng will be the new Wang family owner. He can use all the resources of the Wang family. I promise you."

First of all, she used emotion and reason to explain Wang Chuan's death. Finally, she took the position of the king's family as a bargaining chip. Cheng Yashu really understood people's hearts.

"I'm sorry, aunt Cheng. I can't accept what you said." Li Yuan shook her head, turned to Hong letao and said, "letao, see off the guests."

"Yes Hong letao strides forward to push Cheng Yashu and Wang Xiao away from here.

"Wait a minute!" Cheng Yashu a big drink, and then sad face said: "Xiaoyuan, you must be so heartless?"

As she spoke, two lines of clear tears flowed from her eyes.

This scene directly moved the reporters around!

An old lady went all the way from Jiangnan to Huacheng. She gave up her dignity and lowered her stature. After painstaking persuasion, she got a cold farewell.

Li Yuan is so cold and hard hearted!

"Ms. Li, you can promise Mrs. Cheng."

"Ms. Li, Mr. Li also needs his family. You can't let hatred blind your eyes. Let go of hatred and embrace new life."

"Ms. Li, it's good for everyone to stop fighting in time."

For a moment, a group of reporters turned into mediators and persuaded Li Yuan.

Listening to people's persuasion, Li Yuan's expression began to change.

Cheng Yashu is sad on the surface, but proud in her heart.

She knows Li Yuan very well. Li Yuan is a soft hearted woman. She does not eat hard but soft food. In addition, with the persuasion of reporters around her, due to face saving, Li Yuan has to agree to come down.

If she was facing Li Feng today, she would not dare to play such a trick. ,

women are always softer than men

Just when Cheng Yashu thought that Li Yuan was going to let go, Li Yuan suddenly said with a smile: "Friends of the media, don't you wonder why I left the Wang family 24 years ago?"

This words a, Cheng Ya Shu face color changes dramatically!

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