Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 610

Cheng Yashu's words like a deep-sea bomb exploded, set off a towering wave!

No wonder Li Yuan has been hiding her husband's identity, it turns out that Li Yuan came to Huacheng alone after being pregnant!

No wonder Wang Xiao said he was Li Feng's cousin. Li Feng followed Li Yuan's surname!

Now the question is, what kind of misunderstanding should have caused a pregnant woman to leave her husband and go to other cities alone?

If the two people completely broke their faces, Li Yuan's husband would not have funded her to start osville, would she?

What kind of secret is there? Big family entanglement, resentment, or even more bloody plot?

For a short time, the reporter's gossip heart was thoroughly mobilized.

Even Hong letao's curiosity has been aroused. Although he thinks it's wrong to gossip like this, he just can't help it!

"Madam, what kind of misunderstanding caused Ms. Li Yuan to leave your Wang family?"

Asked a reporter.

Cheng Yashu's eyes flashed and said, "it's the young people's feelings that have some problems, make a little awkward, and they don't want to step back, which leads to such a result."

On hearing this, everyone understood.

Some lovers break up just because of a little trifle, and then both sides are people who want to face life and suffer, even if they regret deeply, they don't bow to each other first.

As a saying in the movie, "he thought she would not leave, she thought he would detain her". As a result, the two people completely separated

Ah, tragedy!

Because of Cheng Yashu's words, the reporters on the scene all groaned.

Then a reporter asked, "Ma'am, why didn't Mr. Wang come, but asked you to come here as a mother? Is he not ready to bow his head?"

"Madam, since Ms. Li Yuan didn't step back at the beginning, why did she still accept Mr. Wang's support?"


"These questions involve the privacy of our Wang family, so I can't answer them for the moment. If I can help my son untie the knot between him and Xiaoyuan today, maybe Xiaoyuan will answer these questions in person."

Cheng Yashu maintains the most elegant manner, slowly said.

"Have you received oswelli's invitation, madam?"

"Madam, does Ms. Li Yuan know you are here today?"


"I came uninvited, so I'd like to ask the staff in osville to help me ask their mother and son. Would you like to see me, an old woman, uninvited?"

Cheng Yashu looks at Hong letao and says slowly.

the long gun and short gun are all aimed at Hong letao, and Hong letao suddenly falls into wax.

Younger sister, he always thinks that this old lady has bad intentions, but he can't get rid of such a multi-media reporter here.

Besides, if this old lady is really Mr. Li's grandmother, this is their family affairs, and he, as an outsider, has no right to interfere.

"Yes, just a moment, please."

Hong letao pondered for a while, but decided to report to Li Feng.

Soon, he came to the reception room of a presidential suite in Huacheng hotel.

At the moment, Li Yuan is pulling home with Su Tong. Li Feng is smiling at the side. The atmosphere is warm and harmonious.

When Hong letao finished telling the story, the warm and harmonious atmosphere disappeared in an instant, and Li Feng's face was almost dripping with gloom!

"Xiaofeng, shall we meet her?"

Li Yuan's heart was a little uneasy. When she fell in love with Wang Chuan, Cheng Yashu was the only one in the Wang family who treated her fairly well.

Of course, this is not bad, but relatively speaking, Cheng Yashu at most does not spit out evil words to her, and some things turn a blind eye to her.

When Wang Bonan decided to drive Li Yuan out of the Wang family, Cheng Yashu did not say a good word for her.

Because Cheng Yashu didn't feel sorry for Li Yuan, Li Yuan would not be very sorry for her. After hearing Cheng Yashu's personal visit, she wanted to see Cheng Yashu.

But she still wants to hear her son's opinion. After all, Cheng Yashu can come here in person, more because of Li Feng.

"See you. Why not?"

Li Feng smiles. How can he not guess Cheng Yashu's intention? It is nothing more than to let the world know the relationship between their mother and son and the Wang family, and then use the pressure of public opinion to force their mother and son to return to the Wang family.

If he doesn't show up at this time, the outside world still doesn't know how to guess what the so-called misunderstanding between mom and Wang's family is.

Perhaps through the deliberate guidance of some people, the responsibility of the Wangs was completely ignored, and all the mistakes were borne by my mother. Li Feng absolutely did not allow such things to happen.

The voice fell to the ground, Li Feng got up and came to Li Yuan and helped her get up and go out.

At the door of the hotel, a group of media reporters had no idea of queuing up for admission. They surrounded Cheng Yashu and Wang Xiao one after another, throwing out one question after another.Cheng Yashu is an old and mature woman. She just answers the questions that are beneficial to the Wangs. However, there is no mention of the "misunderstanding" between Li Yuan and the Wangs.

This let a media reporter's curiosity reached the peak!

At this time, Li Feng followed Li Yuan and walked out of the hotel door.

The moment he saw Li Feng, Wang Xiao's face turned white. He remembered the fear that the king's family was dominated by Li Feng that day.

Cheng Yashu also flashed her eyes, glanced at Li Feng, and then she separated the crowd and quickly met her.

"Xiaoyuan, 24 years ago, we finally meet again."

When she came to Liyuan, Cheng Yashu held Liyuan's hand and said with tears in her eyes.

This touching scene was recorded by the reporters around with the shutter. They all thought about the title, and they called it "moved, old lady Wang's thousands of miles to find a family!

With a smile on her face, Li Yuan held Cheng Yashu's hand and said, "yes, it has been 24 years. I didn't expect to see Aunt Cheng again in my lifetime."

"Time flies. Xiaofeng has been brought up by you. But you are still as young and beautiful as you were in Jiangnan. If chuan'er is still there Ah

Cheng Yashu took Liyuan's hand and looked up and down. The more she looked, the more satisfied she was.

In the past, she thought that Li Yuan was beautiful, which attracted her son Wang Chuan. Now she found that Li Yuan was much better than Lu Qiaolan.

Take a look at Li Yuan. She is graceful and dignified when she talks. Think about Lu Qiaolan, a shrew.

"How could the old man and I have been blind, and we had to force chuan'er to marry Lu Qiaolan, ah!"

Cheng Yashu regrets.

"Aunt Cheng, the past is over. Don't mention it again."

At the mention of Wang Chuan, Li Yuan's face darkened and her voice sank.

"Yes, the past is over. Don't mention it."

Cheng Yashu wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and said happily, "my aunt came here to finish the business 24 years ago. Go back to Jiangnan with my aunt. She is willing to treat you as a daughter-in-law."

As soon as she said this, Li Yuan was stunned at the scene.

After death, Li Feng frowned slightly, but worried to think: "mom should not agree with Cheng Yashu, right?"

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