Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 609

The next day, Huacheng Hotel, half an hour before the press conference.

Accompanied by her grandson Wang Xiao, Cheng Yashu arrived at the door of the hotel.

After they got off the bus, they looked at the long red carpet in front of the hotel and the stream of people, and fell into meditation.

A press conference, almost all the media from all over the country, osville's influence can be seen.

If Li Yuan had not been expelled from the Wangs twenty-four years ago, the Wangs would have been very proud.

"Grandma, why don't we go back? We don't have any invitation cards. We can't even get into the hotel gate."

Wang Xiao is really unwilling to come over. His father and his third uncle were sentenced after being reported by Li Feng.

Wang family fell from the clouds, thanks to Li Feng!

Once he was a top junior in the south of the Yangtze River, but now his aura is fading away. His friends and friends in the past are scattered. This contrast makes Wang Xiao hate Li Feng very much.

But Grandma directly ordered him, and he had to accompany him even if he didn't like it.

Cheng Yashu glared at him: "Xiao Er, what nonsense are you talking about? We are all here, how can we go back empty handed? Don't you want to rejuvenate the Wang family? Don't you want to be the top one in Jiangnan again? Don't you want to go out and be surrounded by people? "

Among her many grandchildren, she is the least optimistic about Wang Xiao. Wang Xiao is a dandy. She has no other skills. She is a first-class troublemaker.

If it was not for Wang Xiao who had contact with Li Feng, this time she said nothing would bring Wang Xiao over.

Wang Xiao's face changed several times, and finally squeezed out a word: "want."

He also knew why he came here to look for Li Feng, but he was particularly upset at the thought of lowering his stature and asking for help.

"If you want to go and tell the staff, say that Cheng Yashu, Wang's family in Jiangnan, is visiting and see what they say."

Cheng Ya Shu sighed and said.

"I'm afraid the hot face will stick to people, and the cold will lead to stocks." Wang Xiao curled his mouth and muttered in a low voice. Then he turned to the door of the hotel.

At the door, security personnel are checking the invitation cards of visitors.

Wang Xiao walked past to cross the long line and directly talk to the security personnel. At this time, some media reporters were not happy: "which unit are you from? Queue up behind you."

"Man, it's immoral to jump in the queue."

"Everyone is in the same trade. Is it really good for you to jump in the queue like this, so that you are not afraid to be reported by us and make you famous?"

Wang Xiao looked back and glared at the two people, and said unhappily, "I'm not a reporter. I'm Li Feng's cousin."

The reporters on the scene were stunned at first, and then they surrounded Wang Xiao with countless long guns and short guns: "Sir, are you really the cousin of general manager Li?"

"It is said that Li is always an orphan and has no relatives. Why do you say you are the cousin of general manager Li?"

"Sir, do you have any evidence that you are Mr. Li's cousin?"

There is little information about Li Feng from the outside world, and his feud with Wang family has never been reported. Therefore, Wang Xiao immediately aroused the interest of these reporters when he said that he was Li Feng's cousin.

Surrounded by a large number of media reporters, Wang Xiao felt very happy. At this moment, he even had the illusion that he was a big star.

"Of course I am Li Feng's cousin. There is no doubt about this."

Wang Xiao arrogantly face the camera, said.

In the distance, Cheng Ya Shu's eyes lit up and whispered to herself, "how could I have never thought of it!"

Originally, she wanted to meet Li Yuan's mother and son first, and then play the emotional card to let Li Yuan agree to return to the Wang family.

As a result, Wang Xiao's unintentional words made Cheng Yashu think of a better way to expose the matter and let the public know the relationship between Li Yuan's mother and her son and the Wang family.

With the pressure of public opinion, the possibility of persuading Li Yuan's mother and son to return to Wang's family will be greatly increased!

"Mr. Li, why did Li say he was an orphan? Is there any secret in this?"

"Mr. Li, who is Mr. Li's father?"

"Mr. Li..."

Wang Xiaomei's head wrinkled slightly and said unhappily, "I'm unfortunate Li. My surname is Wang."

A group of media reporters:

It's not This guy should not be a fool. He said he was Li Feng's cousin and his surname was Wang. This is special Can a person with a surname be a cousin?

I don't read much. Don't lie to me!

At this time, the security personnel at the door couldn't look down: "Sir, please don't make trouble."

While talking, someone would push Wang Xiao away from here.

"Don't touch me. I'm Wang Xiao, Wang Xiao of Wang family in Jiangnan."

Wang Xiao's face is not happy to open the hands of security personnel.

A lean camel is bigger than a horse. No matter how I say, it's Wang's family. How dare a security guard push me away?

This is not in the south of the Yangtze River. Otherwise, he must let the security guard know what will happen if he offends him!

Security personnel did not expect Wang Xiao to be so tough, for a time Leng in the spot.But then he took out his walkie talkie: "brother Tao, someone is making trouble, ask for help."

Before long, Hong letao led several younger brothers in black suits to run out of the hotel door. Under the guidance of the security personnel, Hong letao went to Wang Xiaoshen and said with a bad face: "brother, today is the day for our general manager Li to hold a press conference. Please don't do anything good. You will make it very difficult for me to do so."

After the reconstruction of oswelli, Hong letao became the head of oswelli's security department. Su Tong came to flower city to hold a press conference, and he naturally wanted to follow him.

If someone dared to make trouble in his court on another occasion, he would have been dragged out.

However, there are many media reporters on the scene. For oswelli's reputation, he has to endure it again and again.

"You're my cousin's man, aren't you?"

Wang Xiao glanced at Hong letao obliquely and said scornfully.

"Cousin?" Hong letao frowned slightly.

"Yes, Li Feng is my cousin." Wang Xiao haughtily sneered, and his tone became more and more contemptuous: "now do you want me to go?"

Hong took a breath of cold air.

I'll go. Mr. Li still has his family. He hasn't heard of it!

At this time, Cheng Yashu came slowly from the distance: "I am Li Feng's grandmother, pro grandmother, now I want to see Li Feng, please help me inform."

Although Cheng Yashu said please, but the color on her face was beyond expression.

Although Cheng Yashu's attitude makes Hong letao a little upset, if she is really Li Feng's grandmother, he must do as she says.

"OK, just a moment, please. I'll call Mr. Li right now."

Hong letao took a deep breath and went aside to call Li Feng.

On the other side, a group of media reporters surrounded Cheng Yashu: "madam, are you really the grandmother of general manager Li?"

"Why does Mr. Wang say he is Mr. Li's cousin? Is there any secret in this?"

In the face of a number of media reporters' questions, Cheng Yashu said with a smile: "Li Feng's father is my own son. The reason why he doesn't have his surname Wang is because he followed his mother's surname, Li Yuan."

"24 years ago, due to a misunderstanding, Li Yuan, who was pregnant, left the Wang family and went to Huacheng alone. After that, she gave birth to Li Feng. With the support of my son Wang Chuan, Li Yuan was able to create osville."

"That is to say, osville can have today's scene, in which our Wang family occupies a lot of credit."

"And I came here to remove the misunderstanding and welcome their mother and son back to Wang's house!"

As soon as the words were said, the audience was silent!

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