Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 608

It was more than two o'clock in the morning after practicing "mutual benefit magic skill" with song Wanjun.

"I feel that my realm has improved again."

Song Wanjun felt it carefully and said in surprise.

Li Feng has helped her become a strong master in the later stage. After tonight's practice, she has made a breakthrough and directly stepped into the early stage of transcendence!

Although there is only a small difference between the later period of the master and the early stage of transcendence, it is a qualitative leap.

When Li Feng was still in the early stage of transcendence, he hit the Royal City in the later period of the imperial master with one blow!

"Haha, that's because I have been promoted to the later stage of entering the holy land. As long as we practice more, you can become a super strong person in the later stage. How about my husband, am I very good?"

Li Feng said triumphantly.

Li Feng now more and more like the "mutual benefit" skill, which can not only enhance the feelings between each other, but also enhance their strength, which is almost tailor-made for him.

Song Wanjun is surprised again. Women are eager for strength. What's more, she is a woman living in the underground world.

With the expansion of the territory, the number of people under her has increased. If she does not have strong force, it is really difficult to manage those mediocre subordinates.

Although her martial arts skills are not as powerful as Li Feng, she only needs to use a "brute force" to suppress the other side in the face of people whose realm is lower than her.

Song Wanjun only needs to release her own breath when she meets someone with a different heart. This feeling makes her infatuated.

Now that she has been able to improve, how can she not be excited?

"I'll stay with you until you help me to the late stage of transcendence."

Song Wanjun sweet mouth, full of beauty said.

Li Feng chucked his mouth and said with a smile, "I'd like to help you, my lady. But before that, I want you to do me a favor

While speaking, Li Feng took out the Jasper fruit.

"Wow, it's beautiful. What kind of fruit is this? I haven't seen it before."

Song Wanjun took it in his hand and watched, eager to eat her.

Li Feng quickly blocked her mouth and said with a smile, "greedy cat, this is not for you to eat."

"Ah?" Song Wanjun pretty face collapsed, jealous said: "then you want to give other women to eat, you eccentric, I am jealous."

Then she pretended to be angry and returned the fruit to Li Feng.

Li Feng's mouth corner a smoke, complexion strange way: "are you sure to be jealous?"

"Well, sure and sure, I am jealous, coax bad kind." Song Wanjun said angrily.

"Well, this fruit is for my mother." Li Feng is playing with Jasper fruit and says with a smile.

Song Wanjun:

She is jealous of her feelings and gets into her future mother-in-law's head. How embarrassing

After some ridicule, Li Feng said: "eating this fruit can improve the level of martial arts. As for the effect of non martial arts people, I don't know for the time being."

He had consulted the system before, and the system didn't know what the effect of the fruit was. However, it was OK for the hare to eat, and Shen Zixuan could improve the martial arts realm after eating it.

In addition to the "terrible" side effects, eating this fruit should be good for people.

Li Feng can't stay with Li Yuan all the time, so he wants to make Li Yuan a warrior.

However, there is no props in the system that can directly make people become martial artists. Li Feng has no other way but to buy a Book of martial arts to let Li Yuan practice slowly.

So Li Feng wants to try to let Li Yuan eat this Jasper fruit.

"So you want your aunt to eat this fruit?" Song Wanjun guessed Li Feng's intention.

"Well, but when my mother eats this fruit, you need to take care of it. It may have some side effects."

The reason why Li Feng just took it out now is also afraid of the side effects of this fruit.

With song Wanjun in, Li Yuan can let her take care of her after eating, which saves a lot of trouble.

"Side effects?" Song Wanjun is puzzled.

"It is..." Li Feng thought about it and decided to hide the matter between him and Shen Zixuan: "I don't know exactly what side effects there are, just in case."

It's not that song Wanjun is jealous, but that Shen Zixuan's identity is too amazing. In case this happens, he is afraid that there will be big trouble.

Song Wanjun didn't think much about it, but nodded and agreed.

After a night of practice, the next morning they walked out of the bedroom.

Sitting in the living room reading the newspaper, Li Yuan was stunned. Last night, she slept next door and didn't hear anything. Now they are looking fresh and fresh.

They didn't do anything last night. When can she have her grandson?

Li Feng saw Li Yuan's expression and knew that she had misunderstood her. At the moment, he explained unintentionally, "even if you don't sleep all night, you won't be tired."Li Yuan suddenly realized: "that's good. That's good. I've made breakfast. You and Wanjun should make up for it."

On the other side, song Wanjun's face turned red.

After breakfast, Li Feng took out Jasper fruit and told Li Yuan what she said last night.

At first, Li Yuan didn't agree. What's the use of eating? It's better to let song Wanjun eat it.

However, Li Feng and song Wanjun tried to persuade each other, and finally Li Yuan had to agree.

Seeing her consent, Li Feng winked at Song Wanjun and turned out of the restaurant.

A few minutes later, song Wanjun sent out a exclamation: "Li Feng, aunt fainted."

Outside the restaurant, Li Feng had expected: "it's OK. Check her pulse to see if it's normal."

After receiving the "normal" reply, Li Feng said: "this should be a normal reaction. You will take care of her and observe her situation at any time."

The next time, Li Yuan has been in a coma, and Li Feng worried about the side effects did not produce, which let Li Feng a sigh of relief at the same time there are some doubts.

Why did he and Shen Zixuan eat Jasper fruit, so they had to practice "mutual benefit magic skill", and my mother didn't react at all?

I can't think of it!

At noon, Li Yuan finally woke up.

After getting the news, Li Feng rushed into the restaurant at the first time and checked her with the eye of the doctor.

Everything is normal except that there is a genuine Qi in the elixir field.

The amount of this Qi is amazing, which is comparable to the strong one in the early days of becoming a saint. However, Li Yuan has not practiced systematically, so she can't use this Qi at the moment.

What makes Li Feng happy is that this genuine Qi is not violent and has been quietly stored in Liyuan's elixir field.

Li Feng believes that as long as he gives his mother a book to practice, Li Yuan will be able to enter the holy land as soon as possible!

A fruit into the saint, the effect of this Jasper fruit is greatly beyond Li Feng's expectation.

However, Li Feng thought that Shen Zixuan was able to use Jasper fruit to break through from the middle of the supreme to the late of the supreme, which was enough to show its adverse effect.

In the next few days, Li Feng bought a Book of skills from the system and gave it to Li Yuan. He spent the whole afternoon teaching Liyuan to practice.

Song Wanjun stayed here for another night and left at noon the next day. However, she did not leave Huacheng, but went to a nearby hotel to check in.

Soon after Song Wanjun left, Su Tong came.

Li Yuan is also very satisfied with Su Tong. There is no need to elaborate on the process.

Su Tong came to Huacheng not only to see Li Yuan, but also to hold a press conference here to announce Li Yuan as chairman of oswelli.

The press conference will be held at noon tomorrow, and the invitation has been sent to the media.

From tomorrow, Li Yuan will officially appear in the public's sight!

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