Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 607

Two days later, a strong news spread on the Internet. Li Yuan, the founder of oswelli, once the 10 billion queen of cosmetics, reappeared in public view.

There is no need to say that a person who has already died suddenly appears. If it was not oswelli's official microblog that released the news, people would definitely think it was a prank.

Because of oswelli's official microblog, people know that Li Yuan's double was the one who died in a car accident three years ago, and she has been hiding abroad for the past three years.

For a while, the media in China were crazy. Countless reporters rushed to Huacheng to interview Li Yuan. Some business elites who had made friends with Li Yuan also flew to Huacheng to meet Li Yuan.

Now oswelli is like Zhongtian. If she leads Li Yuan back on the line, the benefits will be enough to make them excited.

For a time, the flower city gathered, countless eyes to this.

Jiangnan, Wang family, study.

Since Lu Qiaolan and Wang Cheng's mother and son were killed and Wang Xian and Wang Xiu were detained by torture, the Wang family has become a lot colder.

There used to be a lot of traffic in front of the Wangs' house, and there were visitors almost every day. Now Don't say at ordinary times, even if no one came to celebrate the new year.

Because of a wrong decision made 24 years ago, the Wangs were in total decline.

"Yashu, I want you to go to the flower city."

Wang Bonan put down his tablet computer and said to Cheng Yashu.

"Old man, you want me to..."

Cheng Yashu is a couple for decades. Although Wang Bonan didn't say what she wanted her to do in Huacheng, she still guessed.

The old man wants her to go to Huacheng to find Li Yuan!

The news of Li Yuan's reappearance is becoming more and more intense, and Cheng Yashu is the only one in the Wang family who once treated Li Yuan fairly well.

If she lowers her stature and goes to Huacheng to meet Li Yuan, maybe Li Yuannian will ease up with the Wangs in terms of love for Japan.

As long as Li Yuan lets go, Li Feng, the son, will make concessions accordingly.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as the relationship with Li Feng is eased, then they will have hope to persuade Li Feng to return to the Wang family. As long as Li Feng is willing to return to the Wang family, Wang Bonan can return to the family tree of Wang and sun.

On the other hand, Li Feng's return to the Wang family can also revive the Wang family's reputation and make the Wangs enjoy a new life.

"Yes." Wang Bonan, with a bitter face, said to himself, "the man who was despised by us has now become the one we must please. Things are changeable."

Once upon a time, Wang Bonan didn't have Liyuan's mother and son at all. If it wasn't for Li Feng's blood flowing from Wang's family, he might have acquiesced in Lu Qiaolan's search for someone to kill Li Feng.

Now? However, he had to look up to Liyuan's mother and son, and the ups and downs of life were just like this.

"In fact, we can think from another angle. Xiaofeng is our grandson after all. The greater his achievements, the more happy we should be."

"Now that Li Yuan is back, Qiao LAN and cheng'er are So we can give Li Yuan a place. She likes chuan'er so much that she will be happy. "

Cheng Yashu helped Wang Bonan pour a cup of tea and said slowly.

"I think so too." Wang Bonan took Cheng Yashu's hand and said in a deep voice: "whether the Wang family can revive its reputation depends on this time. Yashu, please!"


At the same time, Wei Bingqing, Su Tong, song Wanjun and other women also saw the news. They were both shocked, happy and somewhat worried.

Naturally, they were shocked that Li Yuan didn't die. Li Feng concealed the news deeply. The key is that every time Li Yuan is mentioned, the sadness on Li Feng's face can't be hidden. This acting skill

Wait a minute. It's not about Li Yuan looking for a stand in. Even Li Feng is hiding it? If this is the case, then their mother-in-law is too powerful.

What they are happy about is that Li Feng is reunited with Li Yuan's mother and son. What they are worried about is that they don't know if Li Yuan will accept his existence.

After that, they began to prepare to meet Li Yuan in Huacheng. In order not to crash, they built a wechat group and pulled Li Feng in.

Song Wanjun, Su Tong, Xu man, Wei Bingqing, Liu Shihan, Jiang Yunzhu, Xue Qing

In addition to Jiang Mengyao, Xiao Lingfei and Shen Zixuan, all the women who have practiced "mutual benefit" with Li Feng are in this group.

Xiao Lingfei and Shen Zixuan only practiced the "mutual benefit magic skill" with Li Feng. Their feelings were not in place. It was normal without them.

And Jiang Mengyao The reason is that all the women don't know her existence. The relationship between Jiang Mengyao and Jiang Yunzhu is so awkward that Li Feng has not thought about how to say it.

Song Wanjun: brother, we are going to see my aunt in Huacheng. Do you think we should go separately or together @ Li Feng Come apart. I'm afraid my mother can't take it together.

Although he had given his mother preventive injections, there was still a big difference between what he said and what he actually saw. He still let his mother see her one by one, and then held a large-scale meeting.His plan is too big to be drawn up slowly.

The girls chirped for a while, and finally decided to come to Huacheng in the order of time with Li Feng.

As the first woman to be with Li Feng, song Wanjun ranked first. That night, song Wanjun flew to Huacheng and met Li Yuan in the villa.

Seeing song Wanjun's first glance, Li Yuan's eyes lit up and secretly praised her son's good taste.

Song Wanjun's figure and face don't need to say much, the key is that the split share, a look very can live!

If Li Feng knew his mother's idea, he would not laugh or cry. Song Wanjun is the queen of the underground world, not for him to give birth to children!

Of course, song Wanjun would be very happy if she knew Li Yuan's idea. She wanted to give birth to Li Feng for a long time.

In Li Yuan's opinion, song Wanjun's temperament is also dignified and generous She was worried that her son was looking for some kind of woman, but now she can rest assured.

Here Li Feng has to say that song Wanjun is really capable of pretending. He can be beautiful in front of him, but extremely dignified in front of his mother. Is this really a noble vice at home Cough.

After a heated chat, it was late at night.

Li Yuan yawned: "it's getting late. Go and have a rest."

Song Wanjun looked at Li Feng and said, "good aunt, you have a rest early."

Then she stood up and let Li Feng lead her to the second floor.

Just as they were about to walk into the bedroom, Li Yuan suddenly said unintentionally, "when I was cleaning up my bedroom today, I threw away some things I couldn't use, including some family planning supplies."

"By the way, those things you don't need?"

All of us came here. Even if Li Yuan said something very obscure, Li Feng and song Wanjun understood it for the first time.

Suddenly, song Wanjun made a big red face.

Li Feng is a corner of the mouth a smoke, bitter smile unceasingly.

Well, in order to hold her grandson as soon as possible, my mother has put in a lot of trouble. She can even use this trick!

It seems that he is going to work harder

Thinking of this, Li Feng takes song Wanjun into the bedroom

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