Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 606

In fact, Li Feng also knows that his mother has not forgotten Wang Chuan, and has never forgotten.

Because Li Yuan knew that Wang Chuan was forced to give up their mother and son. She suffered, and Wang Chuan suffered the same.

Li Yuan's success in becoming the 10 billion queen of cosmetics industry is also related to Wang Chuan's Secret funding. In this regard, Wang Chuan is also affectionate and righteous.

The reason why Wang Chuan died of illness was also related to the illness of Li Yuan's mother and son.

After all, they were two people who really loved each other. Wang Chuan's death also had a great impact on Li Yuan. If she didn't love, she didn't need to take Li Feng to the south of the Yangtze River to mourn at the risk of being humiliated by the Wangs.

Now knowing that Li Feng has the ability to revive the dead, Li Yuan thought of Wang Chuan at the first time. If Li Feng could revive Wang Chuan, then their family would be together!

"It costs a lot to resurrect a person. At least I can't revive others in a short time."

Li Feng did not directly refuse, but found a reasonable reason.

He is not willing to resurrect Wang Chuan, what is forced to helpless, what secretly funded, Wang Chuan is a man, a man must have a man's responsibility!

No matter what Wang Chuan thinks in his heart, it is indisputable that he gave up their wives!

Since Wang Chuan gave up on them, why did he spend 10 million system points to revive Wang Chuan?

"Then promise your mother to raise your father again when you can, OK?"

Li Yuan is now full of ideas to revive Wang Chuan. As long as Li Feng does not agree, she will keep talking.

Li Feng has no choice but to promise for the time being. If he can't spend all his points in the future, he can consider reviving Wang Chuan, and then ask Wang Chuan in person why he didn't be tough and leave Li Yuan!

In the following time, Li Yuan asked Li Feng many questions.

Li Yuan was excited and proud when she learned that Li Feng had destroyed the royal city's trial and asked Wang Bonan to go back to Wang's home.

When she fell in love with Wang Chuan at the beginning, she was not less angry in the Wang family. Her son slapped Wang's family, and her long-standing resentment was dispersed.

In order to make Li Yuan feel at ease, Li Feng did not say that he killed the mother and son of Wangcheng and destroyed the whole family of Su. It would be good for him to bear these crimes alone.

Of course, this kind of thing can't be concealed. One day, Li Yuan will know that she only hopes that by then, she can understand him and not regard him as a murderer without blinking an eye.

Li Yuan joked: "you are now successful. When will you bring your girlfriend back to your mother?"

Poor parents, to Liyuan's age, always for the son's marriage matters.

"Er..." Li Feng touched his nose and didn't know how to answer.

"What's the matter, you haven't found it yet?" Li Yuan thought it was incredible.

The son is a good-looking man, and he is young and rich. Those big girls have to wait in line to chase their son?

"Yes, and more than one."

Li Feng didn't intend to conceal it, so he just said it.

Li Yuan:

It's not What is looking for more than one, is to find a few days later to get rid of the next one?

To tell you the truth, the story between Hua Hua Da Shao and a vain girl is staged by Li Yuan every day. She has seen too many such things.

Some women know that the other side is a big flower less, or a strong upward, why? Just take what you need.

Li Yuan just didn't expect that her son would become such a flower one day, so she was a bit sluggish for a time.

After a long time, Li Yuan vomited out a sullen, complexing way: "it's OK to play when you are young, but you should also take heart in time, and you can't let a good girl down."

Li Feng took a puff, knowing that his mother had misunderstood himself, he quickly explained: "it's not fun. I'm serious with them. I'll marry them all into the house."

"They?" Li Yuan is more sluggish. Listening to her son's voice, she wants three Qi and four Qi.

In the story of Li Feng, Li Yuan knew who they were in her son's mouth.

Although it was still a little difficult to accept, since her son was confident to marry them all into the house, Li Yuan did not say anything more, but she had a request that she should meet those women as soon as possible, and then let her have her grandson as soon as possible.

Li Feng:

In fact, it is not only Li Yuan who has this idea, but also song Wanjun, Su Tong and even Wei Bingqing. Therefore, Li Feng does not use safety measures when they are with them.

But what Li Feng didn't understand was that there was no movement in the stomach of the three girls

is he not giving suck?

"It seems that I have time to go to the hospital for examination..."

Li Feng is a little tired. He thinks that he is a hundred billion rich man and a strong man in the later period of becoming a saint. If there is not enough quantity or vitality, it will be very embarrassing

Zhongzhou, ye family.

The huge single family villa is full of lights.Ye Chenghai, the main member of the Ye family, sits on the main seat, while the other members of the Ye family sit on the sofas on both sides of the living room.

"Half a month, the third still has no news, I suspect that he has encountered an accident."

Ye Chenghai beat the armrest with a gloomy face.

As soon as this was said, all the members of the Ye family were shocked.

"Elder brother, there is no saint level strongman in the wind and rain building. Even concubine Xiao Ling is just an extraordinary late stage. Can they threaten the third younger brother?"

Ye Chengyuan gave different opinions.

"Second brother, don't forget that Ren Xiaolei is still alive. Thirty six years ago, she has been a strong master. Although she has not appeared in these years, who knows whether she has been hiding in the wind and rain building."

Ye Chenghai's face was overcast and the vulture said.

To be able to subdue the heart of Xiao ran, the prodigal son of the Xiao family, Ren Xiaolei is not only beautiful, but also strong in her mind and martial arts.

Including the wind and rain building, is also founded by Ren Xiaolei. Under her helm, the wind and rain building will develop into a monster that even the dragon soul is afraid of.

After these years of cultivation, how far will Ren Xiaolei's martial arts realm be upgraded?

The supreme realm is unlikely, otherwise Ren Xiaolei doesn't have to hide all the time, but the possibility of entering the holy land is very large.

"Big brother means that the third brother was given by Ren Xiaolei to..."

Ye Chengyuan said that the family members of old Sanye Chengfeng were all red.

Although the Ye family is not like the Murong family, the three brothers have internal strife, but the resources they occupy are also distributed according to their strength.

Originally, ye Chengfeng's strength was at the bottom of the three brothers, and their resources occupied by this branch were less than the other two. Once he fell down, their resources occupied by this branch must be sharply reduced!

Without resources, their road to martial arts will be more difficult to walk, and their living standards will also decline, which is unacceptable to them who are used to luxuriant clothing and food.

Thinking of this, ye Chengfeng can't sit still.

"Big grandfather, second grandfather, please help my grandfather revenge!"

"Uncle, second uncle, my father went to kill concubine Xiao Ling for the sake of the Ye family. If my father is really killed, please take revenge for him!"

Ye Chenghai glanced at them, stretched out his hand and pressed down. He said in a deep voice, "don't worry. Our three brothers are in the same boat. If the third brother really dies in the rain and rain building, my second brother and I will root out the rain and rain building to commemorate the third elder brother's spirit in heaven."

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