Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 599

Li Feng thought that Shen Zixuan could give any constructive suggestions, so he just jumped out a word, etc?

When are you going to wait?

At the moment, Li Feng said positively: "the purple dragon makes elder sister, if you want to say so, the younger brother will criticize you a few words."

"People should have subjective initiative and can't wait blindly. It's too passive. I think we should turn over this valley thoroughly, and we can always find a way out. Don't you say it, sister Zilong."


SHEN Zixuan raised her hand and rewarded Li Feng with a chestnut: "I scolded my aunt, looking for a fight!"

Li Feng's head aches and grins.

Depend on, that is to say, now we can't beat Shen Zixuan, but if there is any possibility of beating Shen Zixuan, Li Feng must revive Fu Gang!

"A man can bend and stretch. Besides, if I don't fight back, I'm not afraid of her, but hurt her. Well, yes, I love her."

Li Feng comforted himself again.

"You think I don't know that, and I say wait for a reason."

Shen Zixuan knows that Li Feng is secretly criticizing herself, but she doesn't care. The world is a place where the strong are respected. As long as her realm is higher than Li Feng, she can clean up Li Feng without psychological pressure.

As to whether Li Feng is likely to surpass her Hehe, my aunt is also a genius among the geniuses. From the world point of view, she is the only one who has stepped into the supreme peak at the age of 35.

Li Feng wants to surpass her? Dream!

What Shen Zixuan doesn't know is that a woman who controls the stormy building once had this idea. As for the result By Li Feng eat dry wipe clean, also can't how Li Feng.

Therefore, people should not be too confident. Otherwise, why do villains die by talking more?

"I'd like to hear more."

Li Feng rubbed his head and said.

"Well, that's about it." Shen Zixuan snorted coldly, and then said, "remember what I said about the Seventh Continent. I went to that place with dragon head, and they automatically sent it out after three days."

"And this place is similar to the Seventh Continent. It should be able to send it out automatically after enough time. Now you know why I said to wait?"

"But what you said is reasonable. While waiting, we might as well look for it. In case we find the exit?"

The voice falls to the ground, Shen Zixuan gets up and walks to the distance.

Li Feng:

Why did he think Shen Zixuan decided to go to the exit after listening to him?

Sister, this woman, encroaches on the fruits of his labor!

secretly Tucao for a while, Li Feng followed Shen Zi Xuan, helped her to make complaints about the export.

But the two people turned the valley over, even the origin came back several times, still did not find the exit.

"Look, I'll just wait."

Shen Zixuan a pair of "Auntie knew this" expression, said.

Li Feng:

Is this an afterthought?

"There is no signal here. I can't play with my cell phone. It's boring to wait here all the time. Why don't we do something interesting?"

Li Feng frowned and said.

Shen Zixuan is a Leng first, then pretty face ice cold said: "what do you mean?"

She has decided that if Li Feng dares to show that kind of thought, she will kill him in the palm of her hand.

Shit, it's just that they happened unconsciously. Now that my aunt has a clear consciousness, he still dares to have that idea. Do you really think Auntie is that kind of casual woman?

"Play chess."

Li Feng took out a box of flying chess from his arms and put it on the ground and said.

Shen Zixuan:

It's not Where did Li Feng take out this box of flying chess? If she remembers correctly, she didn't feel the flying chess from Li Feng's clothes just now!

Does Li Feng have space equipment?

In the Seventh Continent, there are not only natural materials and earth treasures, but also various weapons and equipment. The long sword used by dragon head Xiang Tianya was found in the Seventh Continent.

And Xiang Tianya also got a storage ring in the Seventh Continent. Because of this, Shen Zixuan suspected that Li Feng had storage equipment.

It has been reported before that Li Feng became a saint level strongman so young, because an expert gave Li Feng all his life skills.

Shen Zixuan is skeptical about this explanation. After finding out that Li Feng may have space equipment, Shen Zixuan has already believed eight points.

Maybe Li Feng is really a man of great opportunity. After experiencing the lowest point of his life, he met a senior man and got all the inheritance of that senior man, such as his skills, storing things, etc.

"Little guy, you are really out of my expectation..."

Shen Zixuan stares at Li Feng for a while, without asking questions, sits cross legged and opens the flying chess.Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, he thought Shen Zixuan would ask, did not think that Shen Zixuan did not say anything, is she not curious?

"I want to take the opportunity to frighten her. It's a miscalculation..."

Li Feng shook his head and sat on the ground with Shen Zixuan.

In the middle of the battle, a wave came from the deep valley.

Shen Zixuan put down the flying chess, and her eyes were shining and said, "we can go out."

The voice falls to the ground, Shen Zixuan gets up and runs to the place where the wave comes from.

Li Feng raised his eyebrows and ran after him.

The wave came from the place where the two people came in. At the moment, a non-stop revolving vortex door appeared out of thin air, leaping into the air.

After two people arrived here, Li Feng looked at the vortex door and was a little distracted: "it's like the copy gate of world of Warcraft."

On one side, Shen Zixuan nodded: "it's really similar."

Li Feng is a Leng first: "you also play world of Warcraft?"

"Oh, I'm not an antique. What's wrong with playing world of Warcraft? I still play lol, DNF, King's glory, and stimulate the battlefield. Am I proud?"

Shen Zixuan rolled her eyes.

Li Feng:

Aren't you proud? Then who do you look so proud and charming!

"Enter the gate and we'll get out of here." Shen Zixuan took a deep breath and said solemnly, "come on, give me your hand, let's go out together."

Li Feng turns his head and looks surprised.

"Auntie, I don't want to take advantage of you. I'm afraid you'll lose your way in the space passage. Don't write. I'm a big girl. What else do you have to worry about?"

Shen Zixuan was dissatisfied with Li Feng's hesitation.

Li Feng:

Big girl? If it wasn't recorded in the system, I would have cheated you!

secretly make complaints about it, Li Feng holds Shen Zixuan's little hand, then the two men step into the vortex door.

On the high seas, 055 big drive follows into the high altitude between the cloud class battleships.

"Leighton, how dare you unite shadow and my dragon soul as enemies. I swear to Tianya that the dragon soul will not destroy the Super Power Bureau in this life, and I swear to Tianya not to be a human being!"

Watching Shen Zixuan fall to the bottom of the sea, let the anger to the end of the world like a storm swept open!

On the other side, Ren cangsheng, Mo Wentian and Luo Taibai are equally furious and extremely hateful!

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