Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 600

Ren cangsheng and Mo Wentian now hate crazy!

In front of them, the U.S. Super Energy Bureau's people beat their beloved woman to the bottom of the sea, which makes them feel worse than killing them!

"I will tear you up!"

Ren cangsheng roared, and a shining cold light flashed on the long sword. The fierce Sabre Qi burst out, forcing Bentian Zhenbu to avoid the edge temporarily.

After he forced Bentian Zhenbu back, Ren cangsheng was going to kill the three deputy directors of the Super Energy Bureau. At the same time, he said, "don't ask God, you're a waste. You can't protect little Xuanxuan, waste and waste!"

Mo Wentian beat back the vice director of the Super Energy Bureau with a stick, and said angrily: "Ren cangsheng!!! You don't bark there. I'm in pain now! Dare to bark at me again, and I'll blow you up with a stick! "

"You pain fart, if I were you, I would go to save little Xuanxuan first if I were you!" Ren cangsheng, holding a long knife in his hand, rushes towards Mo Wentian as if he were really trying to find Mo Wentian.

"Enough!" To the end of the world angry face blue.

When is it that these two bastards are still fighting with each other, so they are not afraid of the mass destruction here?

Maybe it was a roar to the end of the world that played a role. Ren cangsheng didn't bother Mo Wentian after he rushed to him. Instead, he joined forces with him to meet the enemy.

In the distance, Luo Taibai breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Ren cangsheng and Mo Wentian had a hot brain, and that would be cold.

However, Luo Taibai's relaxation is only a brief moment. The next moment, his whole person becomes nervous. Mei's, Bentian Zhenbu, who is forced back by Ren cangsheng, kills him!

"Cangjing Jun, let's work together to kill Luo Taibai!"

With a grim smile, Mota Zhenbu takes a knife and cuts it.

Shen Zixuan doesn't know whether she is alive or dead. The four deputy directors of the Super Energy Bureau can deal with Ren cangsheng and Mo Wentian wholeheartedly. If there is no accident, they will be killed by the four deputy directors of the Super Energy Bureau.

And he and Cang Jing Xiang Tai are also two hit one, sword master and Leighton director is also two hit one.

It's two against one. They're going to win!

And the soul of the dragon is doomed to be destroyed today!

Originally and cangjing Xiangtai stalemate Luo Taibai, suddenly fell into the wind!

"It's over, the dragon soul is over!"

"The dragon head and the three dragon envoys all fell into the downwind. How could this happen?"

On the deck of 055 Daqu, a group of longhun members were dejected, their faces were extremely pale, and the atmosphere was extremely depressed.

For a long time, the dragon head and the four Dragon envoys are invincible in the eyes of dragon soul members. But now the purple dragon envoy is knocked down and the life and death of the sea bottom are unknown. The dragon head and the three dragon envoys are completely suppressed.

This and in the past their invincible image gap is too big!

Xiang Tianya is also bitter at the moment. He wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of exchanging hostages to wipe out all the strong people in the shadow. Unexpectedly, Kawashima invited five directors and deputy directors of the Super Energy Bureau.


"We can't go on like this any more. We can only escape here first. As for the ordinary members of the dragon spirit, we can only give up!"

Xiang Tianya originally planned to drag on until 055 Daqu left the sea area, but now it seems that his plan is going to fail.

If we continue to fight like this, the four of them will be killed here before 055 big drive leaves this sea area.

One Shen Zixuan has been broken. The four of them can't have any more accidents. Otherwise, the dragon soul will be destroyed. Once the dragon soul is destroyed, China will have no voice in the world's powerful world, and the consequences are unimaginable!

"I'm sorry, but I have to."

To the end of the earth sighs, will give Mo Wentian three people to leave here.

Perhaps it is to see to the end of the world heart to retreat, Kawashima said with a sneer: "want to go? Stop dreaming! Save your life! Director Leighton, make great efforts to leave it to the end of the world

His voice fell to the ground, and Kawashima chopped several swords. His sword spirit drew a strange arc, and cut to the end of the world from all directions.

"Don't worry, I'm here to kill Xiang Tianya. As long as I kill Xiang Tianya, our super energy bureau is the first special department in the world!" Leighton sneered, and the energy bombs on his fist were blasted out, and they would surround the end of the world, roaring constantly.

In the other two battlefields, Luo Taibai is in danger of being suppressed. Ren cangsheng and Mo Wentian are likely to be defeated at any time.

The situation is at its most critical moment!

At this time, before Shen Zixuan fell into the sea, a vortex door appeared below the sea, and then two figures fell out of the vortex door.

"Here is The high seas, where the war was fought before? "

Li Feng was shocked by the cold feeling all over his body and couldn't help murmuring to himself.

Then he looked up. Through the sea, he saw Xiang Tianya and others fighting in the moonlight.

Immediately, Li Feng fell into a muddled state!

I'll go. How long did he stay in the valley with Shen Zixuan?

Even if it is calculated according to 30 minutes of one practice, it will take 7 or 8 hours for more than ten times of practice, not counting the recovery time after each practice. There are still two or three hours playing chess.Why more than ten hours have passed, and they are still playing to Tianya. Isn't it said that the masters win and lose quickly?

At this time, Shen Zixuan put on a circle of real gas barrier to cut off the sea water around them: "when you get on the deck, I'll help the dragon head."

Before Li Feng could react, Shen Zixuan flew out of the sea.


the waves burst into the sky and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"It's the purple dragon envoy!"

"The purple dragon envoy is not dead!"

The dragon soul members on the deck of 055 Daqu cried out in surprise.

On the other side, the shadow members on the cloud class battleship also showed a startled look: "Damn it, that woman is not dead!"

"What if she didn't die? If she had been hiding in the sea, she could still get a life, and then she could only come out looking for death!"

"Little Xuanxuan!"


Ren cangsheng and Mo Wentian were overjoyed. They burst into a rage. Their movements were desperate and saved some of their decline.

Xiang Tianya and Luo Taibai were equally surprised, but then they said in unison: "Zixuan, retreat!"

For Li Feng, the time has passed more than ten hours, but for Xiang Tianya and others, it has not even been a minute.

In other words, Shen Zixuan fell into the sea and rushed out again, not even a minute passed!

In such a short period of time, Shen Zixuan certainly can't repair the injury. What else can she do in addition to dying?

Shen Zixuan did not answer: "don't ask heaven, Ren cangsheng, you'll hold two people for your aunt!"

Ren cangsheng and Mo Wentian don't understand Shen Zixuan's intention, but since she has opened her mouth, they naturally follow suit.

At the moment, the two men tried their best to hold down the two deputy directors of the Super Energy Bureau, and Shen Zixuan rushed to the remaining two deputy directors.

The remaining two deputy directors laughed. Is Shen Zixuan going to die? OK, then they will help Shen Zixuan!

Thinking of this, the two deputy directors turned to kill Shen Zixuan.

The next moment, the three met together!

A soft sword was drawn from Shen Zixuan's waist!

At the same time, a breath belonging to the supreme later period erupted from Shen Zixuan!

Then, two broken arms flew out, blood splashing everywhere!


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