Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 598

"I don't know what you're talking about

Shen Zixuan's heart was tight, pretending to be puzzled.

She is not sure if Li Feng knows anything, but she has to pretend that things have not happened. Otherwise, she is afraid that she can't help killing Li Feng or killing herself!

"Really, why do I feel so strange?"

Li Feng got up and walked a few steps, then supported his chin and said, "my body is a little sore. It seems that I have done some strenuous exercise, but I have no impression at all. It's strange..."

You can guess with your toes that he and Shen Zixuan lost their consciousness after eating Jasper fruit, and then practiced mutual benefit magic skill unconsciously.

Shen Zixuan should have been sober for a while before he did. Then, in order to cover up the truth, she cleared the traces of the "crime scene".

Since Shen Zixuan doesn't want to let him know, he can only pretend to be stupid now, otherwise it will cause Shen Zixuan's disgust and even disgust, and it will be cool.

Li Feng had to beat around and try to find out Shen Zixuan. Maybe Shen Zixuan suddenly changed her mind and confessed? Then he and Shen Zixuan can continue to practice mutually beneficial magic arts happily?

Shen Zixuan:

Shit, this son of a bitch, really or not, he has become a saint level strongman, and his body aches. Should he be so empty?

Shen Zixuan subconsciously thought that she and Li Feng had only practiced "mutual benefit magic skill" once. How could she know that she and Li Feng had practiced more than ten times.

"Sister, didn't you beat me while I was in a coma?"

Li Feng touched his chin and looked at Shen Zixuan suspiciously.

Shen Zixuan showed her eyebrows and sneered, "if you want to beat you, you still need to take advantage of your coma?"

As she spoke, a breath rose from her body!

Supreme late breath!

"As expected, the injury has recovered, the state has also improved, and the breath is much stronger than before."

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, surprised at the same time also some depressed.

Why does Shen Zixuan eat Jasper fruit to enhance his strength, but it's useless for him to eat it?

It can't be said that it's no use at all. At least he fell into a state of unconsciousness. He also practiced the "reciprocal magic skill" with Shen Zixuan.

But why didn't Jasper improve his realm?

"System, Tiancai Dibao doesn't work for me?"

Depressed, Li Feng directly inquired about the system.

"Yes, the host. If the host wants to improve its strength, it can only find a way to earn experience value, and there is no second choice."

"Tiancai Dibao can't add experience to the host unless there is a task for the host to find or eat Tiancai Dibao."

The genie of the system answers with a straight eye.

Since Zhiling's sister married to Japan, Li Feng asked the system to replace the voice of the system spirit with electronic synthesis

“…… That's true. "

Li Feng's mouth a puff, at the same time, some depressed.

Tiancai Dibao, which is a good thing to others, may be just a kind of delicious fruit for him. How can he not feel depressed?

However, if there is no system, he is still the frustrated person struggling at the bottom of the society, so he has a lot of balance in his mind.

"I said it was my sister before, but now I call myself aunt. Sister, you've changed so fast..."

Li Feng said with a sad face.


Shen Zixuan also wanted to take the opportunity to avenge Li Feng's fight against PI Gu. When Li Feng said this, her anger suddenly dissipated a lot.

"It's not that I'm getting faster, but that I couldn't beat you before. Now I can beat you all over the place."

The voice falls to the ground, Shen Zixuan reaches out a hand to grasp, before Li Feng does not react to come over, then grabs him into the hand.

"Sister, what are you doing?"

Li Feng is a little afraid. Is Shen Zixuan going to kill him or take the treasure?

"Well, what did you do to your aunt?"

Shen Zixuan snorted coldly and raised her hand to fight Li Feng's share.

Li Feng where can let her hit, really be hit by Shen Zixuan, that is not husband Gang not vibration?

"Don't fight. I'll be your man if you hit me!"

Li Feng didn't care about anything, and called out directly.

Shen Zixuan's hand was still in the air.

What does this bastard say? It's her man who hits him? Does she fight or not?

"You've said before that we're even. You can't talk and don't count. You're the purple dragon envoy!"

Li Feng struck while the iron was hot.

Shen Zixuan's face changed several times, and finally said with a sneer, "my aunt is not afraid of you. She just keeps her word!"

With that, Shen Zixuan threw Li Feng away like a broken sack.

Li Feng tried to twist his waist and stand firm in the air, but Shen Zixuan used his dark strength just now. He was so soft that he fell into the mud."Shit, Shen Zixuan, how dare you treat your man like this. Wait, I will revive my husband one day!"

Li Feng was cruel to himself. He imagined the picture of practicing "mutual benefit magic skill" with Shen Zixuan in his mind. All of a sudden, he was not so upset.

At this moment, the system's prompt tone rings one after another.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the goddess of salvation Shen Zixuan (1) the task has been completed, and the task reward is being given..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You've got 200000 experience points, 10 million system points and 100 conquest points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, and Shen Zixuan, the goddess, completed the first" reciprocal magic skill "training, and won 50 conquest points reward."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Shen Zixuan's progress has been improved, and the current progress of formal service is 29% (slightly favorable)"

Li Feng:

It's not All of them have practiced the mutual benefit magic skill together, and the progress of Shen Zixuan's formal dress is only 29%?

To know that he and Xiao Lingfei's situation is similar to this, but Xiao Lingfei's dress progress has been 51%!

Of course, this is not the point, the point is that the task has been completed! Isn't he earning enough system points to buy resurrection pills?

Think of here, Li Feng quickly point into the system mall to check.

Host: Li Feng

level: SS +

experience value: 20000130000

System score: 18300000

conquest point: 579

skills: kunyuangong, Qiankun fist, fangcunjian, Qingshan guardian, Tiangang 36 moves, crazy storm, cloud Finder

Tasks to be completed: all kinds of wind and rain are used by me

"that's enough

Li Feng clenched his fists and was excited.

After getting the system, Li Feng's biggest wish is to earn enough system points to buy resurrection pill. Now that this goal has been achieved, how can he not be excited?

If Shen Zixuan was not here, Li Feng would be excited to shout!

"Hush, calm down, calm down, I must calm down."

Li Feng took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

It's not a time to be happy. Only after going out from here can he revive Li Yuan. If he has been trapped here, he may not be able to revive Li Yuan even if he bought a resurrection pill.

Thinking of this, Li Feng asked, "sister Zilong, do you know what we can do to get out of here?"


Shen Zixuan said lightly.

Li Feng:

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