Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 595

It's not What should be a good thing? Shen Zixuan doesn't know what the fruit is?

Do you know what you don't know can be eaten at will?

"I don't have much strength now. You climb the tree and pick those fruits. Maybe we can improve our strength by eating them. If we don't, we can recover."

At this time, Shen Zixuan said with a firm face.

“…… Are you sure? " Li Feng was helpless. He always felt that Shen Zixuan was dying.

"Sure, this place looks like a treasure land. The fruit from this big tree must be the treasure of heaven and earth. I have eaten similar things before, so I can enter the supreme realm so quickly."

Shen Zixuan said with her eyes shining.

Li Feng moved in his heart and asked curiously, "Purple Dragon envoy, how old are you this year?"

The age of a woman is a mystery. Some women seem to be in their early 30s, but they are actually 40 or 50 years old. They are well maintained.

Before, Shen Zixuan looked in her early 30s. After using Tongyan water, she had the appearance of a 17-year-old girl. Li Feng really didn't dare to guess how old she was.

"How old do you think I am?"

Shen Zixuan plays with the taste.

"Er..." Li Feng mouth slightly open, after a while uncertain said: "30?"

This is a send proposition, a bad answer will definitely make Shen Zixuan unhappy, Li Feng dare not guess big.

But if you try to make a small guess, for example, in his early twenties, he seems too slippery and unstable.

So Li Feng guessed a 30, which should be younger than the actual age, but not exaggerated.

"You little cunt, trying to make my sister happy? My sister is 35 years old this year

Shen Zixuan poked Li Feng on the nose, and was very coy.

At the moment, Shen Zixuan is not like a 35 year old woman. She is clearly a girl who has just been pregnant.

Li Feng looked at a daze, and then pretended to exaggerate: "sister, where old, said you have people believe in seventeen and eighteen."

This is called climbing up the pole. Before Li Feng was also called Shen Zixuan, the purple dragon envoy, now she is called her sister, and she has directly drawn into the relationship between them.

Shen Zixuan did not expose Li Feng's trick, but poked his nose again and said, "OK, don't be so garrulous. It's not too late for your sister to be happy when you pick the fruit."

"Sister, aren't you in a hurry to get out? What's more, you said you've eaten something like that. What's it Li Feng did not do what Shen Zixuan said, but asked.

"You little cunt, you don't have so many problems."

Shen Zixuan didn't want to answer Li Feng's question, but seeing Li Feng's expression that I would not pick fruit if you didn't say so, she could only sigh and say, "of course I want to go out, but this place should be a space of different dimensions. We can't go out until the time is right."

After a brief observation and Li Feng's narration, Shen Zixuan guessed that there might be a space of different dimensions.

Not to mention that she is now seriously injured and her strength is greatly damaged. Even in her heyday, she could not leave here.

Although the supreme power is strong, it can not involve the ability of space.

Since you know you can't go out, is it useful to be anxious?

"Different dimensional space?" Li Feng's eyebrows were sharp and his face was startled.

In fact, he had such a guess, but he got such a guess because he had explored the valley. However, Shen Zixuan had been under his eyes, and she had not seen Shen Zixuan explore the valley. How did she know that this was a space of different dimensions?

"Curious how do I know?"

Shen Zixuan's beautiful eyes flow, Qiao smile Yan Ran said: "I once entered a different dimensional space, the world's powerful people call it the Seventh Continent."

"It's similar to the Seventh Continent, I mean breath."

"Breath?" Li Feng sniffed, and did not smell any special smell.

Shen Zixuan laughed: "the breath I said is not the taste, but a feeling, you can understand it as the sixth sense."

"The sixth sense I'm also Dorothy... " Li Feng whispered.

But then again What is the Seventh Continent?

Shen Zixuan's eyebrows wrinkled slightly: "what do you say?"

"Cough, nothing, you go on." Li Feng doesn't dare to drive in front of Shen Zixuan. He's on a domineering route and can't be so frivolous.

"Hum." Shen Zixuan snorted and didn't go further: "because sixth It feels like a lot, so I guess it's a heterogeneous space. "

"And I have also eaten similar fruits in the Seventh Continent, so I have made great strides in my strength. At the age of 25, I entered the initial stage of supreme power, and at the age of 35, I entered the middle stage of supreme power."

"The dragon head is the same as the other three dragon envoys."

"That's why I say these fruits are good things."

Speaking of this, Shen Zixuan licked the corner of her mouth, as if in aftertaste.

Li Feng can't help but get excited. The chance of the system is not these fruits. Will he upgrade quickly after eating it?At the thought of this possibility, Li Feng did not care to ask about the Seventh Continent. He gently put down Shen Zixuan and walked to the top of the tree.

"This little heartless man put down his aunt without saying anything in advance. He really forgot the beauty when he saw the interest!"

Shen Zixuan murmured, then frowned and said, "the color of these fruits is not right. Will you be OK after eating them? Well Later, let the little guy eat it first and try the poison. If it's OK, I'll eat it again. Well, I'm so smart ~ "

if Li Feng knew Shen Zixuan's idea, I don't know if Li Feng would have a mouthful of old blood gushing out.

Younger sister, my good intention to save her, but she wants to treat me as a white mouse, the heart is too black!

But at the moment, Li Feng doesn't know these, his eyes only have a few green fruits above.

Almost perpendicular to the ground on the tree trunk, Li Feng is like walking on the ground, more than 150 meters high in the blink of an eye was finished by him.

After arriving at the top of the tree, Li Feng did not pick the fruit for the first time. Instead, he raised his eyes and looked into the valley.

The valley is long and narrow. You can't see the end at a glance. If you don't see the end, you can't find a way out.

"Well, it seems that you can't leave here by conventional methods..."

Li Feng shook his head and turned to check the green fruit hidden in the leaves.

A total of three fruits, apple size, nearly round, close to see inside the jade like pulp.

Even, Li Feng found that the three fruits are still beating, just like there is life!

"It's amazing

Li Feng sighed and was about to reach out to pick it. At this moment, his hand suddenly stopped in front of the fruit.

In the novel, it is said that there are powerful creatures guarding Tiancai Dibao nearby. If these three fruits are really Tiancai Dibao, will they be picked by him so easily?

"Hello, little fellow, what are you hesitating about? Pick it quickly. I'm hungry."

At this time, Shen Zixuan below impatiently called.

Li Feng took a puff of his mouth and said his worries.

"Do you think too much? A novel is a novel. What can you believe? We didn't meet any powerful creatures in the Seventh Continent last time. Please pick them up and don't ink them. "

Shen Zixuan looked contemptuous.

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick, hesitated a little after reaching for Jasper fruit!

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