Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 596

Li Feng is very nervous at this moment. Shen Zixuan's mother-in-law doesn't speak well. If there are powerful creatures guarding here, wouldn't he be very dangerous?

However, if there is a powerful creature here, how can it not do it all the time and doze off?

No matter, since Shen Zixuan said no, I'll fight.

Rich and noble danger in the pursuit of a fight, bicycle into motorcycle!

Think of here, Li Feng as fast as lightning to seize a fruit, and then gently pick!


remove from the root!

It's OK!

Li Feng was happy in his heart and picked off the other two fruits. Then he stayed on the tree for a while, and then jumped down.

Standing in front of Shen Zixuan, Li Feng looked at the Jasper fruit carefully for a while, and then handed one of them to Shen Zixuan.

Shen Zixuan's eyes flashed a touch of surprise, took the fruit and said, "you give me the fruit so easily?"

It is likely that this is a kind of natural material and treasure that can rapidly improve the state of mind.

Although she cried hungry before, let Li Feng pick it for her to eat, but she was only to test Li Feng.

Even if Li Feng is willing to give it to her, he should first exchange some benefits from her.

At least she had to say a few good words, and then he was willing to give it.

Did not think that she did not say anything, this little guy handed it out, he should not have an idea of aunt?

"Unfortunately, the strength of this little guy is too weak. If he has the strength of the leader, I can consider it."

Shen Zixuan thought with emotion in her heart.

If Li Feng knew Shen Zixuan's idea, he would be very depressed. He was so beautiful. Which man would like to chase you?

Well, it's amazing to be beautiful. Beauty is justice!

"Otherwise?" Li Feng curled his mouth.

Now he doesn't know what effect these three Jasper fruits have. What if they are poisonous fruits? Give Shen Zixuan one, at least let her try something poisonous.

He has a system. Even if Shen Zixuan is really poisoned, he has the opportunity to use the items in the system mall to help Shen Zixuan detoxify.

On the other hand, if he takes it first, if the drug is too strong to make him faint, then everything will be cold.

As for the situation of hanging up immediately after taking the medicine This was selectively ignored by Li Feng.

"You have a little conscience. I saved you once." Shen Zixuan is playing with Jasper fruit and says with a smile.

Li Feng took a puff at the corner of his mouth, but did not say more.

For a while, the atmosphere was silent. They were both waiting for each other to eat Jasper first.

"Aren't you hungry? Eat quickly."

After a long time, Li Feng couldn't hold on first and said.

"Well Suddenly, I'm not hungry again. Eat first

Shen Zixuan quietly will Jasper fruit income, said.

Li Feng:

Feeling Shen Zixuan also has the meaning to be a mouse, mean!

"Well, I think you'd better eat it first. I haven't eaten Tiancai Dibao. I don't have any experience. If the way of eating is wrong, it's not a waste."

Li Feng's face is not red, breathless said.

Shen Zixuan:

What? What else do you think is a French meal?

This little guy can. He wants to go with his aunt!

Shen Zixuan covered her mouth and laughed: "little guy, do you want my aunt to be a mouse? What a cruel heart

"Where does my sister say? Since ancient times, old people are in good order. Before eating, the elders should use chopsticks first. This is a traditional Chinese virtue. Although my sister is not my elder, she is also several years older than me. I can let my sister eat first."

Li Feng spread his hands and said innocently on his face.

Shen Zixuan's heart is dark hate, this little bastard, even said the bad idea so fresh and refined, hateful!

At the same time, Shen Zixuan also has some bitterness. She thinks that she has great charm. If Ren cangsheng or Mo Wentian are here, she says that if you let them eat first, they will definitely bite them down.

But Li Feng not only does not help her test drugs, but also wants her to help her test drugs. She will doubt her charm if she is attacked.

"You have no conscience. You don't know how to cherish the fragrance and cherish the jade at all. My sister is seriously injured. If the fruit is poisonous, I'm afraid it will die."

"But you are still in full bloom. You can get rid of the poison by running the true Qi several times."

Shen Zixuan did not care to think carefully, and directly pointed out the inner thoughts.

"My sister doesn't know. My younger brother is actually a miracle doctor. Once the fruit is poisonous, I can help my sister detoxify the first time."

"My sister was seriously injured and comatose before. I rescued my sister with a silver needle."

Li Feng took out nine silver needles from his arms and swore.Shen Zixuan's eyebrows show her hesitation.

She was still wondering why she could wake up so quickly after she was obviously seriously injured, and her injury was suppressed after she woke up.

Now she knew that Li Feng had treated her.

"It turns out that my younger brother still knows medical skills. It really surprised my sister, but it's not safe. I'd better catch a rabbit to test the poison."

Shen Zixuan sighed, looking helpless.

Li Feng:

It's not Why didn't you think of this? Is the young master too stupid?

And Since Shen Zixuan has long thought of using rabbits to test drugs, why should he be the white mouse?

"Don't be so grumpy. It's not safe for rabbits to test drugs. Some poisons are only effective for people, but they can make us feel at ease."

"What's more, if it's really a treasure of heaven and earth, isn't it a waste to give it to rabbits? I have no choice but to

Shen Zixuan yawned and said lazily.

Li Feng:

Well, what Shen Zixuan said is quite reasonable. I believe her once.

Li Feng made up his mind and caught a hare as fast as he could. Then he took a small piece of flesh and sent it to the rabbit's mouth.

The hare was still struggling, smelling the smell of the pulp, immediately gave up the struggle, opened his mouth and swallowed the small piece of flesh.

Li Feng and Shen Zixuan stare at the rabbit nervously.

Ten minutes later, the rabbit ran away alive and kicking, no obvious change, but also did not die of poisoning.

"There should be no problem with the fruit."

Li Feng looked at Shen Zixuan and said.

Shen Zixuan's eyes flashed, took out the fruit and said, "eat together?"

Li Feng took a puff at the corner of his mouth. It's time for him to pull me into the water. Shen Zixuan, this woman, really should fight!

secretly make complaints about it, Li Feng grit: "good!"

Li Feng opened his mouth to eat.

One bite, juice. The juice splashes everywhere, the flesh is fresh and juicy, and the lips and teeth are fragrant.

Whether or not the fruit has the effect of enhancing strength, at least it tastes good, better than all the fruits he has eaten.

Opposite, Shen Zixuan sees Li Feng open to eat, also did not hesitate again, open mouth then bite.

Soon, two people will eat a jasper fruit.

"It doesn't seem to work." Shen Zixuan blinked her big eyes at Li Feng.

Li Feng smashed his mouth, nodded his head and said, "it really doesn't work No, it works. I feel like a flame is burning in my body

On the other side, Shen Zixuan also noticed something wrong. Her face turned red and her forehead sweated: "good It's very hot... "

After saying this, she lost consciousness with Li Feng

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