Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 594

Li Feng directly fell into a state of muddle!

It's not Is Shen Zixuan taking the wrong medicine or being hit by him? How can he report her suddenly?

Before the key, she killed him because of this. This is not a trap, is it?

"What are you doing in a daze? Report me to get up. I have no strength all over. You report me to go there and have a look."

Shen Zixuan pointed to the big tree in the distance and said with her eyes shining.

This place gives her a very familiar feeling, a bit like the place she has been to

Li Feng raised his eyebrows and turned to look at the big tree. Then he said, "do you think something is wrong with that tree?"

"Well?" Shen Zixuan was stunned at first and then said, "what is it?"

Just after a short observation, Shen Zixuan thought that the tree might be the core of the valley, so she wanted Li Feng to report her past. She never thought Li Feng had such a saying.

The little guy's sense is very sharp!

"Just now I was going to report you to have a look over there, but you suddenly Forget it. Don't say it. "

Speaking of this, Li Feng shut his mouth.

"Why, I have a grudge against my aunt?" Shen Zixuan stood up with difficulty, holding Li Feng's chin in his hand and playing with the taste.

"Men and women give and take." Li Feng frowns slightly and pushes away Shen Zixuan's small hand.

Younger sister, I always play with others. I have never been

Well, it seems that song Wanjun has played with me. Now there is another Shen Zixuan.

Although Shen Zixuan's feeling of dancing in the opera is very cool, can he easily submit to it? Since I took the overbearing route, I have to continue to pretend, so as not to be underestimated by Shen Zixuan.

If you want to tame a horse, you have to do something unconventional.

"Oh, my little fellow, you dare to push my aunt away. Why, does my aunt's hands stink?"

The more Shen Zixuan looked at Li Feng, the more satisfied she felt.

Look carefully, the little guy is still very handsome, the figure is also very good, and his stubborn appearance is also very pleasing.

It's a pity that although the little guy is domineering, her strength is too weak. She can't look at a man whose strength is not as good as her own, but this does not prevent her from playing Li Feng.

People live, always want to find some fun to go, at least now Shen Zixuan's fun is to dance the play, this hard hit her share of the man.

"It's nothing to do with the smell of incense. I'm just taking revenge." Li Feng snorted coldly and turned his head.

"Well, the little fellow is not young, but he has a good temper." Shen Zixuan chuckled and then said, "well, although I don't know how you saved me, at least now it seems that you didn't tell lies, so I want to apologize to you. I'm sorry."

Li Feng's eyebrows were sharp and his face was surprised.

Shen Zixuan apologized to him for being a saint. Did he hear that?

"Since I apologized to you, you just called If you beat me, we'll be even, OK? "

Even though Shen Zixuan is much more fierce than ordinary women, she is still a little embarrassed when it comes to fighting "Pi Gu".

At the end of the day, she is a woman, which is a shame to say.

Li Feng picked up his eyebrows and looked at Shen Zixuan for a while. Finally, he said with a loud smile: "OK, it's even."

After the voice fell, Li Feng took a step forward and reported Shen Zixuan into his arms before she could react.

Shen Zixuan couldn't help exclaiming at Li Feng's sudden attack. Then she patted Li Feng on the chest and said angrily, "you little guy, you don't want to report me in advance. Look for a fight!"

Shen Zixuan was very beautiful, and she slapped Li Feng like a coquettish, which made Li Feng suddenly feel confused and confused.

"Why do you look at me like this? The little eyes are so frightening that you want to eat me?"

Shen Zixuan's face was slightly red and her eyes were blurred. In fact, she was extremely vigilant in her heart.

She knew what she meant to a man. Didn't she see such worldly heroes as Mo Wen Tian and Ren cangsheng crazy for her?

Li Feng is also a man, or a vigorous young man. Their posture is so beautiful that if Li Feng can't help doing something to her, she can't resist with her serious injury.

So she wants to test Li Feng. If Li Feng has this idea, she will not hesitate to blow herself up and never let Li Feng succeed!

Shen Zixuan is a strong man in the middle of the supreme power. Even if she is seriously injured, she can blow up Li Feng.

Li Feng mouth a hook, play flavor: "you let me report, also said twice, I just do according to your request, if the purple dragon makes me think my behavior is improper, then I apologize to the purple dragon envoy."

Shen Zixuan stared at Li Feng for a while. After a while, she said with a smile: "well, since you realize your mistake, your aunt will forgive you."

While talking, Shen Zixuan reached out to Li Feng's neck and said, "let's go and have a look at the tree. Then tell me how you saved me. My aunt is really curious."Li Feng's mouth a smoke, very helpless, so beautiful a beauty, a mouthful of an aunt claiming This picture is too beautiful.

"When you were knocked unconscious and fell into the sea, the dragon head blocked the pursuit of those three Westerners with sword spirit, and let you fall into the sea."

"I risked my life in the sea, trying to save you, but suddenly I was dark and came here again."

Li Feng's account is very short, short to only a few words.

There is no way but to be brief. Invisibility and group space teleportation can't be said, only briefly.

Shen Zixuan didn't think much about it. If she was rescued in such a big war, she must be quick, otherwise she would be found by the enemy. Li Feng's ability could only lead to death.

Since it needs to be fast, there is naturally nothing to say.

Moreover, even if Shen Zixuan was a supreme power, she would never have thought of Li summit's invisibility and space teleportation.

"Little fellow, you should know that it is very dangerous to save me in that situation. In that case, why do you save me?"

Shen Zixuan's eyes twinkled, and her heart was full of inexplicable emotions.

Although the bridge section of hero saving the United States is conventional, the effect is really strong.

How many beautiful women are rescued by heroes, and have the idea of fragrant Xu.

Of course, if the hero of saving lives looks ugly, he will have to be a bull and a horse in the next life

Coincidentally, Li Feng is not only not ugly, but also very handsome. Shen Zixuan has some ideas in mind, which is natural.

"Because you saved me." Li Feng didn't explain too much. What can he say? Is it true that he doesn't want to, but the system requires that he has to do it?

Now that you are a hero, you have to do it to the end

"Little guy, you really surprised me..." Shen Zixuan sighed, then turned her head and stopped looking at Li Feng.

She had a premonition that something would happen if she looked at it again

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick, also did not say any more, the foot speeds up to walk toward that big tree.

When they came to the tree, they looked up at the tree crown, and soon found some fruits like Jasper.

"Little guy, those fruits should be good things. Do you want to pick them and taste them?"

Shen Zixuan added the corner of her mouth.

Li Feng:

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