Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 591

Above the sea, the air waves were surging and roaring.

To the end of the world with one enemy two, soon fell into the wind.

Mo Wentian and Shen Zixuan are besieged by four people and fall into the same situation.

Only Ren cangsheng and Luo Taibai are two to two. The two sides are equally matched, and they are inseparable.

But Xiang Tianya, after all, is the most powerful dragon soul. Even if he is in the downwind, he has not shown his defeat for a while.

When the war situation is anxious, the four deputy directors of the super energy bureau make eye contact with each other. One of them entangles Mo Wentian, and the other three attack Shen Zixuan with all their strength!

"Zixuan, be careful!" Don't ask the sky to be shocked. Now you have to get rid of each other's entanglement and go to rescue Shen Zixuan.

However, the other side and his realm are the same, the combat power is equal, the experience is similar, for a time can not get rid of.

In the distance, Ren cangsheng also found the crisis that Shen Zixuan was facing. Although he had the intention to rescue him, cangjingxiang was too entangled. Unless he tried to get hurt, he could not get out of the war.

However, once he was injured, even if he had helped Shen Zixuan in the past, he could not help him much. He had to give up in the end.

Luo Taibai's situation is similar to Ren cangsheng.

For a while, Mo Wentian can only watch Shen Zixuan besieged by three powerful SSS.

Among the four Dragon envoys, Shen Zixuan ranked at the bottom of the list. Facing three deputy directors of the Super Energy Bureau who had the same combat power as herself, she soon lost her battle.

Finally, under another round of siege by the three men, Shen Zixuan was beaten to fly, spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the sea on her head.

"Blow her up!" Shen Zixuan was about to be blown to pieces by a deputy director.

The other two deputy directors, meeting with each other, attacked from the left and right.

Who knows if Shen Zixuan has really lost her combat effectiveness.

taking advantage of his illness and killing him, three deputy directors of the Super Energy Bureau are going to finish their work and blow Shen Zixuan to pieces!

At the same time, 055 big drive deck.

"Ding, host, you have a new task. Would you like to check it now?"

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, in the heart has a kind of not second premonition: "this time releases the task, should not let me save Shen Zixuan? Younger sister, I'm so talented that I'm a junior saint! "

Worry return to worry, but since the task has been released, he has to have a look. Maybe the task gives a way to save Shen Zixuan? Then he can be a hero to save the United States!

Thinking of this, Li Feng murmured "check!"

"Mission: save goddess Shen Zixuan (1)"

"mission objective: to rescue the goddess Shen Zixuan from danger and ensure the life safety of Goddess Shen Zixuan. If the mission fails, 20 million system points of the host will be deducted as punishment. If the system points are insufficient, the system will be unbound with the host."

"Mission reward: 200000 experience, 10 million system points, 100 conquest points."

Li Feng:

This is over. If you don't give him a powerful prop or skill, let him save Shen Zixuan?

System, you are trying to kill me!

The sky is full of supreme level strong men fighting. He will die when he enters the holy primary level!

But he has to save Shen Zixuan. If he doesn't, if the mission fails, he will have to untie the salvation goddess system. He has 20 million system points. He is less than 10 million now, and he must untie what is not enough.

Not to mention anything else, he said that he could not revive his mother Liyuan after untiing, which made him absolutely unacceptable.

"By the way, wealth and wealth are in danger. Fight!"

As soon as Li Feng bites his teeth, he rushes to save Shen Zixuan.

These words were slow, but they were very fast. When Li Feng decided to save Shen Zixuan, the three deputy directors of the Super Energy Bureau were about to come to Shen Zixuan.

In fact, they don't have to be close, they can hit Shen Zixuan, but they want to attack closely in order to hit.


"Little Xuanxuan!"

"Purple Dragon envoy!"

Mo Wentian, Ren cangsheng and the dragon soul on the deck all screamed out.

When the three deputy directors of the Super Energy Bureau were about to rush to Shen Zixuan, Xiang Tianya, besieged by Kawashima and director Leighton, suddenly swung a sword to the rear.


a sword suddenly broke through the air and stood in front of the three deputy directors of the Super Energy Bureau like a mountain.

The whole body of this sword is full of fierce breath. It seems that anyone who touches it will be cut into pieces. This is quite contrary to its mountain like shape.

The three deputy directors of the super energy bureau did not dare to touch them, and their figures stagnated for a few seconds.

After a few seconds, the sword Qi broke into pieces like the moon in the well.

And Shen Zixuan's body fell into the sea in just a few seconds.

"Xiang Tianya, do you think this can save Shen Zixuan? immature! You will only harm yourself

Taking advantage of the moment of waving his sword to the end of the world, Kawashima chopped several swords. His sword spirit crossed a strange arc and cut to the end of the world from all directions.At the same time, Leighton's fists are connected and a bunch of energy bombs are exploded, which will cover the world in an instant.

Xiang Tianya has the courage to save Shen Zixuan with one enemy and two enemies. This makes Kawashima and Leighton have a feeling of shame and anger, so they both use the strength of eating Nai when attacking and vow to kill Xiang Tianya.

Boom, boom, boom

The sword to the end of the world saved Shen Zixuan, but also let his body stagnate for a moment.

Master fight, the moment can determine life and death, is this moment of stagnation let to Tianya can not completely avoid the bombardment of two people.

Two swords passed through his body, and three energy bombs exploded in front of him.

Suddenly, to the end of the world left arm and waist appeared a ferocious wound, clothes were also blown into a beggar's clothes, holes exposed by the explosion of burnt black skin.

This sudden scene makes Mo Wentian's three people sink in their hearts, and their faces become a little pale. The dragon soul members on the deck of 055 Daqu are even more startled, feeling that their hearts are going to jump out of the body!

However, no one noticed that Li Feng, who had just stood in the crowd, was missing, except for the flower room on the deck of the cloud class battleship opposite.

"The master suddenly disappeared. It's amazing However, is this kind of behavior of the master regarded as fleeing from the battlefield? "

Most of Huajian huilixiang's attention is focused on Li Feng, which can be found that Li Feng's sudden disappearance.

Is really suddenly disappeared, like invisible, suddenly disappeared.

The other people's attention is focused on the fight between the most powerful in the air, so they didn't find Li Feng missing at all.

At the moment, in the cold sea water, Li Feng, who entered the invisible state, arrived at the place where Shen Zixuan was planted with the fastest speed.

The sea is cold and dark. If Li Feng's night vision ability is far beyond ordinary people, he can't see things in the sea water at night.

"Shen Zixuan, you must not hang up, or I will be miserable!"

Li Feng looks for Shen Zixuan anxiously.

All of a sudden, he saw Shen Zixuan, who was slowly falling down in front of him. At the moment, Li Feng took control of her body, pushed her arrow and grabbed Shen Zixuan's little hand.

Shen Zixuan's eyes were closed, and there was blood oozing from the corner of her mouth.

Li Feng tried Shen Zixuan's pulse and found that the pulse beat weakly. Now he didn't dare to delay and started mass transmission.

Spatial fluctuations.

What Li Feng didn't know was that at the moment when their bodies gradually disappeared, a door like a whirlpool appeared in front of them.

Then a flash of light, two people were sucked in by the vortex door!

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