Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 592

A peach blossom in a narrow valley, sunny, sunny.

On both sides of the valley are two high mountains hundreds of meters apart and several kilometers high. There are streams flowing in the valley, and there are swimming fish in the streams.

Beside the stream, there are flowers and brocade clusters, green grass, rabbits and deer walking through it, wild bees flying, butterflies dancing, beautiful scenery.

Deep in the valley, there is a towering tree. There are several unknown wild fruits on the tree. The whole body of the fruit is green and the peel is very thin. You can almost see the crystal clear flesh inside, just like it is carved from jadeite.

Suddenly, a whirling vortex portal appeared in mid air outside the valley.

The appearance of the whirlpool gate broke the peace in the valley, scared the deer and rabbits everywhere, even the wild bees and butterflies flew to all directions.

At this time, the two figures suddenly flew out of the vortex door, and then quickly fell to the ground.

It's Li Feng and Shen Zixuan!

"My special..."

Li Feng didn't expect that when he appeared, he was in the middle of the air. Although he was strong in the saint level, he was not as able to walk in the sky as the superior level.

Fortunately, he responded in time, and when he landed, he stood firm and held Shen Zixuan in his arms.

Nephrite full of!

But Li Feng didn't want to experience this feeling, because he was stunned by the scene in front of him!

"Where is this?"

Li Feng is really muddled, he set the transmission place is clearly Pearl City, his residence, but when he appears, he comes to a strange valley.

What he didn't understand was that it was just late at night, but the sun was shining here. Could he not systematically transmit him to the other end of the earth?

In addition, in the past, there was a black crack in the space transmission. He needed to tear it to get out of it, but this time it fell directly out of the exit.

What's more, his clothes used to be torn to pieces when the space transfer ended, but this time his clothes were intact.

"Well Shen Zixuan's clothes were not broken, so she was a little disappointed... "

Li Feng looked down at Shen Zixuan in his arms and whispered.

When he was rescued by Shen Zixuan, Shen Zixuan carried him like a chicken. Did he ever think that he could take Shen Zixuan into his arms one day? It's something he can't dream of!

But things really happened, which let Li Feng have a kind of unrealistic feeling.

However, Shen Zixuan is very heavy. She weighs over 100.

"Well A woman's weight is no more than 100. She's either mean or short. Shen Zixuan doesn't take up either. It's reasonable to sink a little bit. "

Li Feng explained a sentence for Shen Zixuan, and then tried Shen Zixuan's breath.

The breath is weak.

"The injury is too serious. Give her a small huandan to try."

Xiaohuandan is an elixir for life extension. No matter how serious the injury is, it can last for half a year after taking it.

At the beginning, Li Feng saved Wei Fu, which was a small return pill for him.

After spending 1000 system points, Li Feng bought a xiaohuandan and helped Shen Zixuan take it. Then he looked up at the valley.

"What the hell is this place? Well, use your mobile phone to locate it. "

Li Feng put Shen Zixuan on the ground, took out his mobile phone and found that there was no signal at all. Then he opened the map of his mobile phone and found that he could not locate it.

"It's embarrassing..."

Li Feng is speechless, unable to determine where he is, and mass teleportation is in a cooling state. He and Shen Zixuan can't leave here for a while.

"Let's go out of this valley first. Maybe the mobile phone will have a signal after going out, or you can meet someone to inquire."

Li Feng pressed down his doubts, picked up Shen Zixuan again and walked along the stream.

With Li Feng's speed, even holding Shen Zixuan, he walked very fast. Half an hour later, Li Feng walked out of the distance of nearly 10000 meters.

Despite such a long distance, Li Feng still has no sign of going out of the valley.

"I wipe, is this valley too long?"

While Li Feng was walking, he was considering whether to climb over the mountains on both sides. Suddenly, he felt that his body had touched a film texture object, and then the scene in front of him changed.

"Why is the scene so familiar here?"

Li Feng found something wrong, he seems to be back to the starting point, that is, he and Shen Zixuan fell out of the place!

Although the scenery is familiar, Li Feng can not guarantee that this is the starting point. Maybe it is just similar?

But the sudden change of scenery is true, so what is the film he just touched? Barrier? He entered a new world?

"Try walking again."

In order to verify his guess, Li Feng made a cross on the ground with his toes, and then went on walking.

Ten thousand meters later, the feeling of passing through the film reappears, and then the scene changes."It's really back to the starting point!"

Li Feng saw the cross under his feet, directly muddled in place.

He walked along the stream. Although the stream was winding, it was a straight line on the whole. It was impossible to return to its original place, but he went back to the original place.

What's the situation, the legendary ghost hitting the wall?

"Is it an array? The transparent film is the gateway of the array. When I go there, I will be sent back to the original place?"

"System, do you know where this is?"

Unable to understand, Li Feng had to turn to the system for help.

"This is an unknown space." The system replied.

Li Feng frowns slightly: "unknown space, not on earth?"


"What do I have to do to get out of here? Is teleportation OK?"

"This requires the host to explore on its own. It is suggested that the host may get an opportunity here. Please look for it patiently."

Li Feng:

Why does he think the system knows where this is, but doesn't tell him?

It's just that the system doesn't talk about it, and Li Feng can't force it to make an answer.

But Chance? What kind of heaven and earth is here? There are natural materials and treasures that can enhance our strength?

At the thought of this, Li Feng looked at the towering tree deep in the valley.

It is exaggeration to say that it is towering, but the tree is more than 150 meters high, that is, the height of 50 floors, which is comparable to the highest tree on the earth, Eucalyptus almond.

But the tree is less eye-catching than the thousands of kilometers high mountains on both sides.

"It seems that this tree is the only one in this valley that is special. Is that the chance the system says is there?"

Because it is too far away, the top of the tree is full of branches and leaves, Li Feng did not find the fruit of several Jasper trees.

Just as Li Feng was about to check, Shen Zixuan suddenly opened her eyes.

Li Feng quickly looked down, just opposite Shen Zixuan's four eyes.

Shen Zixuan first showed a dazed look, then raised her hand and took it to Li Feng's face!

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