Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 590

"How strong!"

Li Feng's pupils shrank and he couldn't help exclaiming.

Even if it was hundreds of meters away, even if the attack direction of the sword was against this side, Li Feng still felt the strong murderous spirit.

Li Feng can imagine that if he was hit by that sword Qi, he would not have any residue left. Besides using invincible and then transmitting away, he would have no second choice!

Can Ren cangsheng and Luo Taibai resist such a strong sword attack?

Li Feng's worry is not groundless worry. This sword is a sword that Kawashima has kept for a long time. He has cultivated his sword with the strength of Baqi.

At the moment of drawing the knife, the force of eight Qi will be released together!

This is Kawashima's strongest sword. He vowed to kill Ren cangsheng and Luo Taibai together!

"The sword master is mighty!"

"Master swordsman will win

On the battleship of cloud class, the shadow members roar like chicken blood again.

It's worthy of being the master of swordsman. This sword is so powerful that the two dragons of the dragon soul are dead!

Maybe they can't resist it. They can't resist.

But the expression on both faces is very indifferent, just like looking down on life and death, and like not paying attention to this sword?

Li Feng's heart moved: "do they have cards?"

Just as Li Feng's mind was moving, a figure suddenly flashed out of the air and blocked the way of the sword spirit!

Then, a cold light flashed, and the same sword spirit burst out, meeting the sword spirit of Kawashima.

This sword is not so powerful that it does not shake the sea like kawajima, but it is extremely fierce!

If kawajima's sword spirit is like a strong wind sweeping everything, it is a blade that can cut off everything!


in an instant, the two swords collide with each other, making a huge noise, shaking the space, and surging waves!

When everything dissipated and everyone looked up, they found that the figure suddenly appeared was a middle-aged man in a black robe.

This man is tall, white face, holding a long sword in the void, just like an emperor.

"It's the dragon head!"

"Here comes the tap!"

"We are saved!"

On the deck of 055 Daqu, a group of shadow members saw the figure and couldn't help cheering.

Li Feng was surprised and then relieved. Who could resist the Japanese swordsman's all-out attack? Who else could the dragon soul have except the dragon head?

Today is really not white, not only to see the black and white two dragon envoys, but also to see the dragon soul boss to the end of the world.

I don't know if Xiang Tianya can handle kawajima Ichio next. If he is defeated, it will be so much fun.

"Xiang Tianya, I knew you were hiding around too!" There was a flash of light in Kawashima's eyes.

Failed to kill Ren cangsheng and Luo Taibai, did not let kawasima Ichio disappointed, but there is a kind of joy of strategy.

The sword just now seems to be to cut Ren cangsheng and Luo Taibai under the sword. In fact, he is trying to force him to appear at the end of the world.

The four Dragon envoys of the dragon soul are not to worry about. The only thing he is afraid of is Xiang Tianya. Even if he kills the four men, the plan is not complete. Only by killing Xiang Tianya can he be regarded as a great victory!

"I didn't expect you to come here. Why, you want to fight the Dragon Spirit?"

To the end of the world standing in the void, cold voice said.

"It's not a decisive battle. It's just trying to catch all five of you." Kawashima, play with the taste.

"Well, you three? To tell you the truth, I can blow the three of you by myself To the horizon domineering side leakage said.

As soon as the words were said, there was a brief silence, and then a burst of cheers broke out among the dragon soul members on the 055 Daqu deck.

"The dragon head is powerful!"

"The leader will win

"The soul of the dragon is invincible!"

Just now, people were oppressed by Kawashima Ichio's momentum. At the moment, with the domineering Manifesto of the dragon head, they let out their pent up feelings.

"Lying in the trough, the cow criticizes the cow, is worthy of being the dragon soul leader, actually speaks so domineering."

Even Li Feng was affected by the momentum to the end of the world. His heart was surging and yearning for it.

When can he be as invincible as I am to the end of the world?

"After all, it's SSS +, the highest level known in the world. It's useless even if I'm anxious, but If I and Shen Zixuan practice "mutual benefit magic skill", can I improve my realm quickly

"It should be possible, reciprocity? It can't be just my pay. Shen Zixuan is higher than me. I can also gain something."

At the thought of this, Li Feng was a little excited. Since Shen Zixuan said that the young master was her man, he could not carry the black pot for nothing. It would be good to help him improve his level.However, Shen Zixuan is very fierce. Before he is not as strong as Shen Zixuan, he is afraid that he will have no chance to practice "mutual benefit magic skill" with Shen Zixuan. Therefore, we can only think about it. He should continue to do the task and upgrade the level

On the occasion of Li Feng's wild thoughts, above the sea, Kawashima Ichio issued a sneer: "to the end of the world, you are still so crazy, but it is precisely because you are crazy enough that you will die here."

"Please show me director Leighton and help me to kill the world!"

Voice landing, a shadow from the sea in the distance from the sky, in the blink of an eye flew to Kawashima Ichio side standing.

Then, four figures flew out of the sea and surrounded Mo Wentian and Shen Zixuan.

The moment these five people appeared, Mo Wentian and other people's faces changed dramatically, even to the end of the world's face showed a bit of amazement.

The people from the U.S. Super Energy Bureau also came, which was totally beyond his expectation!

Leighton Baines, director of the U.S. Super Energy Bureau, is also a strong SSS +. The remaining four are deputy directors of the Super Energy Bureau, SSS level strong.

Leighton and others are obviously in collusion with shadow. Let's kill them here!

"Xiang Tianya, did not expect that we would join the war?" Leighton Baines looked at the end of the world, mocking.

"Do you think I don't know that Fujita's going to China is a near death? It was in order to design this hostage exchange that I let him go to China. "

"I didn't expect that you were so simple. Xiang Tianya, do you regret that you agreed to this hostage exchange?"

Speaking of this, Kawashima looked up at the sky and laughed, which was indescribable rampant.

"After killing you, the dragon soul will be dead in name. I think who dares to fight against us in the future?"

"Kawashima, let's kill them together!"

Voice landing, Leighton Baines and Kawashima all kill to the end of the world.

Then, Bentian Zhenbu and cangjing Xiangtai killed Ren cangsheng and Luo Taibai, and the four deputy directors of the Super Energy Bureau, Sha Xiangmo and Shen Zixuan.

The battle that determines the fate of the dragon soul Burst!

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