Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 589

When Shen Zixuan's eyes were locked, Li Feng had a bad feeling in his heart.

My special What else does this woman want to do if he thinks that he doesn't have enough water?

Mo Wentian and Ren cangsheng follow Shen Zixuan's eyes to see Li Feng, and they both frown tightly.

Just now Shen Zixuan said that she likes small fresh meat. Li Feng belongs to the category of small fresh meat. In addition, Shen Zixuan's eyes Wo Cao, Shen Zixuan's sweetheart is not Li Feng?

When the two dragon envoys guessed secretly, Shen Zixuan raised her hand and pointed to Li Feng: "it's this little guy, Li Feng."

"All the members of the Dragon Spirit brush their heads and look at Li Feng, and their faces are shocked.

Lying trough, the flower of the dragon soul that two dragon envoys are fighting for. Shen Zixuan, the unrivalled Purple Dragon envoy, likes Li Feng? It's too scary!

Who will hit me and tell me this is not true!

Li Feng was so stunned. Just now he had a premonition that he didn't know that Shen Zixuan would let him throw such a big black pot to him!

Ma Dan, what she wants is to send me to the fire pit No, it's hell. Push me to hell.

Look at Mo Wentian and Ren cangsheng's appearance. It's a pity for Shen Zixuan. No matter who Shen Zixuan likes, that person will be hated by the two dragon envoys.

He was a strong man in the early days of his holiness, and was hated by two supreme powerful men at the same time. What else can he do to survive? Unless he uses the invincible plus teleportation now and leaves Huaxia.

But his women are all in China and his foundation is in China. Can he be willing to leave like this?

If he and Shen Zixuan really have an affair, after all, Shen Zixuan is really the best of the best. It's the so-called ghost under the peony, but the problem is that he has no relationship with Shen Zixuan's wool, which is too much to lose!

On the opposite side, on the deck of the cloud class battleship, Huajian painted Li Xiang covered his mouth with his hands and his eyes were full of dew.

Oh, my God, the master even got the purple dragon envoy. It's so powerful that he deserves to be the master!

On the other side, Fujita found the difference between Huajian and huilixiang, but he didn't think much, because he was also shocked.

Ma De, what kind of dog food luck did Li Feng go to? Wei Bingqing, the most beautiful woman, has just arrived. Now even Shen Zixuan has arrived!

This is Shen Zixuan, a woman who even looks hot to the great lady Cang Jingxiang! Unexpectedly on the body Xu Li Feng, heaven, the earth, I was particularly jealous of death, OK!!!

"Li Feng?" Don't ask the sky for a moment, then get angry!

All along, he took Li Feng as a chess piece, a piece to suppress Ren cangsheng!

As a result, Li Feng did kill the King City and beat Ren cangsheng once, but in the end, Li Feng pried Shen Zixuan away!

Is this really a case of picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons?!

"It's him, Li Feng?" Ren cangsheng was also furious!

It is this bastard who killed his king city and made him lose face in front of Mo Wentian.

However, at that time, he didn't pay attention to Li Feng. He was just a master level strong man, which was not worthy of his attention.

But now he found himself wrong, and it was a big mistake!

If he paid attention to Li Feng at that time, find a way to transfer him to foreign countries or kill Li Feng in a dark heart, he and xiaoxuanxuan would not have such a thing!

"What do you want? I can warn you, don't bully my man. If you bully my man, I will fight with anyone! "

Shen Zixuan glared at Mo Wentian and Ren cangsheng, saying that she could fight with them at any time.

Li Feng's mouth a smoke, don't bully your man, love is already your man, I special I didn't even hold your hand, OK?!

On the deck, all the members of the dragon soul are far away from Li Feng.

I'll go. This man is poisonous. The three dragon envoys want to fight for him and stay away from him. Don't they want to be the fish in the pond that is affected?

On the other side, on the deck of the cloud class battleship, Huajian painted Li Xiang's face changed slightly, and he was going to protect Li Feng.

"Flower sauce, don't be impulsive. I know you want revenge, but now you can only die."

"Wait, Li Feng caused the anger of the two dragon envoys. He will be killed soon. Although he is not as cool as his own suicide enemy, it's good to kill with a knife. At least you won't be in danger."

Fujita Xiang saw the foot of Huajian huilixiang fretting. He thought she was going to take the opportunity to kill Li Feng, so he quickly pulled her to persuade him.

Although the timing of this sneak attack is very good, Li Feng's realm is too high. In the past, Huajian huilixiang could only be sent to death.

Younger sister, he saved Huajian huilixiang from Huaxia, but he could not let her hang up like this.

"I risked such a big risk to save her back, she should be moved in a mess, and then to me to promise it?"

Fujita can't help but think of the future.Both of them are disciples of the sword master. Fujida Xiang has long been interested in Huajian huilixiang, but it is a pity that Huajian hulixiang has always been indifferent to him.

After this incident, Huajian huilixiang should have a good impression on him. He would ask his master to persuade him again, and then he would be able to hold the beauty home!

By Fujita Xiang a pull, the flowers between the painting incense a wake up.

She is just a master level strong, even in the past has not played any role, and look at Shen Zixuan's situation, she should be able to protect the master.

"Master, the good man has his own nature. He will be OK!"

Among the flowers, she comforted herself.

"Zixuan, are you really with him With him... "

At this point, don't ask the sky to turn red and can't say any more.

"It's impossible. He's only been here for a few days. You've seen that once. You must be lying to me." Ren cangsheng said decisively.

Shen Zixuan sneered: "cut, what do you two middle-aged uncles know? The spark of love is only in a moment, which shows that Li Feng and I call each other. It's useless for you to envy and envy."

She is 35 years old, as old as Xu man. Mo Wentian and Ren cangsheng are both middle-aged people in their forties. They are nearly ten years behind her. No wonder Shen Zixuan is a middle-aged uncle named Mo Wentian and Ren cangsheng.

Don't ask the sky and Ren cangsheng's face changed slightly. Just about to say something, Luo Taibai on one side suddenly called out: "be careful!"


almost yelling "be careful" with Luo Taibai, three of Kawashima's three men killed Mo Wentian.

When they saw Mo Wentian, the more they quarreled, the more fierce they became. They thought that the opportunity had come, so they launched a surprise attack.

But the three of them killed suddenly, Mo Wentian, the three people's reaction is not slow, almost all in the moment when the other side's attack.

"Lao Luo, help me." Ren cangsheng was blown out by Kawashima's fist. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and called out.

Without saying a word, Luo Taibai flies to meet Kawashima.

Kawashima a sneer, also do not pull out the sword, light floating a fist blow out, will Luo Taibai blow out.

On the other side, Shen Zixuan and Mo Wentian are on the same level as cangjing Xiangtai and Mota Zhenbu, with constant roar and surging waves.

"Is black and white dragon envoy so powerful? Then you will stay here! "

The voice falls to the ground, Kawashima draws his sword Cut!


at the moment of chopping, a deep gully appeared on the sea surface. The huge spray turned to both sides, and the beating 055 was shaking!

Cut off the sea with a knife!

Then, a startling sword Qi appeared and went straight to Luo Taibai and Ren cangsheng!

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