Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 588

"Japanese swordsman?"

Mo Wentian's four faces changed slightly. Although he had expected the Japanese swordsman to appear, he made the four of them tremble together after he really appeared.

Kawajima, the Japanese swordsman, is the same level as the dragon head to Tianya. Both of them are SSS +. The Japanese swordsman may not be the opponent of dragon head, but he is much better than Mo Wentian.

Kawajima, together with Takashi Kamei and shinbu Mota, is enough to defeat or even kill the four men.

"Is he the Japanese swordsman? Is the appearance very ordinary. "

Looking at the floating Kawashima in the air, Li Feng skimmed his mouth, heart born abdominal Fei.

Kawajima is also wearing a white Samurai uniform. He is not tall, with a national face, narrow eyes and a mustache. His face is a little old.

If I met kawajima on the road and didn't release his breath, Li Feng might regard him as an ordinary old man. Who could have thought that he was a famous Japanese swordsman.

After kawajima appeared, he flew to Kamei and Matsumura. After scanning the whole court, he looked at the four men.

"Ren cangsheng, Luo Taibai, don't ask the sky, Shen Zixuan, you black, white, blue and purple four Dragon envoys gather here, but you want to kill my shadow and shadow together?"

Kawashima said sarcastically.

"Ha ha, master swordsman, you think highly of them. With you, they are fish on the chopping board. Let's kill them!" AOI Xiangtai laughs with scorn.

Mota Zhenbu also said with a smile: "Cang Jing Jun is right. The four Dragon envoys in the rumor are just like this. We three people fight together and kill them easily."

"The sword master is powerful, and the shadow master is powerful!"

"The master of swordsman will win, and the master of shadow will win!"

With the rave of the three, on the deck of the cloud class battleship, a group of shadow members all cried out like fighting chicken blood.

Among them is Fujita, who has just been thrown onto the deck. His eyes are red and his eyes are crazy. He is like a believer of Kawashima.

In fact, these shadow members are the followers of Kawashima Ichio, including the former Huajian huilixiang. Of course, Huajian hulixiang is only a disciple of Li Feng.

After the Japanese swordsman appeared, the dragon soul members on the deck of 055 Daqu fell into silence.

As the biggest opponent of Dragon Spirit in Asia, the Japanese swordsman is also famous in the dragon spirit. These dragon soul members all know that no one is the opponent of the Japanese swordsman.

If the dragon head doesn't come this time, they're going to be killed here.

It is possible for the four Dragon envoys to escape. They must not escape.

No one is afraid of death, and the dragon soul members are also afraid of death. Now they can only hope that the dragon head also ambushes nearby!

Is it just that the tap will come? No one can guarantee it!

When the Dragon spirits were silent, Mo asked the sky to look up at the sky and laugh. After the laughter stopped, Mo asked Tian Leng and said, "Kawashima, you're really wrong. We're not trying to wipe out Mota and mori, but to kill you together!"

"Why steal my lines?" Ren cangsheng looked at Mo Wen Tian with a look.

"Who requires you to say it?" Don't ask the sky rolled a white eye, is also a face not happy.

"Don't ask God, do you want to fight?" Ma De, it's enough to rob a woman with me. Now this bastard even wants to rob me of his lines. If it wasn't for foreign enemies here, I really want to fight him!

"Yes, do you dare to fight me?" Don't ask the sky and laugh.

Kawashima Ichio:

Masbu Mota:

Mrs. Sakai: "what are you doing

Li Feng:

The dragon soul members and shadow members on the deck are also confused.

God's special situation, the enemy is in front, don't ask heaven and Ren cangsheng, but they want to fight against each other. What is this special situation?

"Don't ask heaven, Ren cangsheng, shut up for me! It's all right for you two to make a scene at home. Do you want to make people see jokes when you come out? "

"I tell you, auntie, I like little fresh meat. You two middle-aged uncles can stop thinking about my aunt as soon as possible!"

"What's more, if this operation fails, my aunt will hate you all my life!"

Shen Zixuan looked at Mo Wentian and Ren cangsheng and said angrily.

Luo Taibai stood on one side with a helpless face. He had no intention of getting involved.

With a knife on the beginning of the word astringency, a woman is the one who wears intestinal poison. Lao Ren and Lao Mo are possessed by Shen Zixuan. Otherwise, the four dragons are in the same heart, and the dragon spirit is even stronger than now!

It's not like now, Mo Wentian and Ren cangsheng fight each other openly and secretly. Shen Zixuan often travels abroad in order to stay away from them.

Don't ask the sky. He waved his hands and said, "Zixuan, don't be angry. I can't be angry with Ren's arrogant face. You can rest assured that with me, this action will be successful."Ren cangsheng snorted coldly, then piled up a smile and said, "little Well, Zixuan, I'm playing with Lao mo. don't take it seriously. What's more, little fresh meat is nothing good. It's still a middle-aged uncle like us who is honest and reliable. "

"Yes, we..."

Mo Wentian, who had to fight with Ren cangsheng before, is on the same front with Ren cangsheng at this moment.

But Shen Zixuan didn't give him a chance to talk: "to a fart, you don't want to make an aunt's idea, my aunt has a man in her heart!"

As soon as this word came out, Ren cangsheng and Mo Wentian changed their faces, and then they were furious!

"Who is it?"

"Who dares to rob a woman from me? Is he tired of living?"

On the other hand, Kawashima and Ichio did not take advantage of the mobile hand, but the expression of watching the opera.

It's a strange news that the four dragons are fighting against each other. Besides, before the time is right, let's have a look at the excitement of the dragon spirit.

Shen Zixuan snorted coldly: "who I like is my business, it has nothing to do with you."

Mo asked the sky and said in a quick voice, "it doesn't matter. If you don't say who it is, you will prove that you are deceiving me! Then I won't give up! "

At this moment, don't ask God, there's that kind of high man's posture in front of Li Feng. It's totally crazy for love.

"That is, little Zixuan, I think you are lying to me. Besides me, which man in the world can be worthy of you

Ren cangsheng said confidently.

Although Mo Wentian is dissatisfied with Ren cangsheng's statement, the most important thing is to find out whether Shen Zixuan has a sweetheart, so he is too lazy to bother with him.

Shen Zixuan snorted coldly. She didn't want to say who it was. But seeing how Mo asked Heaven and Ren cangsheng, she was afraid that they would not give up.

If this distracts them and affects the war later, it will be miserable.

Now, who's just lying to me?

In meditation, Shen Zixuan's eyes just swept to Li Feng in the crowd below.

Suddenly, Shen Zixuan's eyes lit up and whispered to herself, "it's just you, little guy!"

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