Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 579

Chen Yuanyuan:

It's not Before he opened his mouth to explain, Li Feng said that he didn't believe it. Is that too arbitrary?

Where does he know that Li Feng has already applied mind reading skills to him. If he has lied, Li Feng can read it directly.

"Li Shao, I also know that this kind of statement is very difficult to obtain your trust, but I was really intimidated by Fujida."

Chen Yuanyuan sighed and said bitterly: "I am an ordinary person. Fujita caught me and forced me to do something. If I don't do something, I will be killed. What can I do? I can only do what he says

"He not only forced me with force, but also tried to lure me with general manager Wei. In order to gain his trust, I deliberately showed an interest in general manager Wei."

"Li Shao, Mr. Wei, please believe me and don't do things that hurt relatives and enemies quickly."

So far, Chen Yuanyuan can only make the last struggle, or the dragon soul will put him on the charge of treason, and the rest of his life will be over.

"Hum, Chen Yuanyuan, do you think Li Feng will believe you by saying so? Don't dream

"At the moment when you were kidnapped by me and promised to do things for me, you became a traitor and traitor. You can't clean up the suspect by any explanation. You can accept your fate!"

On one side, Fujita said sarcastically.

Chen Yuanyuan was stunned at first, and then broke into a big curse: "tengtianxiang, shut up for me, are you looking down on Li Shao? Li Shao is a genius of martial arts and a pillar of our country. How can we not distinguish right from wrong? "

"I have done a good job. Life is a Chinese man, death is a Chinese ghost. Li Shaohui's eyes are like a torch, and he will never wronged a good man!"

Teng Tian Xiang curled his lips and sneered: "Oh, Chen Yuanyuan, you look up to Li Feng. He just said that he didn't believe you. He couldn't believe you even if you said flowers. You should be prepared to go to hell with me, ha ha ha."

Chen Yuanyuan was in a great hurry and began to curse tengtian Xiang.

Fujita Xiang is not willing to be outdone, and he keeps retorting to Chen Yuanyuan.

For a moment, two people you come and I go to greet each other's family, the quarrel is very lively.

Two women watch two people quarrel, show eyebrow not from tiny wrinkle.

Listen to tengtian Xiang's meaning, Chen Yuanyuan is really coerced by him? Li Feng said at the beginning that he did not believe Chen Yuanyuan. Was it too arbitrary?

On one side, Li Feng looked at the opera like a smile.

Chen Yuanyuan is threatened by tengtianxiang? Fujita Xiang wants to drag Chen Yuanyuan to die together?

If there was no mind reading skill, Li Feng might have believed it. It's a pity that there is no hiding place under the mind reading skill. Li Feng knows their ideas clearly.

Fujita Xiang is intended to help Chen Yuanyuan escape a robbery, will deliberately say so.

On the one hand, Chen Yuanyuan is a chess piece that shadow has managed to "tame" in China. As long as there is any possibility, he must be protected.

On the other hand, Fujita feels that he is likely to return to Japan, and the shadow has clear rewards and punishments.

It's a crime for him to be arrested, and it's another crime to implicate Chen Yuanyuan to expose himself. If he protects Chen Yuanyuan now, he can be punished less.

I believe that Chen Yuanyuan's position in the Chinese business community, coupled with Li Feng's lack of practical evidence to prove that Chen Yuanyuan is a traitor, Chen Yuanyuan is likely to get rid of the crime.

Chen Yuanyuan is also cunning enough. Even if the two men did not discuss with each other in advance, he understood Teng Tianxiang's intention at the first time, and reduced Li Feng's suspicion of him by deliberately scolding him.

It's a pity that people's calculation is not as good as heaven's calculation. They have not counted Li Feng's mind reading skill, which is a secret against heaven

While Li Feng was meditating, Chen Yuanyuan and Fujita Xiangyue quarreled more and more fiercely, quite a feeling that he was about to start.

"All right, you two will act alone." Li Feng sneered and interrupted: "Chen Yuanyuan, as a Chinese, you are willing to be the running dog of the Japanese people and do something to hurt our compatriots. You are to be punished!"

Chen Yuanyuan's face turned red: "I..."

"There's no need to explain. If you can't see your little trick, I'll be in vain all these years."

Li Feng is not willing to listen to Chen Yuanyuan's explanation. No matter how deep Chen Yuanyuan is hiding, he can dig out all the black materials of Chen Yuanyuan as long as he is willing to spend systematic integration.

At that time, Chen Yuanyuan could only plead guilty to the law.

The question now is whether he killed Chen Yuanyuan and Teng Tianxiang, or gave them to the dragon spirit.

"Since Fujita can find me, the Japanese swordsman will certainly find me. Even if I kill people, I can only delay for a while."

"If I give Teng Tianxiang to the dragon soul, the Huajian hualixiang will soon be exposed. At that time, how can I explain that she became my daughter?"

"It seems that killing Fujita and Chen Yuanyuan is the most favorable choice."

Thinking of this, Li Feng will start to kill two people.

But at this time, a rapid mobile phone ring rings.

The ring was very abrupt, so that everyone at the scene could not help but feel shocked, and then they all looked at Li Feng."Well, I'll take the call first."

In the strange eyes of the crowd, Li Feng took out his mobile phone to have a look and found that it was Jiang Yunzhu who called.

Wei Bingqing knew Jiang Yunzhu's existence, so Li Feng didn't hide it and connected the phone directly.

"Hello, Yunzhu."

Guard Wei Bingqing, Li Feng is also embarrassed to say what numb words, otherwise let Lengyan president jealous is not good.

"Li Feng, do you control the distance between Teng Tianxiang and Chen?"

On the phone, Jiang Yunzhu asked in her soft voice.

Li Feng was shocked. I went. Why did Yunzhu know that Teng Tianxiang and Chen Yuanyuan were under his control, and that Yunzhu had followed him?

No, Yunzhu is just a master. How can she track her without noticing it?

After a long time, Li Feng pressed down his heart and wondered, "controlled, how do you know?"

"Fujita was watched by us after he entered the country, including his activities in the Pearl during this period. We all had people following him."

"Tonight, he and Chen Yuanyuan went to Xinghui community under our surveillance. If we had not known that you were in the villa at the moment, we would have taken action against them."

Jiang Yunzhu explained patiently on the phone.

Li Feng:

Emotional dragon soul has long been staring at Teng Tianxiang and Chen Yuanyuan. Does he want to say that he has killed them?

Perhaps having guessed Li Feng's idea, Jiang Yunzhu advised him: "Li Feng, Teng Tianxiang is a disciple of the Japanese swordsman. The organizational meaning is to exchange him with shadow, so don't kill him first, OK?"

Li Feng frowned slightly. He suddenly had a premonition that what he thought he had done was very secret and might not have escaped the exploration of the dragon spirit.

He wanted to kill Teng Tianxiang and Chen Yuanyuan in order not to expose it. But if the dragon soul already knew about Huajian huilixiang, did he need to kill others?

When Li Feng was meditating, Fujita Xiang, opposite to him, suddenly called out: "I surrender, don't kill me!"

Li Feng's eyes were cold, and finally he played with the smell: "since it's good for the organization not to kill them, then how about I spare them a dog's life?"

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